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Know that the AoC (which is just what we call our first

constitution) were very weak, meaning that the government had
almost no authority to rule effectively. Each individual state (NJ,
NY, PA, etc) had nearly complete autonomy to make laws for its
people. The national government was almost useless. 

2. How did Shays' Rebellion convince Americans that the Articles of
Confederation needed to be replaced?
a. In 1786, Daniel Shays raised a militia to oppose the
Massachusetts government’s high taxes that it needed to pay off
Revolutionary War debt. The national government could not raise
an army to suppress the insurrection so the Massachusetts
governor had to raise a private army to control the rebels. Shays’
Rebellion demonstrated the weakness of the central government
under the Articles of Confederation.
3. When the Constitution replaced the AoC, what powers did the
former have that the latter did not? 
a. The Constitution allowed the federal government to be able to
tax and regulate trade, had three branches of government with
separation of powers and checks and balances, and the federal
system of shared powers between the national and state

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