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1. When did England get involved in the slave trade?

a. England got involved in the slave trade in the 1660s.

2. What's the difference between a slave and an indentured servant?
a. Indentured servants, both black and white, earned their passage
to the New World by promising labor for a set amount of years
and were freed of their commitment after the terms of the
contract had been met. African slaves were forced to work for life
and were not given the same rights as indentured servants.
3. How did slavery develop from the system of indentured
servitude? What role did the Quakers play in that process? 
a. African slavery slowly became the dominant source of
agricultural labor and since the South was growing into a cash
crop economy, slavery increased. Quakers were strongly
opposed to slavery and therefore slavery never took deep root in
their culture.

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