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Hints and Solutions

Subject : General English :

1. (a) (i) The commonly held belief about the elephants that has been proved wrong by the researchers is
that the sheer size of the elephants combined with its enormous appetite causes environmental destruc-

(ii) The elephants’s migratory habits are useful to other creatures as they create pathways which are
useful to other creatures. Elephants also provide new watering places for other animals by digging holes
and tapping underwater springs.

(iii) After observing elephants in Sri Lanka, one environmentalist came to conclusion that elephants live on
terms of amity with other animals and that elephants neither regard them as friends nor foes.

(iv) Elephants help enrich the environment in many ways. The seeds spread by the elephant dung result
in new plants and tress and producer new food supply. Elephants remove some parts of the plants and
trees and produce new food supply. Elephants remove some parts of the plants and trees which helps
them grow in a healthy manner. Elephants also create new habitats for other species by converting
woodlands into grasslands.

(v) Scientists classify elephants as “Keystone species” because according to their view elephant’s eco-
logical role is very important and it is a key factor to the maintenance and continuity of the ecosystem.
They say if the elephant disappears the entire ecosystem may be lost.

(b) (i) Graze - The eat grass

(ii) Amity - A friendly relationship
(iii) Habitat - A place where a particular plant or animals is normally found
(iv) Germinate - To start to grow
(v) Pruning - To cut off some of the branches from a tree so that it will grow better.

2. (a) A water lily bud and a poem both are so different, yet according to the poet, they resemble each other
in the manner in which they unfold. The water lily bud is also to arrest one’s attention as it gradually
blooms and displays its beautiful colour and dimensions. Similarly, a poem gradually unfolds a wealth of
feeling as one reads it again and again. The appeal of both, the water lily bud as well as the poem
increaes, the more closely and intently we look at them.

(b) (i) One feels amazed observing the unfolding of the bud.
(ii) One is surprised to see the poem gradually reveal its rich feeling as it is read over again and again.

Section B “Writing

3. All that Glitters is Not Gold

All that glitters is definitely not gold. In reality, many a times , its is the fake one that glitters more. History
has repeatedly proved that people have worm multiple masks in order to reach the higher ladders of
success. So many times due to false appearances, morally depraved have easily passed as great mor-
alists before the world, fools have passed as wise liars as great protectors of truth and traitors as great
It is in fact very easy to befool and misguid people by puttingh on a grab of genuineness by the means fine
dreasses and speeches. Human mind is gullible and follish. People fall prey to good manners and ap-
pearances. Hypocrisy can, of course, help people for sometime to climb the social and economical
ladder, but it cannot work for long. Gold shows itself as purer than ever before when tried and tested. It is

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 1
the fake one that fails at the slightest touch of test.
Thus, it is rightly and aptly said that everything is nt exactly as it seems and one should take time to try
and peep behind the facade of make belif sweetness and politeness. ‘Appearances are always decep-
tive’. So, one should not make hasty judgements based on what is shown or what seems to be attractive.
Always take some time and try to differentiate between gold and the rest that glitters as gold.

4. XXX Public School

An Inter School Dramatics competition is to be held at Performing Arts Centre of the city. The date and
time of the competition will be finalised later and will be in formed accordingly. Students willing to partici-
pate in this competition should meet the undersigned in his office at 2 pm today . The first prize carries
Rs. 10000 and a running trophy.
Date ------------ Avinash Singh

5. 18, Rajan Kunj

Date ---------
My Dear Father,
I received your letter today in the morning. You have asked me aobut my preparation for RIMC Entrance
You will be glad to known that I am working really hard to clear the entrance exam. I have almost
completed all the syllabus. I am preparing short notes as well, so that I can revisse the same latter. As
you know, it is my ream to become an army officer. I want to serve any motherland. The dress of an army
officer fascinates me very much. Jning RIMC will be my first step towards achieving my dream. So, I will
put all my strength and wisdom and will work hard to clear the RIMC Entrance Examination.
Convey my regards to Mom.
Your loving son,

Section ‘C’ Grammer :

6. (a) His army has been defeated by the enemy.

