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• Natural resources from Jamestown included timber
STANDARD VS.3A and iron.
Some European countries, including England, were in
competition to increase their wealth and power by
expanding their empires to America. The King of England had the power to grant charters
The first permanent English settlement in America was allowing settlement in North America.
Jamestown, founded in 1607 as an economic venture. Importance of Virginia charters
Explain the reasons for English colonization The King of England granted
• England wanted to establish an American colony to charters to the Virginia Company
increase her wealth and power - to compete with of London to:
other European nations. • establish a settlement in
• England hoped to find silver and gold in America. North America
• An American settlement would furnish raw • define the physical
materials while opening boundaries of the colony
new markets for trade. • extend English rights to the settlers
• Jamestown was primarily an
economic venture. 1619 - GENERAL ASSEMBLY
• The stockholders of the Virginia Company of London As Jamestown grew, Virginia’s system of government
financed the settlement of Jamestown. evolved.
• Jamestown, founded in 1607, became the first
System of government
permanent English settlement in British North
America. In 1619, the governor of Virginia called a meeting of the
General Assembly.
STANDARD VS.3B – The General Assembly included two citizen
REASON FOR JAMESTOWN LOCATION representatives, called burgesses, from each of
the divisions of Virginia along with the
The location and physical characteristics of the governor’s council, and the governor.
Jamestown site influenced the decision to settle there. – They met as one legislative body. At that time,
The English believed the natural resources at only certain free adult men had a right to take
Jamestown would benefit England. part.
When the settlers arrived in 1607, they founded Jamestown The current Virginia General Assembly dates back to 1619
on a narrow peninsula bordered on three sides by the James with the establishment of the General Assembly and its
River. burgesses in Jamestown.

– Today, Jamestown is located on an island in the – It was the first elected legislative body in
James River due to the erosion of the Jamestown English North America giving some settlers the
peninsula. opportunity to take part in controlling their own
Reasons for site choice
House of Burgesses
• Instructions from England told the settlers to go
inland and find a suitable place for their colony.
• The location could be easily defended from attack by
sea (Spanish).
• The water along the shore was deep enough for ships
to dock.
• They believed they had a good supply of fresh water.

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By the 1640s, the burgesses became a separate legislative Changes that resulted in survival
body, called the House of • The arrival of ships bringing supplies
Burgesses. and new settlers
– They met • The forced work program and strong
separately from leadership of Captain John Smith, and
the Governor’s
• The development of new settlements
Council as one of
that spread away from the unhealthy
the two legislative
environment of Jamestown.
bodies of the
General Assembly. • The emphasis on agriculture

Virginia became a more diverse colony by 1620.
The native peoples and the English settlers in Virginia
Portuguese sailors captured African men established trading relationships and for a while had
and women from what is present-day positive interactions.
Captain John Smith initiated trading relationships with the
– The legal status of these early native peoples.
African men and women as
either servants or slaves in – The native peoples traded food fur, and leather
Virginia is unknown. with the English in exchange for tools, pots, and
copper for jewelry.
– Africans arrived in Virginia
against their will in 1619. The native people contributed to the survival of the
Jamestown settlers in several ways.
– The arrival of Africans made it possible to expand
the tobacco economy. • Powhatan, chief of many tribes, provided leadership
The arrival of women in to his people and taught the settlers survival skills.
1620 made it possible • Pocahontas, daughter of Chief
for the settlers to Powhatan, served as a contact
establish families and a between the native peoples and the
more permanent colony English.
in Virginia. • The native peoples showed the
settlers how to plant corn and
harvest tobacco.
Over time, the native peoples realized the
STANDARD VS.3F English settlement would continue to grow.
JAMESTOWN HARDSHIPS – The native peoples came to see the settlers as
invaders who would take over their land
The English settlers found life in Virginia harder than
they had expected.
Hardships faced by the settlers
• The site they chose to live on was marshy and lacked
safe drinking water.
• A drought at the time of settlement reduced the
amount of food available to everyone in Virginia
• The settlers lacked some skills necessary to provide
for themselves.
• Many settlers died of starvation and disease.

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