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[Alvaro Javier Martinez Fierro]

[Cll 6c #20-40, Madrid Cund, 00111] | [3124312948] | [] [Group: 90170_29]


Mr. Ban Ki-moon

Executive Secretary
United Nations
405 East 42nd Street
New York, 10017, USA

Dear Mr. Ban Ki-moon:

I want to open with you a discussion about modern technology and its implications for the
environment, in my opinion, the change in living conditions, the increase in population, the
increase in energy, the need to increase food production, led to great technological
advances in today's societies but the consequences of this have been very great as they are:
environmental problems such as environmental pollution, felling trees or land
development, animals in danger of extinction and much more.

I believe that technological advances, although very good for humanity are harmful to the
planet and it is necessary to look for other sources of energy or means of formation. In
recent decades, we have seen environmental problems, deforestation due to maximum
logging, overpopulation and the elimination of species due to human progress in relation to
their environment.

It is necessary to look for other alternatives with which we do not destroy our environment
if we do not give a solution, especially the industries. I recommend that in order to help our
environment we should contribute to the fight against polluting emissions by leaving our
car at home or buying an electric car.
By last, I also consider that it is necessary to use other means of energy that are not
harmful to the environment, both in homes and in industries. These guidelines will help our
planet a lot as well as socializing with people about the environmental problem we have,
recycling, turning off the lights, not contaminating the water, etc.

Based on the above, I hope to be able to provide more alternatives in order to live in a
world free of contamination.


Alvaro Javier Martinez Fierro

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