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Define ‘organization’. Define ‘institution’. Why are both important to development?

Define ‘institution’. Define ‘organization’. Which is more important to development?


What is an ‘organization’? What is an ‘institution’? Why are both important to development?

What is the difference between ‘organization’ and ‘institution’? How are they connected and why are
they both important to development?


What is the difference between ‘organizations’ and ‘institutions’? How are they connected and which is
more important for development?


What is the difference between an ‘institution’ and an ‘organization’? Will good organisations lead to
good institutions? Discuss with reference to development practice in developing countries


Only organisations matter for development, institutions are irrelevant. Discuss.

Organisations do not matter for development, only institutions do. Discuss.


Are organisations as important as institutions for development? Please explain your answer.

Do organisations matter for development? Please explain your answer.


“Organisations are a lower priority for development than institutions.” Do you agree? Please explain
your answer

Are private firms accountable? To whom? Are governments accountable? To whom? Discuss, making
use of both theory and empirical examples.

What does institutional theory say about whether private firms are accountable to their customers?
What does it say about governments being accountable to voters? Discuss, using both theory and
empirical examples.

. Critically evaluate the assertion: ‘Regular elections ensure that governments are made accountable to
their citizens.


What does institutional theory say about who private firms are accountable to? What does it say about
governments being accountable to citizens? Discuss, using both theory and empirical examples


Accountabilty matters both within private firms and governemnts. Do you agree? Discuss, using both
theory and empirical examples.

Why does accountability matter within private firms? Why does it matter within governments? Discuss,
using both theory and empirical examples

. Critically evaluate the assertion: ‘If elections are held regularly citizens will be able to hold their
government accountable for its actions


Critically evaluate the assertion: “Elections play a very small part in democratic accountability.


Critically evaluate the assertion: “Elections are a necessary and sufficient tool for democratic


What does accountability mean for private firms and governments engaged in development
management? Discuss, using both theory and examples.

‘Poor educational standards amongst the population imply that poor countries should decentralise very
carefully if at all.’ Discuss.

By ‘bringing government closer to the people’ decentralization increases public sector accountability.


Does decentralization increases public sector accountability? How or how not? Discuss.


Critically evaluate the assertion: ‘Democratic governments cater to their citizens’ need because they
want to remain in power. Therefore, accountability is exercised in a democracy through elections.’

Poor education standards in developing countries mean that populations will lack the ability to take
advantage of a decentralised system. Therefore, decentralisation should be done very carefully, if at all.


Decentralisation is a way of bringing the politician closer to the people. This, among other things, should
lead to an increase in public sector accountability. Discuss.

Because developing countries have high rates of illiteracy their populations will not be able to take
advatage of a decentralised system. Therefore, decentralisation should not be attempted. Discuss.


Only educated citizens should be allowed to participate in decentralised government. Do you agree?

High literacy rates are a power determinant of Decentralisation being successful. Do you agree?


High literacy rates are a necessary condition for Decentralisation to be successful. Do you agree?

Literacy rates are irrelevant to the success of Decentralisation. Do you agree?

“Decentralisation has failed in many countries due to low literacy rates.” Do you agree?

Define the term ‘informal sector’? Should it be repressed in order to spur a country’s growth and
development? Discuss.


What is the ‘informal sector’. What, if anything, should policymakers do about it? Discuss


What is the ‘informal sector’? Critically discuss the statement that: The best thing governments can do is
leave the informal sector alone.

What is the ‘informal sector’? Discuss the statement that: Governments should actively try to formalise
the informal sector.


The informal sector is vital for development. Discuss

The informal sector is detrimental to the development process. Discuss.


Does the informal sector have a role to play in development?

The only way for countries to develop is by eliminating the informal sector. Do you agree?


“Informality is synonymous with illegality and therefore must be eradicated for development to
happen.” Do you agree? Please explain your answer

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