(b) Amit is better than any other student in the class.
(c) The patient fought with a brave heart.
(d) He is not only handsome but also smart.
(e) Unless you come, I will not go to the movie.
(f) He is so tried that can not walk.
(g) Can anyone doubt her sincerity ?
(h) Hardly has they heard the bell when the student rushed out of the classroom.
(i) Someone has stolen my scooter.
(j) The solidiers got freedom because of the Act.

7. (a) My scooter is parked in front of the gate

(b) He is envious of his brother’s success.
(c) Cold climate is conducive to working conditions
(d) This place is infected with rats.
(e) Someone is knocking at the door.

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 2
8. (a) The beggars revenously gulped down the food.
(b) She glared furiously at me before storming out of the room.
(c) He rarely makes a mistake
(d) Reena gracefully accepted the farewell gift given to her by students.
(e) I was hardly able to hear her.

9. (a) End/Stop
(b) Scatter/Disperse
(c) Alien/Foreign
(d) Alien/Foreign
(e) Bold/Intrepid

10. (a) Spotless

(b) Wrath/Fury
(c) Colossal/Mammoth
(d) Vulgar
(e) Untrue/Wrong

11. (a) I took/take any medcine before going to work.

(b) The leader led his team smartly.
(c) All the cake has been eaten.
(d) Thanks, I have just taken coffee.
(e) I wish I had not met her last year.

12. (a) They listened to the speech of the Prime Minister with rapt attention.
(b) The workers has to adapt to the cold climate of Kashmir.
(c) We offer counsel to all who ask.
(d) The medicine did not have any effect.
(e) A pail full of milk was lying in the kitchen.

13. (a) As black as coal

(b) As fresh as a rose
(c) An industrious as an ant
(d) As sharp as a razor
(e) As wide as the gulf

14. (a) What kind of girl is she ?

(b) When did Rajat come home ?
(c) When is mother leaving for Delhi ?
(d) How do you travel to school ?
(e) Who is the Prime Minister of India ?
Who is Dr. Manmohan Singh ?

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 3
15. (a) Please think of something or it will be too late.
(b) Though she is beautiful, she does not have a kind heart.
(c) Do not leave until father returns ?
(d) You cannot succeed unless you work hard.
(e) The thief ran away when the police arrived.

16. (a) If you are straight forward, you make no fuss about the matter.
(b) If your attack does not work as per plan, it is likely to back fire.
(c) If a person does not earn enough, he can hardly make both ends meet.
(d) He barely escaped by the skin of his teeth
(e) India-Pakistan relations are always at daggers drawn.

17. (a) Dogs love bones , don’ t they ?

(b) The painting is beautiful, isn’t it ?
(c) The farmers work hard, don’t they ?
(d) The sun rises in the east, doesn’t it ?
(e) The boys are naughty, aren’t they ?

18. (a) The girl exclaimed with sorrow that the paper was very tough.
(b) The servant requested the master to pardon his fault.
(c) He wished that he should have some water.
(d) Meera asked me what I was doing ?
(e) She said that it might rain that night.

19. (a) I do not like liars.

(b) She was taught music by Mrs. Sharma.
(c) Have you bought the apples ?
(d) She appeared to be very confident.
(e) We should be sincere in our work.

Subject : Mathematics

1.  When 9999 is divided by 347, remainder = 238

 Required least number = 347 – 283 = 64
 When 64 is added to 9999 , this number is exactly divided by 347.

156 39
2. 1.56 = =
100 25

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1 1
3. a:b= : =5:6
6 5
and b : c = 3 : 7
 a : b : c = 15 : 18 : 42
= 5 : 6 : 14

 4  4 4
4.  9 – 3  – 1 – 
 5   25 5 

 19   29 4 
=  9 – 5  –  25 – 5 
   

 45 – 19   29 – 20  26 9 130 – 9 121
= 5
 –
 = – = =
    5 25 25 25

5. Suppose, x soliders should leave the camp.


45 300
 
36 (300 – x)

 13500 – 45x = 10800

 45x = 2700

 x=
 x = 60

6. x– =5
On squaring both sides.

 1
 x –  = 52
 x

1 1
x2 + 2
2 2 = 25  x + = 27
x x2
On squaring both sides.

