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Upland and Lowland Soil Resources of

the Ancient Maya at Tikal, Guatemala
Debate over agricultural methods and productivity during the Preclassic and
Richard L. Burnett Classic Maya period (1000 BCE to 900 CE) focuses on the agronomic utility
Richard E. Terry* of both upland and lowland soil resources of the karst topography character-
Ryan V. Sweetwood istic of northern Guatemala and much of the Yucatan peninsula. In settings
Dep. of Plant and Wildlife Sciences where direct evidence of agriculture is sparse, stable carbon (C) isotope evi-
Brigham Young Univ. dence from soil organic matter (SOM) provides information on past vegetation
Provo, UT 84602 changes related to ancient maize agriculture. Areas of ancient sustained maize
USA cultivation can be identified in an ecosystem dominated by C3 forest vegeta-
tion because of the unique C4 photosynthetic pathway of maize. The decompo-
David Webster sition of plant materials with divergent photosynthetic mechanisms (C3 versus
Dep. of Anthropology
C4) results in SOM with correspondingly distinct stable C isotope ratios (δ13C).
Pennsylvania State Univ.
University Park, PA 16802
Such differences are preserved and detectable within the refractory humin frac-
USA tion of the SOM. This study analyzes the physical and chemical soil properties
including stable C isotopes of soils collected from upland and lowland locations
Tim Murtha near Tikal, Guatemala. Toeslope soils contained strong isotopic evidence of C4
Dep. of Landscape Architecture vegetation likely the result of ancient maize agriculture, while the evidence
Pennsylvania State Univ. from shallow soils of the summit and backslopes was less conclusive. In both
University Park, PA 16802 upland and lowland contexts, however, the stronger evidence of ancient veg-
USA etation shifts associated with maize agriculture was found in the deeper fine-
textured soils in the footslopes and toeslopes. Examination of soils on toeslopes
Jay Silverstein revealed evidence of deposition from erosional processes upslope that may
Intelligence and GIS Section have been related to the spread of agriculture to less productive soils over time.
Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command
Hickam AFB, HI 96853-5530 Abbreviations: COLE, coefficient of linear extensibility; DEM, digital elevation model;
USA SOM, soil organic matter.

ikal National Park, Guatemala, was established in 1955 to protect the ru-
ins of one of the largest ancient Maya sites. Population of the ancient city
at its height (Late Classic, 600–850 CE) is estimated to have been 60,000
or more inhabitants (Culbert et al., 1990; Dickson, 1980; Turner, 1990). Given
the large population of Tikal, agricultural productivity and sustainability would
have been important concerns.
The current understanding of ancient Maya agriculture suggests that slash and
burn (swidden) agriculture was not the sole method of crop production (Turner,
1978). While this practice may have been used throughout Maya history, it is likely
that as populations grew, swidden agriculture was modified and augmented with ad-
ditional agriculture practices designed to maintain and increase yields (Dunning et al.,
1998; Dunning and Beach, 2000). The agricultural strategies employed by the Maya
to support their vast populations likely varied over time and space, depending on many
environmental and cultural factors (Dunning et al., 1998; Dunning and Beach, 2000).
The landscape of northern Guatemala’s Department of Petén where Tikal is lo-
cated is dominated by karst uplands and both seasonal and perennial wetlands in

Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.

Received 2 June 2012.
*Corresponding author (
© Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison WI 53711 USA
All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage
and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permission for printing and for
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Soil Science Society of America Journal

the lowlands. The low-lying wetlands are locally known as bajos as a method to indicate evidence of ancient maize agriculture.
and there has been substantial debate on the agricultural utility of Similar approaches have been used at various Maya sites across
the bajos; a debate usually framed in an uplands versus lowlands the region (Beach et al., 2008; Fernandez et al., 2005; Johnson
construct (Baker, 2007). While this construct is useful, the varia- et al., 2007a, 2007b; Sweetwood et al., 2009; Webb et al., 2007;
tion within the lowlands category should be accounted for when Wright et al., 2009).
reconstructing and interpreting ancient agriculture and its impacts The functional use of SOM δ13C values as an indicator of
(Beach et al., 2006; Dunning et al., 2006). While it is likely that the past vegetation change is based on the derivation of SOM from
karst uplands were used for agriculture (Fedick and Ford, 1990; detritus of distinctive plant communities with unique photo-
Pope and Dahlin, 1989), questions remain as to whether, and to synthetic pathways. Many tropical grasses including maize uti-
what extent, the lowlands (karst depressions, seasonal bajos, bajo lize the C4 Hatch–Slack photosynthetic pathway while other
margins, and toeslopes) were cultivated (Kunen et al., 2000). plants like trees, shrubs, vines, and many grasses use the C3 Cal-
Evidence from some bajos has revealed paleosols buried by vin–Benson cycle for photosynthesis. Both categories of plants
the deposition of eroded soils from the surrounding uplands. discriminate against the heavier 13C isotope when incorporat-
Erosion rates were accelerated by human activities related to de- ing CO2 into their plant tissue through photosynthesis, but C3
forestation and agriculture. The initial erosion acceleration began plants are significantly more discriminatory. The result is that C4
during the Preclassic period (2200 BCE to 300 CE) before pop- plants are relatively enriched in 13C as compared to C3 plants
ulation pressure reached a maximum. Some of these deposited (Smith and Epstein, 1971). On average, C3 plants have a stable
soils, usually described as Maya clay (600−800 g kg−1 clay; color C isotope (δ13C) value of −27‰, and C4 plants have an average
values ≥ 6), overlie buried A horizons (Beach et al., 2008; Beach of −12‰ (Ehleringer, 1991; Liu et al., 1997). The characteristic
et al., 2006, Table 3). The newly aggraded soils on the margins δ13C values of the respective C3 and C4 plant communities are
of the bajos were probably agricultural resources for the Maya maintained as SOM forms from the decomposition of both sur-
(Dunning and Beach, 2010; Dunning et al., 2002; Gunn et al., face and subsurface vegetative matter.
2002; Hansen et al., 2002; Kunen et al., 2000). Moreover, recent The SOM consists of nondiscrete pools of organic sub-
studies have shown the perennial wetlands of nearby northern stances, including recent detritus that is labile to further de-
Belize hold similar evidence for aggradation and Classic Maya composition and an older, nonlabile pool of humic materials
wetland agriculture borne out by carbon isotopic evidence with that is recalcitrant to decomposition (Hsieh, 1992). The labile
overlapping, multiple ancient land use proxies such as charcoal, pool has a half-life that typically does not exceed a few decades
pollen, phytoliths, and others (Beach et al., 2009, 2011). (Balesdent et al., 1988), while the refractory nonlabile pool may
An extensive settlement survey of Tikal was conducted in have a mean age ranging from hundreds to thousands of years de-
the 1960s along 12-km long transects oriented in each of the pending on climatic conditions (Balesdent et al., 1988; Bowman
cardinal directions. The survey did not reveal agricultural ter- et al., 2007; Hsieh, 1992, 1996; Janssen, 1984; Jenkinson and
races, but an extensive ditch and parapet earthwork system was Rayner, 1977). The increased longevity of the nonlabile pool is
discovered on the north and east sides of the park (Puleston and associated with its stable physical and chemical properties as well
Callender, 1967; Puleston, 1983). It was thought that the earth- as interactions with the fine clay fractions of soils (Powers and
works enclosed and were used to defend at least a portion of Ti- Schlesinger, 2002; Sollins et al., 1996; Veldkamp, 1994). As the
kal’s agricultural hinterland. Sustainability at Tikal has puzzled refractory portion of the SOM is recalcitrant to decomposition,
researchers because evidence of terraces and other agricultural its associated stable C isotope ratios are preserved for centuries.
intensification features such as drainage ditches or raised fields Changes in δ13C values within a given soil reveal the past veg-
has not been identified (Pope and Dahlin, 1989; Puleston, 1973, etative history of an area. Such changes can be prominent when
1978; Webster et al., 2007a, 2007b). plant communities have shifted over time from dominantly C3
The analysis of δ13C values of soil and sediment organic to C4 assemblages or vice versa. Deforestation of a tropical C3
matter as indicators of past vegetation changes have been sum- forest followed by the growth of C4 maize and associated weeds,
marized by Wright et al. (2009). Most pertinent to this study is is an example of a vegetation shift that would be reflected in the
the isotope research that has been conducted in Central America stable C isotopes within soils.
and the Caribbean Basin, including the analyses of lake sedi- The majority of the SOM derived from long-term maize pro-
ments, cave sediments, and soils. Lane et al. (2004, 2008) docu- duction originates from root decomposition and rhizodeposition
mented δ13C values associated with pollen and charcoal analy- of sloughed cells and biologic compounds released from live roots.
ses as evidence of prehistoric forest clearance and crop (maize) Nearly twice the amount of SOM developed under maize cultiva-
cultivation in Dominican Republic and in Costa Rica. Polk et tion results from these belowground processes as opposed to the
al. (2007) analyzed δ13C values of cave sediments from the Vaca decay of aboveground plant detritus (Balesdent and Balabane,
Plateau, Belize, and identified sediments with enriched δ13C 1996; Molina et al., 2001). Thus, changes in the δ13C values of
values that corresponded with periods of Preclassic and Classic humin from soils in ancient maize fields results from both detri-
Maya agriculture. Webb et al. (2004) examined the δ13C values tus deposited to the soil surface and deposition within the rooting
of humic fractions of SOM from terraced soils at Caracol, Belize, zone. Another important factor involving the interpretation of soil

