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KarayilChits in| (eee a ee eT WHY = Aspirants FAIL Foreward Almost EVERY Human Being Wishes for SUCCESS and DREAM of Time and Money Freedom. What Leads to their FAILURE is a Great Subject of INTROSPECTION for Serous Aspirants. From the WISDOM of Veterans 15 of Many Reasons have been Shared here for Pondering. THANK YOU for Sharing to Self Introspection. cea Yi 5 coteietasneee ee WHY - Aspirants FAIL Unproven Companies Market Liberalisation has its own Merits and Demerits. Companies are Mushrooming in all Dimentions, in all Sizes. IDENTIFY those Companies with Certain CREDENTIALS and Associate based on Longterm Benefits but UNFORTUNATELY Many Aspirants are Thinking ShortRun Benefits and Endingup with UNPROVEN Companies, Eventually FAILING. Seka a 5 (rae ee WHY ed Aspirants FAIL Keep Changing Companies Many a Aspirants Associate with Unproven Companies so they Do not Achieve their Desired Results So they are Compelled to CHANGE Companies. Over a Period of Time, Changing Companies becomes an HABIT as Aspirants Don't have Consistency & Persistency as their TRAIT. Also, Very Few have a NEVER QUIT Attitude Leading to their Failure. 3 /1 5 eee eer eey WHY Aspirants FAIL CONSISTENCY & PERSISISTENCY Twin TRAITS that Every Successful Person has are Consistency & Persistency. The Greatest Lacuna of the Present Era is IMPATIENCE which is Making Every Aspirants Deprived from their BEST Results. Results Come from what is Done on a DAILY Basis Consistently & Persistently. Just Being Consistent & Persistent Every GOAL can be EASILY Achieved. ireeK arayilChits, Biz 4/15 (ane isasee a ai nee ns ey ee WHY ed Aspirants FAIL RELATIONSHIPS Our NetWorth = Our NetWork. Network is Noting but our TEAM. Team Means People. People are Social & Emotional Beings. Build PEOPLE and People Will BUILD Business is the Professional Saying. Any Businessman’s Success Depends on the RELATIONSHIPs being Built on COMPASSION, TRUST & INTEGRITY. Poor Relationships Guarantees FAILURE. Www SreeKarayilChits.Biz| 5/15 WHY Aspirants FAIL IMMORAL & UNETHICAL PRACTICES INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY and PROFESSIONALISM are the Building Blocks of Big Business. Alas, Aspirants get Attracted to ShortRun Benefits and Employ Immoral and Unethical Practices in Team Building which Never Lasts Leading to FAILURE. Team Building based on Cooperation, Compassion, Ethical & Morals SHALL Lasts Long and Becomes an EXAMPLE. 6/15 7 WHY a Aspirants FAIL LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP is what Drives Everything. Leadership Embraces Empowerment of ALL. Aspirants who are not Visionary Cannot Demonstrate their Leadership Qualities which Eventually Discourages People to Team Up so they FAIL. Aspirants Leadership is what ATTRACTS and HOLDS them Long As a TEAM for their Growth and Development. Be a LEADER. Be an EXAMPLE. Be a SUCCESSFUL Person. Seka 7, 15 (ae aeeean WHY La Aspirants FAIL QUALIFY Prospects One of the Core Reason for FAILING is NOT QUALIFYING the Prospects to Teamup. We QUALIFY Every Aspect in our Life but it is Most Unfortunate that we DO NOT QUALIFY the People with whoom we Partner for Life to Achieve the GOALS. Few QULIFYING Factors are Passion, Burning Desire, Commitment, Never Quitting Attitude, Willing to Learn, Work on a Daily Basis and these 15 Reasons. WB sf sy ce] 8/15 WHY La Aspirants FAIL Short Time Benefits In the Present Era Serious Epidemic is People think SHORT TERM. Short Time Mindset Deprives us from our True Potential and Achieving BIG. In Fact, BIG Things can ONLY be Achieved in the Long Run. Stay Away from Short Term Benefits. Think BIG. Think Long Term. Cultivate a LongTerm Mindset and Couple it with Consistent & Persistent Work for Sureshot Success. KarayilChits in| 9/15 Soe WHY < Aspirants FAIL The SERVICE Attitude is what makes LEADERSHIP. One of the Key Leadership Trait is SERVITUDE. Service means Empowering the Teams to Become Independent in Every Aspect of the Business. Many Lack the Attitude of Service. Service Sustains and Grows the Business. One who Loves to SERVE Shall SUCCEED. Service makes us Apart from the Crowd. Keep Serving Teams. Keep Growing Exponentially. Seka 10/15 ae WHY Aspirants FAIL WHY & HOW WHY Means The PURPOSE for what we Work for. HOW Means The PROCESS of making it Happen. In the Normal Parlance, It is TAUGHT to Focus on HOW Aspect But As Per Nature Laws WHY is What Makes it Happen. When WHY is Clear the Game is Over. All is Done. Commit yourself to your WHY and Rest is Taken Care. ‘Karaylichits Biz 11/1 5 eee! Aim WHY Aspirants FAIL WORK ETHIC Work Attitude = Altitude of Success. Work Ethic is the Yardstick for the Professional Heights we Reach. Work Ethic is the Backbone for Strong Business Building. It is Highly Recommended to Live Highest Work Ethics which Leads to the Consistent and Long Standing Business. Work Fthic Proved to be the Most Powerful Unique Selling Point. Business built on Strong Work Ethic Paves the Way to Build a Phenomenal Business that Lasts Long. Work Ethic adds VALUE to Every Sphere of the Business Cycle. Seka 12/1 5 eee! WHY _s Aspirants FAIL COMMUNICATION In the Modern & Dynamic Markets, Communication Plays a Vital Role. An Apt Communication Within the Team Empowers. Communication is the Greatest Tool on which Business Thrives. The Verbal Communication Constitutes only 10% and Rest is 90%. Our Attire, Passion, Excitement, Confidence, Commitment, Knowledge, Servitude, Empowerment is 90%. Beware of the Aspects of 90% for a Lasting Business. 14/15 7 WHY _« Aspirants FAIL ATTITUDE Our ATTITUDE decides our ALTITUDE of Success. Our Attitude, not our Aptitude will Determine our Altitudes of Life. ATTITUDE is our Personality in Action. Everyone Likes and to be Associated with a Positive and Optimistic Attitude People Only. Always be Agile about your ATTITUDE, It is what matters to Others to get Associated and Partner with Us. Make SERVITUDE, Empowering Others your ATTITUDE. /SreeKarayiiChits Biz (eee a ee eT 15/15 WHY _« Aspirants FAIL Not Serious About Dreams & Passion Unfortunately, Majority of Mankind is Not Focused, Serious about their Life, Passion and Dreams. Nothing can be Achieved, Unless anybody is PASSIONATE and SERIOUS about their GOALS to Live a DREAM Life. Distractions, Disbelief, Lack of Will are Depriving us from Achieving our Goals and Live a Life of Choice. Be SERIOUS and FOCUSSED. That It. Period.

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