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Copyright © 1985, Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

Physiology o f the P lacen ta—

Gas Exchange
JAN M. G O PL E R U D , M .D .*

Departments of *Physiology and fPediatrics,

University o f Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA 19104


The placenta serves as the fetus’ organ of gas exchange throughout intra­
uterin e life. W hile th e dependence of fetal w ell-being on an intact m ater­
nal-placental unit has b een recognized for centuries, it is only in the last
several decades that research w ith fetal animals has begun to unravel the
m echanism s by which it regulates blood supply and oxygen, as well as its
role in th e m atern al-to -fetal tran sfer of carb o h y d rates, p ro tein s, fats,
water, and inorganic salts. The anatom y and physiology of the placenta
are p rese n ted h ere as they relate specifically to gas exchange. In addition,
co m p en sato ry ad ap tatio n s of th e fetus and p lacen ta to acute asphyxial
events will b e discussed.

Introduction ries. O nly in th e last several decades,

however, have the physiological m echa­
n ism s by w h ich th is is ac co m p lish e d
“. . . . it may be objected, That the
begun to be unravelled. As with m any
F o e tu s in th e W om b liv es, its H e a rt
advances in physiology, the u n derstand­
pulses and its Blood circulates; and yet it
ing of placental function has dep en d ed
draws in no Air, n e ith e r hath the Air any
on research w ith animal models, esp e­
access to it. To w hich I answer, That it
cially th e in tact, n o n -exteriorized fetal
doth receive Air, so m uch as is sufficient
lam b. This anim al m odel system and the
for it in its p rese n t state, from th e m ater­
introduction of radioactive m icrospheres
nal B lood by th e P la c e n ta . . . . I say
for the study of regional blood flow have
then, That th e chief use of the Circula­
b e e n key dev elo p m en ts advancing th e
tion of the Blood . . . . th ro ’ th e Placenta
u n d e rsta n d in g of placental physiology.
. . . . in an H um an Foetus, seem s to be
M o tiv a tio n to p u rsu e th is a re a of
the Im pregnation of the Blood w ith Air,
research has increased w ith the growing
for the feeding of th e Vital F la m e .”
appreciation of the placenta’s pivotal role
— J. Ray 170135
as a r b ite r o f b o th a c u te a n d c h ro n ic
The im portance of the placenta to feto- asphyxial assaults to th e feto-m aternal
m aternal gas exchange— its role for the unit.
d u ra tio n o f p re g n a n c y as th e “ fetal Historically, the consequences of p e ri­
lung”— has b e e n su sp e c te d for c e n tu ­ n a ta l asphyxia on s u b s e q u e n t h u m an
0091-7370/85/0700-0270 $01.50 © Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

d e v e lo p m e n t w e re firs t d e s c rib e d in m em brane and fetal endothelial cell wall