6 Soil Science Society of America Journal

δ13C values concerns the naturally occurring isotopic fractionation Surface leaf litter was removed (approximately 5 cm) and
of carbon isotopes by microbial diagenesis of the SOM (Blair et al., soil samples were collected with an 8-cm diameter bucket au-
1985). The metabolic pathways of microbial decomposition cause ger at 15-cm depth increments. The soil samples were placed
moderate isotopic fractionation that result in δ13C increases of 1 in sterilized polyethylene plastic bags (Whirl-pak, Nasco) and
to 2.5‰ in deeper soil horizons (Agren et al., 1996; Balesdent and transported to the Brigham Young University Soils Laboratory
Mariotti, 1987; Boutton, 1996; Cerri et al., 1985). Heightened (Provo, UT) for analysis. The slope of the soil locations was mea-
microbial activity in certain tropical soils can cause microbial in- sured on site using a clinometer and a digital elevation model
duced increases as high as 3 to 4‰ (Martinelli et al., 1996). Thus, (DEM) generated from data collected by Airborne Synthetic
increases in δ13C values greater than ~3.5‰ within a soil are attrib- Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) and Shuttle Radar Topography Mis-
uted to C3/C4 vegetation changes whereas smaller increases could sion (SRTM). The same DEM data were used to determine the
potentially be accounted for by microbial fractionation (Boutton, landscape position of each soil. The Universal Transverse Merca-
1996; Cerri et al., 1985; Webb et al., 2004). tor (UTM) coordinates of each soil sampled were recorded in
The objectives of this study were twofold: (i) characterize the field. The horizon separations were confined to the 15-cm
soil resources available to the ancient Maya and (ii) use δ13C val- depth increments and were initially based on soil color and tex-
ues of SOM to identify areas and landscape features associated ture. After chemical and physical analyses, horizon designations
with past vegetative changes reflective of ancient forest clearance were finalized and subscript modifiers were added.
and subsequent maize agriculture at Tikal.
Laboratory Analysis
MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples were air-dried and aggregates were crushed to pass
General Soil Properties a 2-mm (10 mesh) sieve. Five-gram subsamples were further
A survey of the upland soils at the site center of Tikal (Ol- ground to pass a 250-μm (60 mesh) sieve in preparation for total
son, 1977) indicated that most soils fall in the USDA soil tax- C, total nitrogen (N) determinations, and stable C isotope anal-
onomy order Mollisols and the suborder Rendolls. They have yses. Soil texture was determined using the hydrometer method
dark, organic-rich mollic epipedons and neutral pH levels. The (Gee and Bauder, 1986). The coefficient of linear extensibility
soils are inherently fertile (Olson and Puleston, 1972) but have (COLE) was determined for the B horizons (Schafer and Singer,
significant limitations. Some of the soils of the bajo areas are clas- 1976). The pH of each A and buried A horizon was determined
sified as Vertisols. While these soils are comparable in fertility to on a 1:2 soil/water mixture by glass electrode. The extractable
the upland soils, their high clay content would make them dif- phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) levels were also measured for
ficult to cultivate. The bajo soils shrink, swell, crack, and heave those same horizons using the Olsen bicarbonate method (Olsen
depending on moisture conditions. They are sticky when wet and and Sommers, 1982). Total C and N were measured by dry com-
very hard when dry. bustion with an elemental analyzer (Costech EA, Valencia, CA).

