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Complete the sentences with the words in brackets and a suitable suffix.

1. Susanna is a very ____________ (chat) person. She's always talking about everything!

I am quite______________ (assert) at times. If I want something done, I'm not afraid to tell people to
2. do it.

In his job, Adam isn't as _______________ (communicate) as he should be. He doesn't let anyone know
3. what he's doing.

Julie is the most ______________ (gossip) girl in the school – tell her a secret and everyone will know it
4. by lunchtime!

5. James is very ______________ (manipulate). He always gets people to do what he wants.

6. I love parties. I suppose I'm very outgoing and ______________ (socialize).

8. He's very ________________ (music). He plays the guitar and the piano.

9. I feel very _______________ (optimism) about winning this competition?

10. There were some important _________________ (technology) improvements in the 20th Century.

11. We've got a _______________ (difference) English teacher this year.

12. He has been ________________ (unemployment) since he left university.

13. We had an ________________ (enjoyment) afternoon, but it rained in the evening.

14. I find listening to music while I exercise very _______________ (relax).

15. I'm really _______________ (embarrass) because I made a stupid mistake.

16. AIDS is a _______________ (globe) problem.

17. I read an _______________ (interest) article in the newspaper.

18. She's really _________________ (create). I think she should write more.

19. I’m really _______________ (anger) about losing those keys.

20. It was a very frightening experience and they were very ________________ (courage).

21. I’m trying not to be ________________ (sentiment) about the past.

22. I was too _______________ (coward) to complain.

23. Richard’s expression is almost _______________ (comedy).

24. Her mother was a ________________ (resource) and energetic woman.

25. It was ______________ (spite) of you to blame your sister.

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