1862 by Dr. W. J. L ittle, in a p resen ta­ to the fetal red blood cells.
tion to the O bstetrical Society of L on­ U nder norm al conditions, the a rteri­
don . 25 In this now classic paper, he dif­ a liz ed b lo o d flo w ex itin g th e p la c e n ta
fere n tia te s b irth in ju ry re su ltin g from through the um bilical vein divides as it
b irth asphyxia, th a t is “ in te rru p tio n of trav erses th e liver, approxim ately h alf
the p roper placental relation of th e foetus p e rfu s in g th e liv e r p a re n c h y m a and
to th e m o th e r ,” from th a t r e la te d to entering the inferior vena cava from the
actual delivery, “from direct m echanical h e p a tic v ein . T h e o th e r 50 p e rc e n t of
injury to the brain and spinal co rd .” This um bilical venous blood passes d irectly
new and, at th e tim e, controversial dis­ through the ductus venosus from which
tinction req u ired another h u n d red years it enters the inferior vena cava and selec­
and experim ental verification in fetal ani­ tively stream s into the right atrium and
m als b e fo re its g ra d u a l a c c e p ta n c e . across th e fo ra m en ovale in to th e left
Today, perinatal asphyxia rem ains a sig­ h e a r t , 9 1 6 ,3 6 p ro v id in g b lo o d w ith th e
nificant neonatal problem , accounting for h ig h e s t oxygen s a tu ra tio n to th e fetal
90 p e rc e n t o f c e re b ra l palsy, w ith th e brain and m yocardium .
rem aining 1 0 p e rc e n t being a ttrib u ted to Oxygen delivery to the fetus is a func­
postnatal factors. tion of two variables: um bilical venous
blood oxygen concentration and um bili­
Anatom y and Physiology cal blood flow . 33 Since um bilical venous
blood oxygen concentration is a reflec­
T he p lac e n ta physically attach es th e tion of uterin e blood flow, factors affect­
fetus to the uterin e wall and is com posed ing it a re p rim a rily m a te rn a l, such as
of both a m aternal (decidual) and fetal hypotension, hypertension, uterin e con­
portion (chorionic plate and villi). M ater­ tractions, and obstruction of the m aternal
nal arterial blood reaches th e placental inferior v en a cava . 17 F actors adversely
c o ty le d o n s th ro u g h sp ira l, te rm in a l affecting um bilical blood flow include
branches of th e u te rin e a rte rie s w hich um bilical cord com pression, hem orrhage
eject blood through arteriolar orifices in (p la c e n ta p re v ia , a b ru p tio p lac e n ta ),
th e decidual plate into th e intervillous polycythem ia (excessive placental trans­
space. T his a rte ria liz e d lake o f b lo o d fusion), an d c a te c h o la m in e re le a s e .
then bathes th e chorionic villi projecting Thus, the oxygen delivered to the fetus
into it, which contain the fetal capillaries. is first d e p e n d e n t on m atern al u te rin e
Carbon dioxide and o th er w aste products blood supply, m odified by placental dif­
of fetal m etabolism , arriving by way of fusion of oxygen, and finally the product
th e u m b ilic a l a rte rie s , a re e x c h an g e d of um bilical venous blood flow and oxy­
across this intervillous space by sim ple, gen co n ten t. T he norm al oxygen p re s ­
passive diffusion as oxygen and nutrients su re v alu es in m a te rn a l an d u m b ilic a l
pass into the fetal circulation through the b lo o d v essels in h u m an s a re u te r in e
umbilical vein from the m aternal side. a rte ry , 80 to 100 P 0 2 m m H g; u te r in e
Blood in th e in te rv illo u s sp a ce d rain s vein, 40 to 45; um bilical vein, 25 to 35;
interm ittently back through th e decidual and um bilical artery, 20 PO a m m H g.
plate, returning to the m aternal circula­ Two s trik in g a sp ec ts of th is oxygen
tion via the u terin e vein. Anatomically, transport cascade are the inefficiency of
the hum an placenta is classified as hem - sequential oxygen transfer and the low
ochorial in ty p e , 27 gas being exchanged P 0 2 e n v iro n m e n t th a t re s u lts for th e
from m aternal red blood cells free in the fetus. M easurem ents in the unstressed
intervillous lakes, across th e chorionic p re g n a n t ew e show u m b ilic a l v en o u s

