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Sierra Mace

Notebook Prompt week 8-8f

There are many opportunities given by google docs and other open source tools

for everyone as a writer. One of the many opportunities is being able to share the

document with someone else for collaboration. This is very helpful because In many

schools there is group work assigned. Using technologies to organize group work and

projects can make group work more productive, alleviate problems with group members

who are absent (or who do not participate), and cost nothing to use (Atkins). This is very

helpful at times like this, during the pandemic of COVID 19. Many people aren’t able to

leave their house, sharing a google docs or any other source with your partners is a

great way to do your work. These compare with using a proprietary platform like

Microsoft Word because when using microsoft work there isn’t as many available

opportunities. Many people aren’t able to afford Microsoft word. But for google docs it is

free to use for anyone. A collaborative technology like a wiki can help group members

organize their contributions, respond to others’ ideas, communicate with members of

the group (easily forwarding links or electronic documents, for example), and facilitate a

way to present the final group project to an audience ( Atkins). With this there is a lot of

available communication. This works for collaborating because everyone can use it.

Mashing in other collaborative technologies can further help you to create, organize,

and present your group project (Atkins).

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