Field Methods
The soil samples were collected by ho-
rizon from pedons in the summit, shoul-
der, backslope, footslope and toeslope of
the uplands, and seasonal bajos of lowland
depressions during the reevaluation of the
Tikal earthworks (Webster et al., 2007b).
Lowland soils were collected from Bajo An-
tonio north of the site center and from Bajo
El Grande in the northwest vicinity of the
earthworks (Fig. 1). Both of these bajos are
relatively small seasonal wetlands, and Bajo
Antonio is best characterized as an upland
depression. The upland soils were sampled
at a variety of locations, including topose-
quences associated with the Tikal North
and West Transects (Coe and Haviland,
1982; Puleston, 1983). Other upland soils
were from ancient settlement mound groups
and from the area surrounding the ancient
reservoir, Aguada El Duende (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Map of Tikal National Park, Guatemala, with the soil pedon locations identified with
crosses. Elevation shades are in meters above mean sea level. 6
Change in
The calcium carbonate equivalent of each horizon









was determined by titration (United States Salin-

ity Laboratory Staff, 1954).
Carbonates were removed from 60-mesh










samples by reaction with excess HCl and rinsing,
before C isotope analysis. Researchers have raised

Organic C
concern that some preanalysis acidification proce-








dures for removal of carbonates cause significant,
nonsystematic bias in the isotope analysis (Brodie
et al., 2011). To address these concerns, samples








were centrifuged at high speed (>30,000 × g for




more than 1 h) after acidification and after rinsing
with water. On the basis of the findings of Webb

Total N


et al. (2004) that the humin fraction would be
the most sensitive detector of ancient C4 vegeta-
tion in this type of environment, the humic acid








and fulvic acid fractions were removed by alka-

line pyrophosphate extraction (Webb et al., 2004,
2007; Wright et al., 2009). The stable C isotope








ratios of the humin fraction of the SOM of each

soil horizon were determined in duplicate using an

isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo Finni-









gan, Waltham, MA) coupled with an elemental

analyzer (EAIRMS) (Costech, Valencia, CA).
The standard deviation of six replicate analyses of

δ13C was 0.27‰. The stable C isotope values of


the humin fractions were reported as δ13C in per
mil notation (‰).




The absolute value of the largest shift in δ13C
values between surface and subsurface horizons was
reported for each soil as the change in δ13C. This

value represents the amount of 13C enrichment




in each soil and was the primary indicator used to

measure the effects of past vegetation changes on
the SOM of each soil.

Soil Color

7.5YR 3/1
7.5YR 4/1

7.5YR 4/1

7.5YR 4/1

7.5YR 3/1
7.5YR 4/1

7.5YR 4/1

7.5YR 3/1

7.5YR 6/1
10YR 3/1

10YR 3/1
10YR 3/1

10YR 5/1
10YR 3/1
10YR 3/1
10YR 4/1

10YR 3/1
10YR 3/1

10YR 6/1
10YR 5/1

10YR 6/1
10YR 3/1

10YR 5/2
10YR 7/1
10YR 2/1
10YR 3/1
Bajo Soils

Selected physical and chemical properties of

the soils from Bajo Antonio and Bajo El Grande
Table 1. Selected properties of lowland bajo soils.


are listed in Table 1. A complete listing of soil











physical properties and the USDA taxonomic sub-

groups of the sampled pedons are reported else-
where (Burnett, 2009). All of the Bajo Antonio







A horizon textures were clay or clay loam with the


exception of soil 6 (sandy clay loam). The surface

horizons were dark in color (value < 3, chroma <



1) and were neutral to slightly alkaline in pH (av-






erage 7.56). The average extractable P, total N, and

organic C levels were 5.63 mg kg−1, 3.9 g kg−1,
and 54.5 g kg−1, respectively. The δ13C values for
Bajo Antonio 1

Bajo Antonio 2

Bajo Antonio 3

Bajo Antonio 4

Bajo Antonio 5

Bajo Antonio 6

Bajo Antonio 7

Bajo Antonio 8

the humin of surface horizons was in the range

of −27 to −30‰, reflecting contemporary C3
forest trees and vines (Fig. 2a and 2b). Only two

6 Soil Science Society of America Journal

Soil Color Texture Total Change in
Pedon Hillslope† Depth Horizon Dry Clay Class‡ COLE§ Slope pH P K Total N C Organic C CCE¶ δ13C#
Bajo El Grande 5 FS 0–15 A1 10YR 3/1 680 C 3 8.00 7.93 32.8 4.0 87.0 42.4 371.5 1.53
15–26 A2 10YR 4/1 740 C 2.0 75.9 17.2 489.2
26–37 AC 10YR 4/1 690 C 0.6 82.1 4.6 646.2
37–57 Ck 10YR 8/1 690 C 0.3 82.7 2.8 665.7
57–72 Ab 10YR 6/1 710 C 8.39 3.53 50.9 0.0 60.4 2.3 484.5
72–140 C 10YR 8/1 600 C 0.0 78.6 1.5 642.7
Bajo El Grande 6 FS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 660 C 3 7.72 8.64 38.2 6.2 120.4 84.3 300.6 1.68
15–30 Bt 10YR 4/1 740 C 0.05 2.7 76.8 30.7 384.0
30–42 BCk 10YR 5/1 730 C 0.08 0.6 68.1 4.7 528.1
42–75 C1 10YR 7/1 840 C 0.04 0.1 59.5 2.6 474.0
75–100 AbC 7.5YR 5/1 880 C 8.56 5.19 13.8 0.0 51.7 0.2 429.2
100–200 C2 10YR 8/1 610 C 0.02 0.0 88.5 8.8 664.0
Bajo El Grande 7 TS 0–20 A 10YR 3/1 920 C 1 7.17 6.84 26.0 3.7 52.9 49.0 32.3 4.89
20–40 E 10YR 5/1 860 C 0.03 0.6 20.2 6.1 117.9
40–80 Btk 7.5YR 5/1 990 C 0.02 0.2 22.1 2.4 164.4
100–140 C1 10YR 8/1 220 SiL 0.00 0.0 8.5 0.6 65.8
140–200 C2 10YR 7/2 220 SiL 0.00 0.0 6.4 1.6 39.8
Bajo El Grande 8 FS 0–20 A 10YR 3/1 790 C 3 7.40 7.77 57.5 5.2 86.4 79.5 57.1 4.47
20–40 Btk1 10YR 6/2 870 C 0.05 0.6 48.1 5.6 354.1
40–80 Btk2 10YR 7/2 860 C 0.06 0.1 44.4 0.1 369.4
80–140 C 10YR 8/1 220 SiL 0.00 0.0 23.8 11.0 106.4
140–200 Cy 10YR 8/1 200 SiL 0.01 0.0 9.3 0.2 75.6
Bajo El Grande 9 TS 0–16 A 10YR 3/1 980 C 0 7.43 3.40 64.9 1.3 20.0 15.8 35.4 5.65
16–37 AC 10YR 7/1 860 C 0.05 0.2 27.7 6.0 180.9
37–63 C1 10YR 8/1 870 C 0.06 0.0 30.8 2.2 238.0
80–110 C/Ab 7.5YR 6/1 870 C 0.11 0.0 35.9 1.9 283.6
110–145 Akb 7.5YR 4/1 870 C 7.78 5.18 44.6 0.0 30.7 1.8 241.2
145–205 C2 10YR 7/1 980 C 0.04 0.0 9.5 3.9 46.4
Bajo El Grande 10 TS 0–24 A 10YR 3/1 890 C 1 7.15 8.81 64.2 3.2 45.7 40.4 44.3 5.65
24–50 Bw1 7.5YR 3/1 940 C 0.07 1.0 30.2 15.2 124.7
50–108 Bw2 7.5YR 4/1 840 C 0.14 0.2 36.6 5.9 255.6
108–137 BC 7.5YR 4/1 850 C 0.06 0.3 34.0 8.8 210.1
Bajo El Grande 11 FS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 740 C 3 7.51 12.79 87.9 5.0 68.4 61.8 55.2 5.90
15–30 Bt 10YR 4/1 890 C 1.9 31.7 15.2 137.9
30–95 Bk 7.5YR 4/1 810 C 0.10 0.2 47.5 0.5 391.3
95–200 BC 7.5YR 5/1 840 C 0.11 0.1 37.2 1.4 298.5
Bajo El Grande 12 FS 0–15 A1 10YR 3/1 750 C 6 7.60 12.12 72.4 7.0 117.8 78.8 325.1 6.18
15–30 A2 10YR 3/1 690 C 2.3 72.1 15.1 474.6
30–60 BC 10YR 5/1 750 C 0.05 0.3 68.2 6.7 512.4
60–125 Ck 10YR 7/1 820 C 0.05 0.0 68.3 0.5 565.3
125–158 Akb 7.5YR 3/1 990 C 8.26 7.08 42.8 0.0 43.7 1.0 355.6
158–200 C 5Y 6/1 890 C 0.11 0.0 33.7 0.3 278.4
† Slope Position: SU, summit; SH, shoulder; BS, backslope; FS, footslope; TS, toeslope.
‡ Texture class: SiL, silt loam; SCL, sandy clay loam; CL, clay loam; C, clay.
§ COLE, Coefficient of linear extensibility.
¶ CCE, calcium carbonate equivalent.

