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Limba engleză

Clasa a IV- a L1
Numele şi prenumele elevului:
Data susţinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de
puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

Partea I
(60 de puncte)

1.Fill in the gaps using the following words: is, likes, winter, sister, can, have got, name, am, and,

Hello everybody! My ___________is Paul. I __________ ten years old and I live in Romania. I
__________ a younger ____________. Her name is Angela. She _____________ playing with her
__________ a lot. I ____________ swim ________ play tennis. I love _____________ and Christmas!

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Simple Present:
a. Father ________________ (read) a book now.
b. My sister ______________ (play) the piano every day.
c. The children _______________ (not/ play) football now.
d. The girls________________ (swim) in the sea now
e. _________you ___________(read) every day?

3. Translate into English:
a. cal - ______________ f. dormitor - ____________ k. nas - ______________ p.
broască - _______
b. baie - _____________ g. marţi - ________________ l. rochie -____________ q.
bucătărie - ______
c. caiet - ____________ h. primăvară -____________ m. iepure - ____________ r.
d. ochi - ____________ i. bibliotecă - ____________ n. penar - _____________ s.
creion - ________
e. portocală - ___________ j. minge - _______________ o. fustă- ___________ t.
gură - __________

(20x1 p=20p)
4. Fill in with a or an:
a. ________ book
b. ________tiger
c. ________ apple
d. ________orange
e. ________ school
f. ________elephant
g. ________ball
h. ________cake
i. ________ ice-cream
j. ________duck

5. Fill in the text with the correct form of the verb to be and have (got):
a. Paul _________________ a brother and a sister. c. My mother __________ the best!
b. We _____________ in the classroom. d. I ___________ a tall girl.
e. You ______________ a big birthday cake.


Partea a II a

Use the verbs to be, to have got, like, can to describe yourself:

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