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- Include introduction of the chapter title EXAMPLE:
This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data and

gathered from the participants through observation.

Note: The content of this chapter are the gathered data from the

survey/test/observation that you’ve conducted. In short the content of this part

is the answers of the questions from the statement of the problem. Present the

data using tables and elaborate what’s on the table. Example:

1. Level of viewing skill in literary-based films of the third year students in terms

of Literal Comprehension, Inferential Comprehension, and Evaluation.

Table 1. Level of viewing skill in literary-based films of the third year students in
terms of Literal Comprehension.
Score Percentage Literal Comprehension Interpretation
Frequency Percentage
0-5 60-69 4 9 D
6-10 70-79 7 16 C
11-15 80-89 29 64 B
16-20 90-100 5 11 A
Total 45 100
Mean 11.33 57
Standard 4.112
Legend: Excellent (A), Good (B), Average (C), Poor (D)

Table 1 shows the viewing skills of the participants in terms of their Literal

Comprehension. Under this skill, the students are expected to recall details and

understand information taken from the movie that they watched. The result shows

that majority of the students fell under the category of Good with an obtained

frequency of 64%. In addition, 9% fell under the category of Poor and 16% for the

Average category. Finally, 11% of the participants can be classified as Excellent. The
following data suggests that students are able to comprehend the surface meaning of

the film that they viewed. It also reveals that majority of the students are able to

remember details pertinent to the story and how they are shown in the film.

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