P 0 2 to range from 25 to 35 m m H g in the

fetal lam b, rarely exceeding 40 m m H g . 8
Fetal adaptations to this relative hypox­
em ia include th e oxyhemoglobin disso­
ciation curve of fetal blood, to be dis­
cussed later, and fetal cardiac o u tp u t,
which is high relative to th e adult.
M uch co n tro v ersy and e x p erim en tal
investigation have focused on the physi­
ology of p la c e n ta l gas e x c h an g e , th e
majority of experim ental work, by neces­
sity, being done w ith fetal animals, p ar­
tic u la rly th e feta l lam b. O f p a rtic u la r
interest have b een efforts to account for
th e d e c re a s e in oxygen te n s io n th a t
occurs across th e p la c e n ta l in te rfa c e .
E xperim ental m anipulations of u terine,
and hence fetal, oxygen supply in fetal
s h e e p 26 h av e show n th a t u m b ilic a l
venous blood oxygen tension equilibrates
with, b u t is never equal to or higher than
its d o n o r s tre a m , th e u te r in e v en o u s
blood. As se e n in fig u re 1, m a te rn a l
hyperoxia in sheep results in increm ental
elevations of u terin e venous and um bil­
ical v e n o u s oxygen te n s io n s w ith an
(A), uterine vein (V), umbilical vein (7 ), and umbilical
approxim ately 15 to 20 m m H g difference artery (a) during periods of air and oxygen inhalation
betw een the two. O ver a w ide range of in the sheep. (From Battaglia, F. C ., Meschia, G.,
low u te rin e venous blood oxygen te n ­ Makowski, E. L., and Bowes, W.: J. Clin. Invest.
47:5 4 8 -5 5 5 , 1968).
sions, th is re la tio n s h ip to u m b ilic a l
venous PO a is p reserv ed as w ell . 39 Phys­
iologically, th e n , th e ovine p la c e n ta well as the direct arteriovenous anasta-
behaves m ost like a concurrent exchan­ m oses in both the m aternal and fetal cir­
ger (figure 2 ) in w hich the m aternal to cuits of the placenta, allowing blood to
fetal blood stream s run in the same direc­ bypass areas of gas exchange. The diffu­
tion, such that the venous blood of the sion of oxygen across the placental m em ­
recipient stream equilibrates w ith that of brane may also account for some red u c ­
the donor stream . tion in umbilical venous P 0 2 com pared
A sim ila r re la tio n s h ip has b e e n to uterin e venous P 0 2. In contrast to the
reported for th e hum an placenta . 26 The lu n g , in w hich th e diffusion d ista n c e
10 to 20 m m H g oxygen m ism atch b etw een alveolus and pulm onary capil­
b e tw e en u te rin e and um bilical venous lary is 0 . 1 u, the distance from intervil­
circuits has b een a ttrib u ted to a com bi­ lous space to fetal capillary across th e pla­
nation of placental oxygen consum ption c e n ta is a p p ro x im ate ly 3 .5 u. T h e
and nonhom ogeneous placen tal p e rfu ­ placenta, however, is highly perm eable
sion. The latter relates to th e uneven and to oxygen and, in general, efficiency of
h a p h a z a rd e je c tio n of b lo o d from th e gas transfer is felt to be m ore d e p e n d en t
u te rin e a rte rie s in to th e in te rv illo u s on flo w -re la te d factors th a n on diffu-
space surrounding the chorionic villi, as s io n /'

MODELS OF PLACENTAL PER FUSIO N suited to th e in trau terin e environm ent,

A since the highest P 0 2 in um bilical vein
COUNTER CURRENT blood is about 40 m m H g. As seen in fig­
u re 4, as th e oxygen te n sio n o f a d u lt
° 2 M A T E R N A L B LO O D FLO W ° 2

9 0 -4 ) ( 4— 40
blood drops from an alveolar level of 1 0 0
m m H g to a tissue level of 40 m m H g, H b
A will unload 4.7 ml 0 2 per 100 ml blood,
9 0 — ( ) --------- 25

w hereas H b F can only unload 3.0 ml 0 2
p er 1 0 0 ml blood during the sam e tra ­
A: Expected maximum p 0 2 in the fetal blood leav­ v erse . 29 In the fetus in-utero, however,
ing the placenta when flows are concurrent
across a highly permeable membrane. H b F will unload 10.3 ml 0 2 p er 100 ml
blood and H b A will unload only 8 . 8 ml
B 0 2 p e r 1 0 0 ml blood in passing from a
CONCURRENT placental PO £ of 35 m m H g to a fetal tis­
° 2 M A T E R N A L B LO O D FLO W ° 2
sue PO a of 15 m m H g. These facts are
90-47 -------- ~ ( 4^ 4 0 functions purely of th e relative slopes of
th e resp e c tiv e dissociation curves; th e
a d u lt O D C has th e g re a te r slope (and
2 5 -4 ) - ( ) — 4 0

oxygen unloading advantage) at high lev­
els of oxygenation, w hereas the loading-
B: Expected p 0 2 in the presence of concurrent unloading advantage lies w ith the fetal
blood flow.
O D C at low er oxygen tensions. T hese
F ig u re 2. M odels of placental perfusion.
changes in slope, in turn, are functions