# The change in δ13C from surface horizon to a horizon at depth.
soils (Bajo Antonio 4 and 5) had significant 13C enrichment of high for crop growth (Havlin et al., 2005, Tables 9–13). Total N
greater than 4‰ in subsurface horizons (Table 1). The shallow and organic C in the surface horizons ranged from 1.3 to 7.0 g kg−1
soils (<52 cm) on the summit, shoulder, and footslope landscape and from 15.8 to 84.3 g kg−1, respectively. The δ13C values of the
positions of Bajo Antonio (soils 1, 2, 6, and 7) had low δ13C humin in the surface horizons were in the range of −28 to −30‰
enrichment values (0.17 to 1.46‰), while the soils on deeper (Fig. 3a and 3b), and the average change in δ13C with depth was
(>150 cm) footslope and toeslope positions (Bajo Antonio 3, 4, 4.49‰ (Table 1). Six of the eight Bajo El Grande soils exceeded
and 5) exhibited greater isotopic enrichment (3.30 to 7.77‰). 4‰ enrichment, indicative of ancient C4 vegetation. Only soils 5
Significant clay accumulation and associated argillic horizon de- and 6 lacked evidence of a C4 vegetative history with enrichment
velopment were not encountered in the soils sampled from Bajo values of 1.53 and 1.68‰.
Antonio, yet the horizons of the deeper soils all had very high
clay content (>900 g kg−1).
The eight soils from Bajo El Grande (5–12) were sampled in
the footslope and toeslope landscape positions. These soils were
deep (>137 cm) and clayey (>660 g kg−1, Table 1). Four of these
soils possessed buried A horizons with thick, lighter colored (val-
ue < 7, chroma < 1) deposition layers above the Ab horizon. The
shrink–swell potentials of these soils were low (COLE: high value
= 0.14, mean 0.06 (Table 1)). The surface horizons were just above
neutral pH, and the extractable P levels were generally medium to

Fig. 2. The change in δ13C of the humin fraction with depth of soils in Fig. 3. The change in δ13C of the humin fraction with depth of pedons
Bajo Antonio near Tikal. in Bajo El Grande near Tikal.

6 Soil Science Society of America Journal

Upland Soils signatures of ancient C4 vegetation (Fig. 2a). Examination of the
The 52 upland soils were collected from rural house mound δ13C values of Bajo Antonio soils 4 and 5 indicates that both were
groups near the earthwork, the North Transect, the West Transect, cultivated anciently (Fig. 2b). Bajo Antonio soil 5 was impacted by
and from the Aguada El Duende (Fig. 1). Selected physical and soil deposition that buried an Ab horizon 164–200 cm deep, while
chemical properties of the upland soils are listed in Table 2. The soil 4 lacked evidence of a buried Ab horizon. The greatest δ13C
upland soils include pedons from the rural mound groups iden- values in soil 5 were located below 100 cm, suggesting burial of C4-
tified by archaeologists as Operation 12, Group 30, West Group enriched soils that had been cultivated and subsequently buried,
19, and Group 41. The mound group soils (sampled on summit, resulting in a preserved C4 vegetation signal.
shoulder, backslope, and footslope) were dark (value < 3, chroma Within the context of maize agriculture, it is reasonable that
< 2), shallow (<39 cm deep), clayey (400 to 800 g kg−1 clay) and the greatest impact of C4 vegetation on native forest soils would
have a high organic C content (70–510 g kg−1 C). These soils be experienced in the ancient root zone because a large portion
were limited agriculturally by shallow depth to limestone bedrock. of maize biomass that is converted to SOM originates from rhi-
The average δ13C value of the surface horizons was −28.72‰, and zodeposition (Balesdent and Balabane, 1996; Bolinder et al.,
the average change in δ13C with depth was 0.41‰. 1999; Molina et al., 2001). The soils that were deposited over
The upland summit and backslope soils from the North and these buried A horizons were also significantly enriched in 13C.
West Transects were mostly shallow (<54 cm deep) soils with his- These soils were likely cultivated after deposition (Dunning et al.,
tories of ancient and contemporary C3 vegetation (Table 2). There 2002). It is also possible that cultivated upland soils were eroded
were, however, six of twenty-five soils that were greater than 50 cm and their C4 vegetation-enriched SOM was deposited in the
deep on the transects. The deeper (greater than 50 cm) soils on the bajo. The complex pattern of δ13C in the SOM of Bajo Antonio
footslope and toeslope of the North and the West Transects were soil 5 (Fig. 2b) may have been caused by periods of varying cul-
dark in color (value < 3, chroma < 1), clayey (620–950 g kg−1 tivation intensity or by the erosion and deposition over time of
clay) with gentle slopes (3%), neutral to slightly alkaline pH (6.3 13C-enriched and slightly less 13C-enriched soils. In any event,

