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One of the best-selling artists of all time, Celine Dion was born into a Catholic family as

the 14th and last child. But she almost didn’t make it. Dion’s mother was happy that her
12th and 13th children — twins Paul and Pauline — were just about ready for school when
she found out that she was once again pregnant. She was so upset that she visited a
priest to see if she could do anything about the pregnancy. “He told her that she had no
right to go against nature,” Dion said in a 2001 interview. “So I have to admit that in a
way, I owe my life to that priest.”

Dion’s own attempts to start a family initially proved unsuccessful and she suffered four
miscarriages. Through a series of In Vitro Fertilization, she eventually gave birth to a
son and then nine years later, a set of twin boys. She cherishes her family above all else.
“My success is my family,” she said in a 2012 interview with People magazine. “My life is
to be a mom. It is what I enjoy the most. It is my most amazing reward. I will take a
chance with my music. I don’t take risks with my family.”

By the time Dion was 18 years old, she had already recorded nine French albums and
won numerous awards. Her breakthrough song was “Beauty and the Beast,” which she
recorded for the animated movie of the same title in 1992. Celine ruled the charts in the
1990s with hits like “The Power of Love” and, of course, “My Heart Will Go On,” the
iconic theme song from 1997’s Titanic.  She continues to have widespread success
having recently established herself once again as a dual-language recording artist.

Here’s a song from Dion’s 2004 collaboration with photographer Anne Geddes
called Miracle: A Celebration of New Life. The album was Billboard’s Top 5
International Bestseller in December 2004.
NFL player Tim Tebow was almost aborted after doctors advised his mother to abort him due to her
health issues.

Justin Bieber's mother got pregnant at the age of

17. She was encouraged by several people to abort
the child but she chose to give birth instead.

Pope John Paul II's mother was

advised to have an abortion after
losing her daughter shortly after birth. His mother decided to defy the doctors' orders.
Andrea Bocelli's mother was advised to have an abortion
after she was misdiagnosed with appendicitis while she was pregnant.

Cher's mother backed out last minute at the abortion clinic. In an interview she stated, "I can
remember the chairs were chrome, and I was sweating. The sweat was just coming off of me on this
chrome and when the door opened and it was my turn, I said, 'Mother, I can't do it.' So, that's how
she's here.
Celine Dion credits her family’s parish priest for convincing her mother not to abort her

Jack Nicholson's mother was pressured by her peers to have an abortion. Luckily she did not go
through with it, otherwise we wouldn't have this legendary actor in our lives!

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