Role of F e ta l H em oglobin in Placental

Gas Exchange

Among the factors im portant for oxy­

gen transfer from m aternal-to-fetal blood
are the relative positions of the oxygen
dissociation curve (ODC) of both m other
and fetus. Prior to th e discovery of the
role of 2 ,3 -d ip h o s p h o g ly c e ra te (2 ,3 ,-
DPG) in regulating H b - 0 2 affinity, m any
in v e stig a to rs h a d n o te d d iffe re n c es
betw een “adult blood” and “fetal blood, ”
including the position of the O D C , resis­
tance to alkaline dénaturation, sedim en­
tation constants, electrophoretic m obil­
ity, absorption spectra, cyrstal form, and
amino acid com position . 1-2-3-11-22 Physio­
P0 j mmHg (pH 7.40)
logically, th e m ost im portant and fasci­
F i g u r e 3. O xyh em oglob in d issociation curve.
nating of these differences is the obser­
Curve A represents the fetal-neonatal curve, P50 =
vation that in-vivo fetal blood has higher 19 mmHg. The curve is left-shifted. Curve B rep­
oxygen affinity than adult blood, allowing resents the normal adult curve, P50 = 27 mmHg.
greater oxygenation of fetal hem oglobin Sigmoid shape is attributable to hem e-hem e inter­
action. Curves can be shifted right or left by changes
at lower P 0 2 (figure 3). in temperature, P C 0 2, pH , 2,3-D PG level, and by
The high affinity of fetal blood is well differing percentages of Hb F and Hb A.

F ig u re 4. Oxygen load­
ing and unloading capaci­
tie s o f ad u lt and fetal
blood at various oxygen
tensions. See text for fur­
th er explanation. (From
Nelson, N. M. in Smith,
C. A. and N elson, N. M .,
P h y sio lo g y o f th e N e w ­
born Infant, 1976.)


o f la te ra l d isp la c e m e n ts o f th e O D C , W h en fetal grow th is sev erely com ­

w h eth er produced by pH , P C 0 2, tem ­ p ro m is e d by p la c e n ta l insufficiency,
p eratu re, ionic surroundings of hem oglo­ increased H b F synthesis results . 6 P re ­
bin, or its d eg ree of interaction w ith 2,3- m ature infants have higher H b - 0 2 affin­
DPG. The latter factor is one of the most ity, se c o n d a ry to lo w e r 2 ,3 -D P G and
im p o rtan t reg u lato rs of th e position of increased percentage of H b F. The fetus
the O D C in m aternal blood; the concen­ responds to m aternal cigarette smoking
tration of 2,3-D PG is usually elevated in by decreasing its P50 in relationship to
pregnancy . 37 the increase in m aternal carboxyhemo-
D espite th e advantages to the fetus of globin . 12 This change in P50 is due to
h aving H b F , s u b s titu tio n o f “ a d u lt” statistically significant increase in H b F
erythrocytes in the fetus by intrauterine synthesis, which is, however, biologically
transfusion (as for Rh-isoim munization), incapable of com pensating for changes in
shifts th e fetal O D C to the right. This oxygen transport secondary to m aternal
procedure, however, does not as a rule sm oking . 12
result in undergrow n, stillborn, or oth­ The transition in-utero from predom i­
erwise im paired neonates, showing that nantly (90 to 95 percent) H b F synthesis
the fetal O D C is not essential for fetal to H b A synthesis occurs at 30 wks, and
w ell b e in g . 30 E x p e rim e n ta lly in d u c e d is not altered by the birth process. P re­
increases in affinity of m aternal hem oglo­ m aturely born infants follow the in-utero
bin in the preg n an t rat result in sm aller tra n s itio n . 5 H e m o g lo b in F sy n th e sis
fetuses at term , b u t lim ited experience declines rapidly in term infants postna-
in the hum an species suggests no such tally until it is negligible at 16 to 2 0 wks
adverse effect . 18’31 of age . 7