to 8.0), and had low to medium extractable P levels (1.6–6.6 mg the distinct isotopic signature of C3 vegetation in the surface to
kg−1) (Table 2). The deeper upland soils contain greater amounts 80 cm depth highlights a definite vegetation change whether at-
of 13C derived from C4 vegetation, but only one, North Transect tributed to the cessation of cultivation, the stabilization of the
soil 4, exhibited a change in δ13C that exceeded 4‰ (Fig. 4 and 5). forested landscape, or both.
Aguada El Duende was an ancient water storage reservoir As compared to Bajo Antonio soil 5, soil 4 was shallower
situated near the intersection of three arms of the Tikal Earth- and lacked a buried Ab horizon, indicating that deposition may
works (Fig. 1 and 6) (Webster et al., 2007b). Five soils were col- have played less of a role at this location (Table 1). From bottom
lected from the area around the aguada, and soil 3 was taken to top, a discernible C3–C4–C3 vegetation shift was observed
from the center of the aguada. Pedons Aguada El Duende 1, 2, with the greatest δ13C values (−21.82 to −20.87‰) occurring
4, and 5 represent soils on the backslope and footslope landscape at 75 to 110 cm depth (Fig. 2b). This trend is in harmony with
positions surrounding the aguada (Fig. 6). These shallow soils the generalized cultural and vegetation history of the area. A pe-
were less than 50 cm deep over bedrock. Soil 3 sampled at the riod of native C3 forest vegetation was followed by forest clear-
center of the aguada was 110 cm deep with vertic properties. ance for C4 vegetation associated with Maya agriculture. This in
Aguada El Duende soil 4 (footslope), adjacent to the aguada, turn was followed by abandonment and a return to contempo-
was more than 200 cm deep and was the only soil that possessed rary C3 forest vegetation.
an isotopic signature of an ancient vegetation shift to C4 plants In Bajo El Grande, six of the eight soils showed shifts in
(6.78‰) (Fig. 7). δ13C values of greater than 4‰ in ancient root zones (Fig. 6).
The average shift in δ13C values of those six soils was 5.46‰.
DISCUSSION The plotted δ13C values of Soils 5 through 8 are shown in Fig.
Bajo Soils 3a. Soils 5 and 6 from Bajo El Grande were the southernmost
The Bajo Antonio and Bajo El Grande soils include some of collected in this bajo and did not have substantial isotopic shifts
the deepest (>130 cm) collected. Nine of the seventeen soils ex- (1.53 and 1.68‰, respectively). Bajo El Grande Soils 7 and 8
hibited a increase in δ13C values with depth, indicative of ancient possessed similar isotopic trends to Soils 5 and 6, but at a great-
C4 plant growth that likely included maize agriculture (Fig. 6 and er magnitude such that the changes in δ13C values exceed 4‰
8). At Bajo Antonio, two of the eight soils (Bajo Antonio 4 and (4.89 and 4.47‰, respectively).
5) had significant shifts in δ13C of more than 7.46‰ (Fig. 2b and Bajo El Grande Soils 5 through 8 were sampled along a
8). These soils were located at lower landscape positions near the north-south transect and their horizons exhibited an erosion
center of the bajo. Bajo Antonio soil 3 from the upland margin of and deposition sequence. Bajo El Grande Soils 5 and 6 each pos-
the bajo exhibited weak evidence of ancient C4 vegetation with a sessed buried Ab horizons, and Soil 7, near the bottom of the
shift in δ13C value of 3.30‰. The other five Bajo Antonio soils (1, depression, had a light gray (10YR 7/2) gypsic horizon under
2, 6, 7, and 8) from the bajo margins or uplands around the bajo a white (10YR 8/1) C horizon (Table 1). The distinctive white
were less than 80 cm deep and did not possess significant isotopic horizon appeared to be the native parent material of these soils. 6
Table 2. Selected properties of representative upland soils along survey transects and near ancient settlements.

