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How to Estimate How Much Is My Wrongful Death Case Worth

When estimating the worth of a personal injury or a wrongful death case, lawyers take into
account all that you could be compensated for. This includes:
- Funeral costs
- Medical costs incurred before the death due to the accident, if any
- Loss of financial support
- Pain and suffering of the loved ones
- Pain and suffering of the deceased person incurred before the death due to the accident,
if any
Other factors that determine the value include:
- The age of the deceased person at the time of the death
- The deceased health prior to the death
- His or her potential earning capacity
- The identity of the liable person (their age, family status, previous behavior, and other
life circumstances)
Remember that all your lawyer can give you is an estimation of the total worth. They know the
usual prices of settlement offers in such cases, how willing insurance companies may be to
negotiate, and how much a jury may award you. However, there is no guarantee that in the end,
you’ll get that amount. Your compensation may be on the lower end or you may get more than
expected. After all, insurance company agents and jury members are people of flesh and blood
who’d be making a decision on the monetary value of someone else’s life. There are certain
standards set with the case law, but there is no guarantee of the actual compensation.
Finally, keep in mind that only if you seek damages recovery, you’ll get some. You deserve it for
your harms and losses, so you shouldn’t be hesitant to seek it.

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