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Why fit in when you were born to stand out? Asked Dr. Seuss, a well-known american writer.

Why be sad when you can be happy? Why be normal when you can be different? Anyway,

normal is an illusion. Just an illusion, because what is normal for a spider is chaos for a

butterfly. My body is a fragile glass jar in which childish organs are gathered. The lungs are

screaming because they are closed, without escape and they hit the ribcage tightly and

rhythmic, but no monstrous noises can be heard. My heart is trembling,is breaking into

thousands of pieces and form my soul. This unique soul, which no one can steal from me. No

one can steal my mind either. The thought of the thoughts I think may have had someone else,

but now it is mine, by thinking it and by the fact that it belongs to me. I do not want to break

the jar, where I am in fact myself with my whole being, because it will be hard for me to

gather my shards and rebuild myself. We are not all created of the same glass, we do not

break at the same time, we do not get lost in the same infinite universes. Be you, because you

are true and you are alive. Maybe you're sometimes wondering your eyes: Do I really exist?,

like Mr. Nobody asked himself, but you exist and every path is the right path. Everything

could have been anything else and it would have just as much meaning. Dont forget you are

youer than everyone in this room. How were you before you were like this? Or how were you

before I asked you the last question? See, you've changed in three seconds, because you're

alive. This God is actually the greatest filmmaker, who raised Truffaut, Pasolini or Godard.

He hired us as actors in his play, which he conceived for a long time except it took him a

while to shape us up, to create props that means the whole world with the back of the leaves

just like the veins of my hand, with the stars as the silver end of the rod with which they fish

in heaven seated above the barrier called sky. The big and the same sky. We love how

everything fits: the tree in the landscape, the lung in the thoracic box, the pupil on the eye, the

fingernail on the fingertip, the cross into the ground and the Saints on the beautiful icons.
I like to know we're actors in God's play. He shared our roles, because while I'm a student,

you are teachers, or while a girl with red hair and freckles on the face is a child, her mother is

an adult or while poor beggar, dressed in rags, with dark and black hair as tar, burnt by

unhappiness sits on the corner of the street, a rich man resemblance to The Great Gatsby is

suffocated by everything he ever wanted. Maybe i am a little bit childish but I get the

impression that the director did not share the roles too correctly and that he sometimes is

amused. I imagine him standing in front of his divine stage, in his Divine Theatre Hall and

concerning us, contemplating us and giving us suggestions or arguing just not by words,  but

by punishing us. We are the actors God exploited us in a play called Life, But as Godard

formulates The exploiter never tells the exploited how he is exploating him.

We play different roles. You're you, I'm Me and I like to see that not everything is the same.

You're emphasizing that you paint only with black, I highlight myself by putting flowers in

milk,not in water.

It'd be really boring to know there's no silence or madness. Do you remember the laughter?

How different it was... For it was crazy and many love madness even if we cannot explain it.
It's simply madness. Or others are actors, besides the actors in the God„s play and maybe they
play Desdemona and Othello:- my beautiful Bravery/My dear Othello-Shakspeare.
Or maybe some are painters or gardeners or whatever but we are different and we evidence
what we do, we say, we think.
And maybe there will be people who don't like who you really are, yet it's important to keep
your head up and reveal your true personality. If others cry their sighs, you sing them loudly
or if others put tulips to the grave, you put roses. It's fascinating how we tend to be ashamed
when we stand out with something, we're shy, we're still in the condensed jar covered in a
blinding fog.
So someone must celan with the trembling fingers of his hand, the condensation formed to
look at us all to see how different we are, and yet similarities, for all of us are playing in the
play of God.
i want to see every human being that it is what it is. I shall start by taking a step forward and
saying:God, I want to show you that I can be the actor you wanted in this incredible theater
play.Answer me.Tragedy or comedy?

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