Soil Color Texture Total Total Organic Change in

Pedon Hillslope† Depth Horizon Dry Clay Class‡ COLE§ Slope pH P K N C C CCE¶ δ13C#
cm g/kg % mg/kg mg/kg —————————— g/kg —————————— ‰
North Transect 1 SU 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 430 C 1 7.9 3.1 107.3 15.8 250.7 179.0 597.7 0.52
15–28 A/Cr 2.5Y 5/1 360 CL 8.0 213.9 118.8 792.4
North Transect 2 BS 0–15 A1 10YR 2/1 470 C 4 7.7 2.8 95.3 19.2 182.5 145.1 37.4 0.69
15–25 A2 10YR 3/1 480 C 12.4 178.6 114.3 64.3
North Transect 3 FS 0–15 A1 10YR 3/1 720 C 2 7.8 4.1 231.7 16.1 157.2 131.1 26.1 1.92
15–30 A2 10YR 3/1 730 C 8.4 113.9 77.1 36.8
North Transect 4 TS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 790 C 1 8.0 5.3 230.7 10.5 108.6 84.9 197.5 5.25
15–60 Bk1 10YR 3/1 730 C 0.11 3.4 117.2 58.1 492.7
60–75 Bk2 10YR 3/1 800 C 0.11 2.0 90.0 43.9 384.2
75–130 Btk 10YR 3/1 920 C 0.22 0.7 71.5 28.3 360.3
130–175 Ab 10YR 3/1 980 C 8.2 1.2 99.2 2.3 28.7 13.8 124.3
175–200 BC 2.5Y 4/1 810 C 0.18 2.4 65.2 27.4 315.3
North Transect 8 BS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 530 C 2 7.8 7.1 185.3 10.0 162.7 97.3 544.8 0.46
15–24 A/Cr 2.5Y 5/1 490 C 6.0 149.0 65.2 698.1
North Transect 10 FS 0–20 A 10YR 5/1 420 C 4 8.0 5.7 135.2 8.3 175.8 88.0 731.3 0.66
20–30 A 10YR 6/1 420 C 6.8 169.5 77.0 770.5
30–42 Cr 10YR 6/1 450 C 4.5 157.0 59.5 812.3
North Transect 11 FS 0–20 A 10YR 3/1 620 C 3 7.9 6.3 177.1 8.6 107.8 80.4 228.2 2.37
20–40 Bk 10YR 3/1 600 C 0.05 3.4 74.8 18.3 470.8
40–70 Bt 10YR 3/1 920 C 0.18 2.6 15.3 7.5 65.3
70–78 BC 10YR 4/2 760 C 1.9 56.4 16.9 329.2
West Transect 1 FS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 860 C 2 7.7 4.4 39.6 3.6 34.1 32.3 14.6 2.15
15–60 Bw 7.5YR 3/1 910 C 0.04 1.3 11.6 10.0 13.5
60–80 Cr 10YR 8/1 410 C 0.6 96.8 0.7 800.6
West Transect 2 BS 0–15 A1 10YR 3/1 90 SiL 3 7.9 5.1 95.4 8.9 92.1 71.7 170.0 0.14
15–29 A2 7.5YR 4/1 130 L 4.7 94.1 35.0 492.8
West Transect 3 BS 0–14 A 10YR 3/1 700 C 3 7.8 2.0 176.3 6.8 70.1 64.2 49.3 0.99
14–30 Bw 10YR 3/1 760 C 0.08 4.6 38.8 32.9 49.2
West Transect 8 BS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 820 C 4 7.8 1.9 248.5 6.4 60.2 57.9 19.3 2.99
15–30 Bw1 10YR 3/1 780 C 0.16 4.8 44.5 42.3 18.1
30–54 Bw2 7.5YR 2/1 840 C 0.09 3.2 40.5 26.9 113.7
West Transect 9 FS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 880 C 2 6.3 1.6 310.4 15.0 234.1 165.2 574.1 3.46
15–30 Bw1 7.5YR 3/1 930 C 0.11
30–75 Bw2 7.5YR 3/1 980 C 0.12 8.3 166.3 93.9 603.2
75–105 Bw3 10YR 6/1 980 C 0.11 34.6 534.4 510.7 197.5
West Transect 12 BS 0–15 A 10YR 4/1 560 C 3 7.9 2.6 70.8 0.7 136.7 58.7 650.0 0.21
15–21 A/Cr 7.5YR 4/1 430 C 12.7 196.5 141.9 454.6
West Transect 13 FS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 920 C 3 6.5 2.0 79.9 9.7 182.4 120.0 519.7 3.35

Soil Science Society of America Journal

Soil Color Texture Total Total Organic Change in
Pedon Hillslope† Depth Horizon Dry Clay Class‡ COLE§ Slope pH P K N C C CCE¶ δ13C#
15–30 Bw1 10YR 4/1 950 C 0.11 14.7 188.0 141.1 390.7
30–118 Bw2 2.5Y 3/1 980 C 0.08 10.0 150.8 97.1 447.5
Aguada El Duende 1 FS 0–20 A 10YR 4/1 330 CL 3 7.8 4.7 214.6 1.7 133.3 57.7 75.6
Aguada El Duende 2 FS 0–36 A 10YR 3/1 600 C 2 7.7 6.9 155.1 12.2 193.2 129.7 529.4 1.54
36–48 Cr 7.5YR 6/1 530 C 7.4 164.3 83.9 669.9
Aguada El Duende 3 TS 0–46 O 10YR 2/1 920 C 2 4.5 153.1 59.3 781.3 0.85
46–64 A 10YR 3/1 960 C 7.5 11.4 98.3 10.4 159.1 117.7 344.9
46–110 Bw 10YR 2/1 970 C 0.19 4.0 126.7 51.0 630.6
Aguada El Duende 4 FS 0–17 A 7.5YR 3/1 950 C 8 7.0 6.6 127.4 8.4 144.9 85.7 493.5 6.78
17–31 Bw1 7.5YR 3/1 980 C 0.19 3.1 139.8 46.6 777.0
31–75 Bw2 7.5YR 4/1 0.10 3.4 88.0 38.3 414.3
75–180 Bw3 7.5YR 4/1 950 C 0.16 0.3 48.6 37.0 97.0
180–200 Bw4 7.5YR 5/1 980 C 0.11 0.1 19.4 9.9 79.5
Aguada El Duende 5 BS 0–20 A 7.5YR 3/1 440 C 16 7.8 5.5 98.9 8.3 116.3 81.0 293.8 0.32
20–40 A 7.5YR 4/1 8.0 4.1 71.3
Group 41 Soil 1 FS 0–20 A 10YR 2/1 490 C 1 7.8 9.1 130.4 15.0 228.6 151.2 645.0
Group 41 Soil 2 FS 0–20 A 10YR 2/1 540 C 2 7.8 10.5 302.5 23.0 292.2 263.4 239.7 0.98
20–40 Cr 7.5YR 5/1 520 C 7.5 195.3 96.5 823.3
Group 41 Soil 3 BS 0–20 A 10YR 2/1 510 C 3 7.6 9.8 200.8 26.8 362.9 329.9 275.0 0.08
20–25 Cr 7.5YR 5/1
Group 41 Soil 4 BS 0–19 A 10YR 2/1 410 C 4 7.8 9.3 123.1 19.0 280.8 218.1 522.3 0.56
19–39 Cr 10YR 7/1 470 C 4.2 194.4 84.5 915.8
Group 41 Soil 5 FS 0–20 A 10YR 2/1 590 C 1 8.0 6.6 88.7 11.0 173.3 100.4 607.1 0.45
20–43 Cr 7.5YR 5/1 470 C 5.5 177.2 81.2 800.2
Group 41 Soil 9 BS 0–19 A1 10YR 2/1 540 C 4 7.9 9.1 177.8 14.8 231.9 159.9 599.9 0.14
19–25 A2 10YR 3/1
Group 30 BS 0–15 A 10YR 3/1 750 C 7 7.7 7.7 77.0 10.6 123.5 113.0 87.9 1.55
15–30 Bt 10YR 6/2 840 C 3.2 84.6 68.7 132.4
30–45 Cr1 10YR 7/2 750 C 0.9 121.0 33.5 729.2
45–58 Cr2 10YR 8/1 680 C 0.7 136.7 58.7 650.0
West Group 19 Soil 1 SU 0–15 A 10YR 2/1 460 C 2 7.8 9.6 207.3 12.7 196.5 141.9 454.6 0.44
15–30 Cr 10YR 7/1 520 C 9.7 182.4 120.0 519.7
West Group 19 Soil 2 SU 0–15 A 10YR 2/1 510 C 2 7.9 10.9 282.3 14.7 188.0 141.1 390.7 0.68
15–30 Cr 10YR 7/1 460 C 10.0 150.8 97.1 447.5
Operation 12 Soil 1 SH 0–18 A 10YR 2/1 210 SCL 3 7.8 6.2 247.0 12.2 193.2 129.7 529.4 0.81
18–27 A/Cr 10YR 7/1 260 SCL 7.4 164.3 83.9 669.9
27–33 Cr 10YR 2/1 460 C 4.5 153.1 59.3 781.3
Operation 12 Soil 2 BS 0–20 A 10YR 3/1 550 C 3 7.7 4.2 235.1 10.4 159.1 117.7 344.9 1.95
20–31 Cr 7.5YR 4/1 510 C 4.0 126.7 51.0 630.6
† Slope Position: SU, summit; SH, shoulder; BS, backslope; FS, footslope; TS, toeslope.
‡ Texture class: SiL, silt loam; SCL, sandy clay loam; CL, clay loam; C, clay.
§ COLE, Coefficient of linear extensibility.
¶ CCE, calcium carbonate equivalent.

