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Learning activity 1 / Actividad de aprendizaje 1

Evidence: My Profile / Evidencia: Mi perfil

Blog Barragan Vergara

Name: Alexander

Hello Friends!

My name is Alexander Barragan Vergara. I am from Colombia. I am 28

years old. I am operator of substations electricas. I speak Spanish. I my
free time sleep Ryde the bicycle. My parents are Olga Vergara and Pablo
Emilio Barragan They are from Colombia My dad is gardener and my
mom is a housewife I live in Ibague City.

Name: Alexander Brragan Vergara

I have four brothers. The oldest is Anderson he has two sons; he works in
security. The next brothers is Andres he is seller. He is thirty years old.
Alejandro is the other brother has a Baby and he lives in Ibague City. The
youngest is Pablo he is student’s y works in foods.

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