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Being immersed in social media paved an entryway for various advertisements of different products

that are on the market today as innovation continually grow and develop. As a technology native, I
have witnessed first-hand how advertisements are shown. According to Sut Jhally, social media is a
very powerful form of social communication in modern society. It communicates persuasively and
enables one to visualize the promotions of products that are selling online. However, the advantage
laid by social media often leads to stereotypes or generalization. Advertisements show women as
passive, feminine, sexy and beautiful. These stereotypes often leads to society or men treating
women as an object to gratify worldly desires as women in advertisements are dressed in a sexual
manner which can potentially lead to depression as women who do not meet the criteria, formulate
ideals and criticize themselves as ugly and unworthy leading to anxiety and depression.

Men on the other hand, are perceived as masculine, strong and dominant. As a Filipino, it is our
culture and tradition that a household should be lead by a man in the family--- a patriarchal family
where the views and opinions of the head should always have a firm stand. The role of men in the
society are seen as important and inevitable. They are fated to lead, to be dominant and be powerful.

The gender roles of each must not be influenced by what we see on medias and technology. We have
to internalize our responsibilities in the society. We must learn to understand and criticize normalcy
and power.

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