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€@ Capital dquery: ‘Step 1: Download jquery-ui+1.9.2-customzip file from Step 2: Extract the zip file and check the whether js /ess/ Developer Bungle folder are inthe 2p file Step 3: Create a folder jquery and which contains JS/ C55/ Developer bundle and index files. from Jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.2ip file downloaded Step 4: ip the jquery folder as jquery.2ip file ( check that ip file contains js /css/ developer bundle ) Jqueryzip. |-—-Jquery |-——Developer bundle ‘Step 5: Upload the jquery .zip file as static resource in the salesforce Setup |--——Development |--—Statie Resource, ‘New Statie Resource ‘Step 1: Enter Resource Namé Step 2: Upload file ‘Step3: Make the visibility as: public Step 6: Load the static Resource into VF page iquery Step 7: Remove the conflict between $ of Jquery and $ of visualforce page var j$-iQuery.neContfict(); ‘Note: generally every query statement start with $ as the $ in visualforce indicate global resource to remove the Conflict we use iS in place of $ in jquery by using conflict method Step 8: Referring to the VF component : [id $=vicomponentid] Step S:jquery statement will start with J$(document).ready(); Step 10: When a document is ready when any action need to be performed the we write in 4${document).ready( function()); & Capital Example 4: This is block one This is block two Enter Name : Name: Using the jquery from the website : Example 3: AutoComplete slink rel="stylesheet” href="https://code."/> Enter Name : Bample 4: AutoComplete with and StandardController_ ‘ Enter Namé ‘apex:inputText id="name" /> Example 5: AutoComple Enter Name : <

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