F etal R esponse to Acute um bilical cord com pression , 21 to a pH of

Asphyxia E vents 7.04 and an 0 2 saturation of 19 p ercen t
from 50 p ercen t in fetal lambs, produced
Asphyxia occurs w hen tissue m etabo­ the expected increase in cerebral blood
lism c o n tin u e s in th e a b s e n c e of a d e ­ flow to all regions of the brain, w ith larg­
q u a te oxygen supply. I n tr a u te r in e est increases to the brain stem and deep
asphyxia, specifically th e failure of th e cerebral structures. Fetal arterial blood
p la c e n ta to p ro v id e a d e q u a te gas ex­ pressure rose during asphyxia and cor­
change for th e fetus, is expressed clini­ re la te d clo sely w ith reg io n a l c e re b ra l
cally as fetal hypoxia, hypercarbia, and blood flow increases, suggesting that it
acidosis associated w ith late d e c e le ra ­ may be a critical factor in determ ining
tions of th e fetal h eart rate and/or passage cerebral blood flow. T he redistribution
of m econium . G iven th e anatom ical and of blood flow to the fetal brain during
physiological a rra n g e m e n t o f th e fetal- asphyxia is a potentially reversible p h e ­
placental u nit described in th e previous nom enon. Fetal lam bs subjected to a 90
section, w hat capacity does the system m inute period of hypoxia (POa 12 to 15
have to adjust to alterations in oxygen mmHg) w ere studied 4, 24, and 48 hours
supply. This section will discuss com pen­ after hypoxia . 4 Regional cerebral blood
satory m echanism s invoked during acute flows, which rose an average of 95.9 p e r­
asphyxial events. Again, as w ith experi­ cent com pared to control during th e hyp­
m ents determ ining th e norm al state, the oxia, had retu rn ed to pre-hypoxia levels
data presen ted are prim arily from studies by four hours and rem ained stable at 24
of fetal animals, especially th e fetal lamb. and 48 hours post-hypoxia, showing no
T he m ost extensive stu d ies of acute evidence of post-ischem ic hypoperfusion
deprivation of fetal oxygen supply have syndrom e. O th e r organ blood flows also
involved re d u c e d m a te rn a l a rterial 0 2 retu rn ed to near baseline levels by four
content . 15 Fetal hypoxem ia induced by hours post-hypoxia.
m aternal b re a th in g of re d u c e d oxygen F etal oxygen supply is a function of
concentrations resu lted in increased fetal um bilical blood flow as well as um bilical
arterial p re ssu re , d e c re a se d fetal h e a rt venous oxygen content, but, as discussed
rate, and only a m inim al decrease in fetal e a rlie r, fe to -m a te rn a l gas e x c h an g e is
cardiac output. T here was also a signifi­ particularly vulnerable to alterations in
cant redistribution of fetal cardiac out­ flow . 27 Cineangiographic studies of the
put, w ith an increase in blood flow to the R hesus m o n k ey p la c e n ta , 34 w h ich is
fetal heart, brain, and adrenals, accom­ hem ochorial and th ere fo re stru c tu ra lly
panied by a reduction in flow to the gut, sim ilar to th e h u m a n p la c e n ta , h av e
kid n ey s, sp le e n , c arcass, a n d lungs. d e m o n s tra te d re d u c e d flow th ro u g h
W h en fetal lam bs w e re a c id e m ic as e n d o m e tria l sp iral a rte ria ls in to th e
w ell as h y p o x em ic, th e s e c irc u la to ry intervillous spaces d u ring u te rin e con­
re sp o n se s w e re e v e n m o re d ra m a tic , tractions. L ater studies using radioactive
with greater increases in fetal brain, car­ m icrospheres , 24 also in pregnant Rhesus
diac, and adrenal flow w hile flow to the m onkeys near term , have m ore quanti­
rest of th e body decreased. In addition, tatively docum ented the effects o f labor
fetal cardiac o u tp u t was d im in ish e d in on u te r in e an d , especially, p la c e n ta l
the hypoxem ic-acidem ic lam bs and the blood flow. C om pared to baseline levels
percent distribution of cardiac output to p rio r to labor, th e p la c e n ta re c e iv e d
the placenta increased. m arkedly different flow during contrac­
S evere partial asphyxia secondary to tions ( —64 p e rc e n t) th an d u rin g th e

relaxation p h ase b e tw e e n contractions ade w ith atropine. The degree of fetal

