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Short (esta palabra no aplica dentro de este contexto, ya que “short” se traduce como
corto, la palabra correcta es Brief) Historical Review of the EU.
It (Hace referencia a la Union Europea) was founded after the Second World War with
the aim (desde mi punto de vista quedaria major “purpose”) of promoting economic
and political cooperation. In 1958, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and
(en este caso deberia estar el articulo “the” ya que nos estamos referiendo a paises en
plural, que en este caso serian los paises bajos ademas de que es claro a lo que nos
estamos refiriendo) Netherlands created the European Economic Community (EEC),
the first step towards integration.
During the Cold War and especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the
community added member states, incorporated common policies and laid (otro termino
que podria usarse es established) the foundations for the future.
The EU created a single European currency, which came into force in 2002, and
abolished border controls between member countries.
The EU have (realmente se deberia usar el verbo en presente “has” ya que estamos
hablando del pronombre it), 4 million km² and a population of 495 million inhabitants,
the third in the world after China and India.
The European Union is politically divided into 28 member countries and 5 candidate

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