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 2 1 
 x  2  = (27)2
 x 

1 1
 x4 + + 2. x2 . = 729
x4 x2

1 1
 x4 + 4
4 + 2 = 729  x + = 727
x x4

7. Given, room length = 8 m

room breadth = 6 m
room height = 10 m
 Longest length of pole in the room

= 82  6 2  10 2

= 64  36  100 = 200 = 100  2 = 10 2 m


From the above figure,

(x) + (2x + 5) + (4x) + (3x + 5) = 360º
 10x + 10º = 360º
 10x = 350º

x= = 35º

(100 – 5)
9. At 5% discount, cost price of the bicycle = 4600 ×

= 4600 × = Rs. 4370

At 10% tax, cost price of the bicycle = 4370 × = Rs. 4807

1 –5 7
10. ?= +   –
12  18  24

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1 5 7 6 – 20 – 21 6 – 41 – 35
= – – = = =
12 18 24 72 72 72


Area of shaded portion (ABCD) = 24 × 3 = 72 m2

Area of shaded portion (EFGH) = 14 × 2 = 25 m2

Area of shaded triangle = × 14 × 14 = 49 3 m2

= 49 × 1.732 = 84.868m2
 Area of shaded portion = (72 × 28 – 3 × 2) + 84.868
= 94 + 84.868 = 178.868 m2

12. (–7pq) × 3p2 q × (–2pr2) = 42p4 q2 r2

On putting value , p = 1, q = 2 and r = 3
 42p4q2 r2 = 42 (1)4 (2)2(3)2 = 42 × 1 × 4 × 9 = 1512

13. Suppose, first number = x

Then, second number = x + 10
 x + (x +10) = 52
 2x = 42
 x = 21
 First number = 21
and second number = 21 + 10 = 31

1 1
14. Area of trapezium = × (8 + 6) × 4 = × 14 × 4 = 28m2
2 2

15. Given, OM = 5 cm
Radius (OA) = 13 cm

 AM = OA 2 – OM2

= 13 2 – 52 O

= 1692 – 252 A M B

= 144 = 12 cm
 AB = 2 × AM = 2 × 12 = 24 cm

16. Suppose, number = x

Then, 17% of x = 51

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x× = 51

100  51

 x = 300

100 m

100 m 3m 100 m

100 m

 Area of the path = 100 × 100 – (100 – 30) × 100–3)

= 10000 – 97 × 97 = 10000 – 9409 = 591m2

18. Let the present ages of Yuvraj and Suman be 7x yr and 5x yr respectively.

7 x  10 9
Then, =
5 x  10 7

 49x + 70 = 45x + 90
 4x = 20
 x = 5 yr
 Yuvraj’s present age = 7x = 7 × 5 = 35 yr
and suman’s present age = 5x = 5 × 5 = 25 yr

19. a2 – 2ab – c2 + b2
= a2 – 2ab + b2 – c2
= (a – b)2 – c2 = (a – b + c) (a – b + c)

20. Suppose number of coins of Rs. 5x = x

15 x
 Number of coins of Rs. 2 = 15% of x =

15 x
Then, 5x + × 2 = 1272

53 x 1272  10
 = 1272  x = = 240
10 53

 Number of coins of 5 = 240

240  15
and number of coins of Rs. 2 =  36

Part ‘B’

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21. Suppose , total number of student in the class = x

1 x
Number of student’s in pratap’s house = x × =
4 4

3 3x
Number of students in Ranjit’s house = x × =
10 10

x 3x 
Remaining students = x –  4  10 
 

 5x  6x  11x 9x
=x–   =x– =
 20  20 20

9x 1 3x
Number of students in Shivaji’s house =  =
20 3 20

x 3x 3x 
 Number of student’s in Chandragupta’s house = x –  4  10  20 
 

 5 x  6 x  3x  14 x 6x
=x–  20
 =x– =
  20 20

6x 20  18
 = 18  x =  x = 60
20 6

22. x2 – 3x + 2)8x4 + 14x3 – 2x2 + 7x – 8(8x2 + 38x + 96

4– 3 2
–8x + 24x ± 16x
38x3 – 18x2 + 7x
– 114x2 ± 76x
–38x3 +
96x2 – 69x – 8
– 288x ± 192
–96x2 +
219x – 200

