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Kabupaten Pemalang merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang berada di Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Dengan Luas wilayah sebesar 111.530 Ha, sebagian besar wilayah merupakan tanah kering
seluas 72.836 Ha (65,30%) dan lainnya tanah persawahan seluas 38.694 Ha (34,7%). 
Adapun Batas-batas wilayah Kabupaten Pemalang, sebagai berikut:

Sebelah Utara    : Laut Jawa

Sebelah Timur   : Kabupaten Pekalongan

Sebelah Selatan : Kabupaten Purbalingga dan Kabupaten Banyumas

Sebelah Barat    : Kabupaten Tegal

Kinerja ekonomi daerah Kabupaten Pemalang pada tahun 2010 menunjukkan gambaran yang
terus meningkat, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan PDRB Kabupaten Pemalang atas dasar harga
berlaku pada tahun 2010 sebesar Rp. 8.066.313,66 juta, sedangkan PDRB atas dasar harga
konstan sebesar Rp. 3.455.736,95 juta. PDRB per kapita menurut harga berlaku yaitu 6,329
juta rupiah dan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi pada tahun 2010 sebesar 4,94 persen.

Kuliner Pemalang

pemalang  is one of regencies that is located on the north coast of Central Java
province in Indonesia. Its capital is the town of Pemalang. A beautiful regency with
natural cool weather  bordered by the Java Sea in the north, in the east by
Pekalongan Regency, by Purbalingga Regency in the south, and by Tegal Regency
in the west.

             Why do I called my own hometown as the unfamous regency ? its because

whenever I introduced myself and start to mention where do I come from to people,
many of them don’t know exactly where Pemalang is located so I have to mention
the well-known regency first like Pekalongan, and Tegal then explain that Pemalang
is located between that two famous regencies.

             Pemalang is very beautiful and cozy regency. It has many hills, pine forests,
and also a beautiful beach named Widuri Beach. Not only has the hills and green,
but Pemalang also has many rivers and small lakes, as livelihood most residents in
pemalang are rice farmers, clove plantation, and other plantations. Tourist spots
most commonly found in pemalang is in the form of the waterfall, from the Cibedil
waterfall Cibedil, Sejajar waterfall, and Bengkawah waterfall, also a place for rafting
area named village Randudongkal.

             Pemalang also famous as a district that producing sweet pineapple. It less

known perhaps because it lies on the northern coast line so that its presence is less
strategic, but its beauty with a distinctive food that is Soto Grombyang will always be
remembered wherever I go.

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