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João Eduardo Rocha Silva


My name is João Eduardo Rocha Silva and I born in Espinosa, Minas Gerais.

I have 28 years old and I study at UFABC production engineering. I work in a marble

factory and when I have free time, I play video games, surf on internet, and go out

with my friends and my girlfriend. I love to travel to places I’ve never been, mainly to

places with nature and with my girlfriend.

About a good manager, I think organization, teamwork, resilience and

assessment is good characteristics, but there are other important characteristics,

like empathy, good communication and have knowledge is necessary for a good

manager. An example in my opinion of good manager is Steve Jobs. He managed

to create a big company and set values that guide the company even after his


I have two main projects in my life in this moment. The first, I am about to

finish my degree in production engineering. I need finish my final paper, it’s about

business models, and only the last part is missing. The other main project is to pass

a public tender as an engineer, and I need finish the first main project before that.

I wanted to be a good manager, but I don’t think I am, because I don’t

consider myself an organized person, and this is a necessary characteristic of a

good manager.

About my future and journey, it takes hard work, commitment and calm to

achieve all the goals. The journey is hard, but not impossible.

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