Hence, 219x – 200 is subtracted from

8x4 + 14x3 – 2x2 + 7x – 8

23. (Siddhartha + Tarun)’s 1 day’s work =

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 9
(Tarun + Avnish)’s 1 day’s work =

(Siddhartha + Avnish)’s 1 day work =

1 1 1
2(Siddhartha + Tarun + Avnish)’s 1 day’s work = + +
10 12 15

654 15 1
= = =
60 60 4

1 1 1
(Siddhartha + Tarun + Avnish)’s 1 day’s work = × =
4 2 8

1 1 5–4 1
 Avnish’s 1 day’s work = – = =
8 10 40 40

1 1 3–2 1
 Siddhartha’s 1 day’s work = – = =
8 12 24 24

1 1 15 – 8 7
 Tarun’s 1 day’s work = – = =
8 15 120 120

Hence, Siddhartha alone can do the work in 24 days.

Avnish alone can do the work in 40 days.

120 1
Tarun alone can do the work in days or 17 days.
7 7

24. 100% or 360º = 2000 + 1500 + 4000 + 5000 + 1000 + 500 = Rs. 14000
 Rs. 14000 – 360º

360 º
 Rs. 2000 (on Rent) = × 2000 = 51.428º

360 º
 Rs. 1500 (on clothing) = × 1500 = 38.571º

360 º
 Rs. 4000 (on Education) × 4000 = 102.857º

360 º
 Rs. 5000 (on Food) = × 5000 = 128.57

360 º
 Rs. 1000 (on Electricity) = × 1000 = 25.714º

360 º
 Rs. 500 (on savings) = × 500 = 12.857º

Draw the above items in pie-chart

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 10
Clothing 12.857º



33  100  3.5  100  40 9

25. Required number of bricks = × = 27000
22  10  7 10

45º 75º

 AD = 5 cm

27. Suppose , length of the cuboid (l) = 5x cm

width of the cuboid (b) = 3x cm
and height of the cuboid (h) = 2x cm
Then, surface area of the cuboid = 2 (lb + bh + hl)
 2(5x × 3x × 2x + 2x + 5x) = 6200 cm2
 2(15x2 + 6x2 + 10x2) = 6200 cm2
 2(31x2) = 6200 cm2
 62x2 = 6200 cm2
 x2 = 100 cm2
 x2 = 100 cm
 x = 10 cm
 l = 50 cm, b = 30 cm, h = 20 cm
 Volume of the cuboid = l × b × h = 50 × 30 × 20 = 30000 cm2

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28. Suppose , ten’s digit = x
and unit’s digit = y
Then, x + y = 9
and 10x + y + 27 = 10y + x
 9x – 9y = – 27
 9(x – y) = – 27
 x–4=–3
On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii) ,
 Number = 10x + y = 36

29. Suppose, r = t = r

1 xr r
Then, ×x=
9 100

 9r2 = 100

100 100 10 1
 r2 = r = = = 3 %
9 9 3 3

30. xº


 ABC is an isosceles triangle.

 ABC = ACB = K (suppose)
 ABC + ACB + BAC = 180º
Kº + Kº + 40º = 180º
 2Kº = 140º  Kº = 70º
 ABC = ACB = 70º
 ABC is an isosceles triangle.
 DBC = DCB = K (Suppose)
 Kº + Kº + BDC = 180º
2Kº = 180º – 70º = 110º
Kº = 55º
 DBC = DCB = 65º
 xº = ABC – DBC = 70º – 55º = 15º
and ACD = ACB – DCB = 70º = 15º

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General Knowledge

1. Africa 2. Greenland
3. Christinaity 4. Microsoft
5. Pakistan 6. Nile
7. Trans-Canada 8. Zambia
9. Israel 10. Durand line
11. Rafflesia 12. Sucheta Kriplani
13. D Subbarao 14. Nirupama Rao
15. Leon Missi 16. Arjun Halappa
17.Dr. Abhishek Singhvi 18. Budh International Circuit
19. Garud 20. Duncah Fletcher

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