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Type of work:
Total points:


You have 2 options for the final workshop assignment:

A) Tell us about a great experience you had in your life and make a presentation about it.
B) Write a blog about home remedies and general recommendations for common illnesses.

For option A, you must record yourself doing a presentation about the story.
For option B, you must turn in the written story.
In the first case (A), the speaking part will be graded, and in the second case(B), the writing part
will be graded.
Just to be clear, you only have to do ONE of the two options. (Presentation or written work).
(If you want, you can do both activities, and the one with the worst result won´t be taken into

Presentations must be 5 minutes long. They must be sent in the .mp4 format. (If you have
trouble with the video format, send me an email so I can help you.) DON’T wait until the last
moment, try to turn in your works before the due date in case there’s any problems.

Blogs must be at least one page long (“Una plana”). They must be sent in the .docx format,
using 11 as font size, and using Times New Roman. Try to include if clauses, imperative
language and usage of should/shouldn’t. If you use these correctly, you may get bonus points.

Works must be sent before January 8th 2020 at 23:59 hrs to with the
subject “Homework ING9003-10”.
All work is individual.
In case of handing in a written work…(A)


The blog is coherent with the assignment:

(2 pts)


The blog follows a structure that is easy to read and is understandable to the person reading:
(2 pts)

Spelling and grammar:

The text is written in a correct way in matters of spelling and grammar:

(2 pts)


Uses if clauses, imperative language, should/shouldn’t in a correct way:

(+0.5 pts)

In case of doing an oral presentation…(B)


Tells a story that is coherent with the assignment:

(2 pts)


The clarity with which the message is communicated:

(2 pts)

Structure of speech:

Communicates the message with a correct structure, that is understandable:

(2 pts)

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