# The change in δ13C from surface horizon to a horizon at depth.
Fig. 4. The change in δ13C of the humin fraction with depth of soils
along the North Transect of Tikal.

El Grande Soil 8, sampled at the footslope lacked a distinct bur-

ied horizon at depth but does have the white C horizon (10YR Fig. 5. The change in δ13C of the humin fraction with depth of pedons
8/1) characteristic of the other soils in the group. The darker bur- along the West Transect of Tikal.
ied horizons occurred at greater depths and thicknesses in each
soil moving down in elevation. The overlying depositional lay- high relative humidity in the bajos. Under these conditions the
ers followed the same pattern. One possible explanation is that stomata of C3 plant leaves remained open allowing for greater
agriculture was focused near the center of the depression and discrimination against the heavier 13CO2 (Wright et al., 2009).
spread outward and upward to slightly steeper slopes over time. Other bajo and grass species sampled from the Department
Cultivated surface soils from upslope locations may have eroded of Petén were also identified as C3 plants ( Johnson et al., 2007b)
creating buried horizons, deposition layers, and increasingly C4- as were all but two species sampled from the nearby perennial
enriched δ13C values in soils at lower landscape positions. Maize wetlands of northern Belize (Beach et al., 2011). Furthermore,
cultivation and rhizodeposition were more likely the sources of some of the aquatic pollen types that dominated the pollen as-
13C enrichment in the El Grande soils, however. semblage of a buried soil in a bajo near La Milpa were classified
Contemporary vegetation differed between the two ba- as C3 plants (Dunning et al., 2002). Thus, the isotopic evidence
jos. Bajo Antonio had more escoba palm (Crysophilia argentes from La Milpa may actually suggest maize agriculture instead of,
Bartlett), with little to no tintal (Haematoxylum campechianum or in addition to, herbaceous wetland vegetation common to pe-
L.), while Bajo El Grande had escoba and tintal vegetation with rennial or seasonal wetlands. The data from Nakbe ( Jacob, 1995)
the tintal dominating the lower, flatter regions of the bajo. These show that the majority of species sampled from the perennially
vegetation and soil differences would potentially have had an wet civales were also C3, indicating that the isotopic shift in the
impact on isotope values, if substantial δ13C differences existed buried bajo soils may have resulted from maize agriculture.
between these two plant species. Therefore, we collected five The change in δ13C values with depth of Bajo El Grande
plant specimens for C isotopic analysis. Both escoba palm and soils 9, 10, and 11 were all greater than 5‰. The highest δ13C
tintal were identified as C3 plants with δ13C values of −33.9 values of El Grande soil 9 were within the buried horizons, with
and −31.4‰, respectively. Three unidentified grass species were the greatest in the lower portion of the buried Akb horizon
collected in the wetlands of Tikal and δ13C values ranged from (−22.84‰ at 125–145 cm) (Table 1 and Fig. 3b). A slightly
−31.9 to −28.5‰, indicating that they were also C3 plants. It less enriched δ13C value was located in a mixed C–Ab horizon
is interesting that both the plant tissue and the surface horizon deposited above the ancient surface. This mixed horizon likely
δ13C values from bajos were very negative, often below −29‰ consisted of soil eroded from upslope locations, providing fur-
(Table 1). This is likely the result of greater soil moisture and ther evidence of the proposed scenario where agriculture spread

