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Three Minutes


Three Minutes -10 Every sentient has a right to attain

mokSham and enjoy performing
service to the Lord (upeyam).
The ten commandments Prapatti is the only universal method,
that is applicable to anyone
regardless of age, gender, race etc.
Today, we will look into the There is only one eligibility criterion
commands of bhagavat rAmAnuja. (adhikAram) for prapatti: a strong
svAmi rAmAnuja has various names: desire for mokSham. Once prapatti
shrI bhAShyakArar, uDaiyavar, is done, then he (prapannan) has
emperumAnAr, lakShmaNa muni, nothing more to do for mokSham.
yatirAjar etc. He is the divine Having removed all the burdens, the
incarnation of AdisheShan, the prapannan should live peacefully
serpent bed for Lord shrIman and happily for the rest of the days
nArAyaNa in shrIvaikuNTham. The on earth.
main reason for rAmAnuja's descent
to earth (avatAram) was to stabilize When svAmi rAmAnuja decided that
the vedic concepts and to reestablish his duty was over here, and was
shrIvaiShNavam. ready to ascend back to
shrIvaikuNTham, his disciples were
svAmi rAmAnuja was engaged for all all desperately crying in sorrow of
of his life to prove unequivocally that the impending separation. At that
shrIman nArAyaNa is the ultimate time, emperumAnAr consoled them
God (brahmam, Ishvaran), that He is and advised to follow these ten
the sole reason (jagat kAraNakan) commandments and that he will be
for creation, sustenance and with them in spirit all the time.
destruction of the universe
(prapa~ncam), and that He possess 1. Thou shall not worry about
infinite holy characters (ananta soul after prapatti.
kalyANa guNAkaran). All sentient 2. Thou shall not worry about
(cetana) and non sentient (acetana) current karmic life after
entities form His inseparable body prapatti.
(sArIaka shAstram). The universe is 3. Thou shall not seek any means
real yet destroyable. The objective after prapatti for mokSham
(puruShArtham) of any sentient is to 4. Thou shall help the poor.
reach the ultimate bliss (mokSham), 5. Thou shall propagate
which is beyond this primordial shrIbAShyam, propagate
matter (prakR^iti), and perform AzhvAr's works, perform
endless service (nitya kaiMkaryam) service at temples, chant
to shrIman nArAyaNa. For that, only dvaya mantra with meaning, or
two routes (upAyam) are available - at least live under the glory of
devotion (bhakti) or total surrender a true shrIvaiShNavan
(prapatti), of which latter is the only
plausible method for most of us.

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Three Minutes

6. Thou shall live in a divya 5. Read and propagate shrI

desham (places that AzhvAr-s bhAShyam; if not qualified, then
have graced) read and propagate AzhvAr's
7. Thou shall construct at least a works; if not qualified, then
hut and live in tiru perform service at the temple
nArAyaNapuram. (like cooking, cleaning, gathering
8. Thou shall live peacefully and flowers etc.); if not qualified for
happily. that, chant dvaya mantra with
9. Thou shall be grateful to conscious mind about its
AcArya and Lord who have meaning; if not qualified for that,
offloaded you at least live under the glory of a
10. Thou shall serve as a role true shrIvaiShNavan, looking up
model shrIvaiShNavan; show to him as a mentor.
love and compassion to all, act 6. Divyadehsams are the places
without ego, and live with the graced by AzhvAr-s in their
moral support of other nAlAyira divya prabhandam. One
shrIvaiShNava-s. should go and spend the rest of
the days there. 106 out of 108
Lets us see the brief explanation of sthalam-s are on earth and
the above. available for prapannan.
7. Build, at least a small hut in tiru
1. Prapatti is a process of returning nArAyaNapuram (Melkot) and
the stolen property (soul) to the live there.
owner(God). Prapannan (one 8. Prapannan should live peacefully,
who has performed the total without any doubts
surrender) has no need to worry (nissaMshayaH) and happily
over which he doesn't even own. (sukhamAsva)
2. Current life is the effect of past 9. Prapannan should ever be
sins and good deeds (karma). grateful to the AcArya who has
You have least control over it. rescued him from the glitches of
Quit complaining or over enjoying birth/death cycle. He should
it. always remember Lord’s
3. Prapannan has no necessity to sympathy and grace towards him.
seek other means for mokSham. 10. Prapannan should display
In fact, if you seek, then the exemplified qualities of a
prapatti you have done might be shrIvaiShNavan. He should love
invalidated. (For mokSham, the all the animate and inanimate
request can be made only once things without any animosity.
and the Lord guarantees the Move with everyone without any
reward. No reason to ask again). self-pride. Live with the
4. Help the poor. One should help cooperation and moral support of
those who are in need of food, other shrIvaiShNava-s.
shelter, health, knowledge etc.

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