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Passage: Psalm 107:8-9

8 Let them give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness,

And for His wonders to the sons of men!

9 For He has satisfied the thirsty soul,

And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.

Our struggle/need/problem:

There are days that our joy is being taken from us, by our problems, trials and frustration. Then we find
ourselves not having a reason to give thanks.

Short background/occasion of the Psalm

this psalm is a psalm of thank giving to God for what He has done.

What the Psalm says:

The psalmist says to the redeemed people of God, to give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, give
thanks for He has redeem you from the hands of the adversary; He has gathered you from your lost
estate, He has delivered you from your distresses and led you to a path to an inhabitant city a dwelling

give thanks to the Lord for His lovingkindness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!

How does it address our current struggle/need/problem:

Brothers and sisters those who have put their faith in Christ as Lord and savior are the people whom
God redeemed from the punishment of Hell and death through the substitutionary death of Christ on
the cross. We were sinners who are lost in sin, wondering in state of complete emptiness and
destruction. Yet by His Lovingkindness, He has shown us grace, He called us and led us to a place that we
may dwell and rest, God has reviled to us His son Jesus Christ the place we run to find salvation and rest.

we are haters of God, enemies of God, people who deceive condemnation In Hell, It is the great
wonder of wonders that God would look upon us would send His son, God himself to stoup down in our
level to die in the cross for us, His enemies.

What Grace, what love that He would look upon our sinful state and die for our sake.

So today if you feel like you don’t have joy in worshipping our God, remember the Gospel how He has
redeemed you, remember His Grace, His Love that is displayed on the cross. And it will fill your heart
with thanksgiving and Joy.

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