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To: Mateo Raptis- mateoraptis@email.arizona.

From: Maddie Henkel-
Date: February 13, 2020
Subject: Project Plan Presentation

Dear Mateo Raptis,

As we have discussed, we are working together as a team to assist Tucson Police Department to
the best of our ability. In order to do so, it is crucial that we present our research and plan
effectively so they can improve their recruiting. Since our case competition is coming up quickly
it is important to reflect on each of our team presentations leading up to the final presentation.

You established your professional credibility through your verbal and nonverbal behaviors in
the presentation. When you began, I liked your initial step forward. It brought my attention to
you in a timely manner. Your use of hands and body language while presenting was effective in
emphasizing key points. While there were many behaviors that built your credibility there are a
few areas for improvement.

When reviewing the beginning of the presentation, you look uninterested in Brandon’s
introduction. This is due to how much you are looking around while he is speaking. Focusing in
on who is presenting will be beneficial to making our team look fully invested in Tucson Police
Department during our presentations to them. This is a non-verbal behavior that undermined
your professional credibility.

Analyzing your verbal behaviors throughout the presentation you also used the word “uh”
when transitioning from one idea to another. Instead of filling this gap it would be more
beneficial to have a short pause. The article Exploring Filler Words and Their Impact by Emily
Duvall explains the correlation between filler words and credibility. It only takes 1.28 filler
words per 100 words to decrease established credibility. Since we are only speaking for 1 to 2
minutes each, approximately 125 words per minute, it is important to minimize each team
member’s usage of fillers. Overall, you displayed good professional credibility in the

I encourage you to incorporate the feedback above into the next presentation. In order to do so
you can practice your presentations in front of me to help ensure you are making the necessary
changes. Contact me at 540-586-7950 to meet prior to our preview progress presentation on
March 3.

Maddie Henkel

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