( + 60 percent). These alternating periods bradycardia appears to be a function of
of placental ischemia and reactive hyper­ fetal P a 0 2, 19,28 b u t first requires P a 0 2 to
em ia may balance each o th er w hen con­ fall below a critical threshold level.
tra c tio n s a re re g u la r a n d w ell sp aced . In the fetal lam b, this critical PaOz has
H ow ever, w h e n c o n tra c tio n s b e c o m e b e e n id e n tifie d as a p p ro x im ate ly 16
m ore freq u en t and vigorous, as happens m m H g , 19 while in the hum an fetus it is
in later states of hum an labor, or w hen 19 m m H g . 13 Fetal heart rate, then, does
tetanic contractions occur as a result of not fall in response to hypoxem ia until
excessive oxytocin infusion, this balance th e critical P a 0 2 level has been reached.
may be altered, resulting in fetal hypox­ These sam e studies have shown that tis­
em ia and/or acidem ia as ev id e n c e d by sue hypoxia is n ot necessarily p re s e n t
decelerations of fetal heart rate. w hen fetal bradycardia occurs, implying
Umbilical blood flow has b een shown that tissue 0 2 dem ands can still be m et
to rem ain constant despite acute changes in th e presence of significant fetal hypox­
in fetal blood oxygen concentrations over emia. Clinically, this would explain why
a w ide range of v a lu e s . 1 5 1 7 ,3 3 F u r th e r ­ fe ta l h e a rt ra te re d u c tio n s in h u m an
m ore, alterations in m aternal system ic or fetuses, so-called late decelerations, are
u te rin e circulations (increased venous not necessarily associated with evidence
pressure or decreased arterial pressure) of hypoxia at b irth , 14,23 as reflected by
have no direct effect on um bilical blood acidem ia or low Apgar scores (an assess­
flow . 10,38 A variable and delayed fall in m e n t scale based on h e a rt rate, color,
um bilical blood flow is o b serv ed once tone, respiratory effort, and reflex, used
fetal hypoxem ia and bradycardia occur, in th e delivery room to evaluate a new ­
b u t this resp o n se was abolished w hen born at one and five m inutes). Fetal lam b
atropine was given to prev en t the bra­ s tu d ie s 39 d e m o n s tra te th e c ap acity o f
dycardia of fetal hypoxemia. Elevations th e fetus to w ith sta n d a 40 to 50 p e r ­
of umbilical venous pressure or reduc­ c e n t re d u c tio n in 0 2 deliv ery d u rin g
tion of um bilical arterial pressure, how ­ d e c re a sed u te rin e blood flow , w ith o u t
ever, do effect u m b ilic a l b lo o d flow affecting fetal O z consum ption. O ne fac­
in stantaneously a n d reproducibly. This tor in this rem arkable adaptability is the
resultant fall in um bilical flow could not relatively high percentage of total fetal
be abolished by atropine, suggesting that oxygen re q u ir e m e n t d e s ig n a te d for
fetal b ra d y c a rd ia — p re v e n te d by a tro ­ g ro w th u n d e r ste a d y -sta te c o n d itio n s,
p in e — was not responsible for the um bil­ w hich can be elim inated during tim es of
ical flow decrease. stress. A nother potential com pensatory
A nother im portant elem en t in the fetal m echanism for reduced 0 2 delivery is an
response to asphyxiai stress is decreased increase in fetal 0 2 extraction at the tis­
heart rate, especially w ith the expanded sue level.
role of fetal h eart rate m onitoring cur­ T h e m ech an ism s by w hich fetal r e ­
rently in clinical obstetrics. The prim ary sponses to hypoxic stress are regulated
trigger of fetal bradycardia is hypoxemia. a re only b e g in n in g to b e u n d e rs to o d .
Studies w ith fetal sh eep 19,28,32 have dem ­ A rg in in e v a so p re ssin is o n e c h e m ica l
onstrated a chem oreceptor response to m e d ia to r th a t ap p e ars to h av e a role.
h y poxem ia th a t stim u la te s th e vagus Infused intravenously in fetal sheep 20 to
n e rv e , w h ich in tu r n m e d ia te s th e achieve serum levels actually seen w ith
decrease in fetal h e a rt rate. The response feta l h y poxia, a rg in in e v a so p re ssin
can be abolished by B -adrenergic block­ resu lted in characteristic redistribution

of fetal blood flow w ith increases to m yo­ cental physiologists is further delineation
cardial, cerebral, and um bilical-placental o f b o th th e c h e m ica l and s tru c tu ra l
c irc u its. T h e re was also a d e c re a s e in m ediators of m aternal-fetal interaction.
fetal h e a rt ra te a n d in c re a s e in b lo o d
pressure w ith little change in com bined R eferences
ventricular output. W hile these findings
suggest th at vasopressin may contribute 1. A lle n , D. W . , W y m a n , J., and S m i t h , C.: The
oxygen equilibrium of fetal and adult human
to the fetal response to acute hypoxemia,
hemoglobin. J. Biol. Chem. 203:81-87, 1953.
o th e r a sso c ia te d c irc u la to ry ch an g es, 2. A n d e r s c h , M . A . , W i l s o n , D. A . , and M e n t e n ,
such as d e c re a s e d a d re n a l, re n a l, and M . L .: Sedim entation constants and electropho­

pulm onary blood flow, did not occur in retic m obilities o f adult and fetal carbonylhem-
oglobin. J. Biol. Chem. i53:301—305, 1944.
response to vasopressin alone, favoring 3. A n s e lm in o , K. Y. and H o f f m a n , F .: D ie
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