6 Soil Science Society of America Journal

outward and upward away from the best soils to
marginal soils more susceptible to erosion.
Bajo El Grande Soils 10 and 11 lacked Ab
horizons, yet still had strong C isotope evidence
of ancient agriculture (Table 1 and Fig. 6). These
two soils were located farther away from settle-
ment and the earthworks and appear to have
been agriculturally important, indicated by the
large change with depth in the δ13C values (5.65
and 5.90‰). Soil 11 shows a more sustained pe-
riod of ancient C4 vegetation with δ13C values
ranging from −24.90 to −23.21‰ below the
30-cm depth (Fig. 3b).
Bajo El Grande Soil 12 was located near the
earthworks and close to ancient settlements (Fig.
6). The soil had a distinct buried Ab horizon with
associated δ13C values indicating strong evidence
of ancient agriculture. The change in δ13C values
of 6.18‰ associated with the large δ13C value of
−22.61‰ at 125 to 158 cm was the greatest of
Fig. 6. Map of soils collected from Bajo El Grande, Aguada El Duende, mound groups 30
any soil from Bajo El Grande (Fig. 3b). and 41, and Operation 12 with the change inδ13C with depth indicated as 13C enrichment
(‰). Elevation contours are in meters above mean sea level.
Upland Soils
The upland soils were divided into three groupings: mound horizonation of the two soils was similar, a difference in stable C
group soils, transect soils, and soils from near Aguada El Duende isotope values was observed. North Transect Soil 4 had 13C en-
(Fig. 6, 8, and 9). The mound groups including Operation 12, richment of 5.25‰, but Soil 11 located outside of the earthworks
West Group 19, Group 30 and Group 41 soils were typically was enriched by only 2.37‰. These data suggest that maize culti-
shallow (<34 cm deep) summit, shoulder, and backslope soils vation took place at the toeslope location of soil NT4 inside the
and did not show stable C isotope evidence of maize agriculture earthwork and that there was no significant history of C4 vegeta-
(Table 2 and Fig. 10). The greatest δ13C shift of any of these soils tion at North Transect soil NT11 located outside the earthwork.
was less than 2‰. The shallow summit and shoulder slopes of
these upland elevations served as well drained household sites
for the ancient Maya. The average δ13C value for the surface soil
samples collected from these soils was −28.45‰, a value consis-
tent with native C3 forest vegetation. Soil adjacent to structures
might not be expected to have signatures of ancient C4 veg-
etation unless they were cultivated before or after the structures
were used.
The North and West Transects at Tikal intersect the earth-
works and encompass a variety of soil types including shallow
soils (<34 cm) over limestone bedrock at the summit and back-
slope locations and deeper soils (>80 cm) at the footsloaps and
toeslopes. Isotopic evidence of maize agriculture in these upland
zones was limited. Only North Transect Soil 4 displayed a shift
greater than 4‰ with a δ13C change of 5.25‰ (Fig. 9). The ma-
jority of the transect soils were shallow, but five soils with depths
of more than 70 cm showed weak isotopic evidence of ancient
maize agriculture with changes in δ13C values between 2 and 4‰.
In the case of the North Transect soils, only two of the twelve
were deeper than 50 cm. One of those deeper soils, North Tran-
sect Soil 4, was located 185 m inside the earthworks (Fig. 8). The
other, North Transect Soil 11, was 475 m outside the earthworks,
but both soils possessed similar characteristics (Table 2) and were
Fig. 7. The change in δ13C of the humin fraction with depth of four soils
located on toeslope and footslope positions, respectively. Though
within Aguada El Duende and of pedon 4 adjacent to Aguada El Duende. 6
of the δ13C values indicates the possibility
of ancient agriculture (Fig. 5b). Excluding
soil WT8, each of these soils exhibited in-
creasing δ13C values with depth, followed
by a return to more negative, C3-like values
at the greatest depths of the soils. While a
change of 4‰ was not met, the trend (Fig.
5a and 5b) inherently hints at a C3–C4– C3
shift caused by past vegetation changes that
could be attributed to agriculture.
The area around Aguada El Duende
could have been agriculturally important
given its location with respect to the earth-
works and because of the water the aguada
would have stored (Fig. 6) (Silverstein et al.,
2009; Webster et al., 2007b). The δ13C data
of soil horizons in and around the aguada
are shown in Fig. 7. The shallow footslope
and backslope soils furthest from the agua-
da showed little to no evidence of ancient
C4 vegetation associated with maize agri-
Fig. 8. Map of Bajo Antonio and the North Transect with the change in δ C with depth indicated culture. Aguada El Duende Soil 4, adjacent
as 13C enrichment (‰). Elevation contours are in meters above mean sea level. to the aguada, exhibited a large enrichment
of 6.78‰. Soil 4 stands in contrast to soil
West Transect soil WT9 located approximately100 m outside 3 from the center of the aguada which had an enrichment of only
the earthwork had a δ13C enrichment of 3.46‰, the greatest of 0.85‰. Aguada El Duende Soil 4, at least, provided evidence that
any of the West Transect soils (Fig. 9). The other deeper soils from the area was agriculturally important. Aguada El Duende Soil 3
the West Transect had shifts in δ13C values of 2.15‰ (soil WT1) formed from sediments near the center of the aguada, therefore it
and 3.35‰ (soil WT13). While not as deep, soil WT8 had an could be considered a control because maize would not have been
enrichment of 2.99‰. These enrichment values provide only weak grown at this flooded location. Soil 3 exhibited small increases in
evidence of ancient C4 vegetation, but examination of the trends δ13C values consistent with natural isotopic fractionation from
microbial processes.

Stable C isotope ratios in soils from
peripheral areas surrounding Tikal provided
information on both the current and past
vegetation assemblages of the area. Signifi-
cant shifts in δ13C values of greater than 4‰
within certain soils indicated ancient vegeta-
tion changes associated with C4 maize agri-
culture. The evidence of such changes was
preserved in the humin fraction of SOM
from soils located within both upland and
lowland topography.
The evidence of ancient maize agri-
culture in the upland soils was not strong.
Those few upland soils that exhibited stron-
ger stable C isotope enrichment, indicative
of past maize agriculture, were confined
mostly to deeper footslope and toeslope
soils with properties similar to bajo soils.
Lower locations within uplands such as
Fig. 9. Map of the West Transect and West Group 19 with the change in δ13C with soil depth indi- drainages, localized depressions, and areas
cated as 13C enrichment (‰). Elevation contours are in meters above mean sea level.

6 Soil Science Society of America Journal

near aguadas were those where the evidence of past vegetation
changes associated with agriculture was strongest.
Although great variation exists among bajos in the Petén,
the stable C isotope evidence suggests that the two bajos exam-
ined in this study were favored for ancient agriculture. The data
from Bajo El Grande and Bajo Antonio imply that these season-
ally wet depressions were initially cultivated before the steeper
upland slopes immediately enclosing the bajos. Then, as needed,
agriculture spread to the more erodible steeper slopes that sur-
rounded these depressions. Substantial soil erosion and deposi-
tion followed, burying some of the prime agricultural land of the
depressions. The deposits may have been subsequently cultivated
as at other sites (Beach et al., 2006, 2009, 2011). This series of
Fig. 10. The change in δ13C of the humin fraction with depth of rep-
events likely began during the Preclassic period.
resentative soils collected within residential mound groups near Tikal.
Soil 215:85–91. doi:10.1023/A:1004765024519
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Boutton, T.W. 1996. Stable carbon isotope ratios of soil organic matter and their uses as
This portion of the Re-evaluation of the Earthworks at Tikal, indicators of vegetation and climate change. In: T.W. Boutton and S. Yamasaki,
Guatemala, project was funded by the National Science Foundation editors, Mass spectrometry of soils. Marcel Dekker, New York. p. 47–82.
(grant BCS-0443280) and by Brigham Young University. The Instituto Bowman, D.M.J.S., G.S. Boggs, L.D. Prior, and E.S. Krull. 2007. Dynamics of
de Antropología e Historia, the Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas, Acacia aneura—Triodia boundaries using carbon (14C and δ13C) and
and the Parque Nacional Tikal of Guatemala granted permission nitrogen (δ15N) signatures in soil organic matter in central Australia.
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at Tikal, Guatemala, project thanks all those who assisted with the Brodie, C.R., M.J. Leng, J.S.L. Casford, C.P. Kendric, J.M. Lloyd, Z. Yongqiang,
collection, preparation, and analysis of the soil samples. Special thanks and M.I. Bird. 2011. Evidence for bias in C and N concentrations and δ13C
composition of terrestrial and aquatic organic materials due to pre-analysis
go to Horacio Martinez, Walter Alvarado, and Kirk Straight for their
acid preparation methods. Chem. Geol. 282:67–83. doi:10.1016/j.
contributions to this study. We acknowledge the work of the anonymous
reviewers who helped to improve this paper. Burnett, R.L. 2009. Stable carbon isotope evidence of ancient Maya agriculture
at Tikal, Guatemala. M.S. thesis. Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT.
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