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A quick dream come true is somehow very much like a trick.

The boy was so often put in a corner that he was raised by spiders.

Nikita Dzhigurda's photo expels the weaker evil spirits from the house!

People who buy cigarettes by the piece do not know that Smoking kills.

The less you think, the more like-minded you are.

To whom Kaspersky is Elon Musk, to whom Baskov is John Lennon.

Never use the toilet in your sleep... This is a trap!

My wife and I go to the theater, and my wife and I go shopping.

God, why are there so few lazy fools?

Reading is the most enjoyable way to ignore life.

How would we be treated if it weren't for the Internet?

Dwarfs-giants almost do not stand out from the crowd.

It's better to be crazy about a woman than a natural fool.

Badger is a dog eatery.

As you know, we have two troubles. And one goes too fast on the other.

Who in childhood wetted manta rays, the coronavirus is not terrible.

The deal of the century: the savings Bank has bought themselves at our expense.

A contract is someone who steals dogs.

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