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Gf am the Vine, ou are the branches. Remember: The Holy Spirit desires to empower you to live a Christ-directed life. As you continue to breathe spiritually (exhale~-confess your sin, and inhale~claim the fullness of the Holy Spirit), you will experience a deepening fellowship with God enabling you to grow in Christian maturity. Maturity takes time— 7 there are no shortcuts. 7 s T It is a lifelong process! Spiritual ‘TIME Birch @ What does it mean to grow as a child of God? It means to increase in the knowledge of God, in your love for Him, and in your obedience to Him. Read John 17:3. What does Jesus say is the essence of eternal life? Read Matthew 22:36-40. There are more than 600 commands in the Old Testament. Why do you think Jesus considered these two commandments so important? How would loving God with all your heart, soul and mind affect your life and your relationships with others? Read John 14:21. What will be a result of your growing love for Him? @ How can you grow as a child of God? If you met someone whom you enjoyed, what would you do to get to know that person better? Communication is vital in any relationship, including your relationship with Christ. Four aspects of communication that will help you grow in your relationship with Christ as you live in the power of Holy Spirit: ibie g> Bib Sp Pave == Fellowship Witnessing Bible God communicates with you through His Word, the Bible, revealing His character and His will, and His loving faithfulness to you. Read Il Timothy 3:16,17. List and define each benefit described in this passage. Which of these benefits would be most helpful to you right now? How would you evaluate the helpfulness of the Bible reading you have done so far? Prayer ~- Adoration (praise and worship), Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication You communicate with God through prayer. Adoration (praise, and worship) is the expression of a love relationship. Christ paid the dreadful price necessary for us to be able to “draw near with a true heart ..." (Hebrews 10:22). Why is it important to praise and worship Him for who He is and what He has done? Read Psalm 95:6 and Psalm 150. Why is it important to confess sin? Read I John 1:9 and Psalm 66:18. Why is it important to thank Him with a grateful heart? Read I Thessalonians 5:16-18 and Ephesians 5:18-20. Why is it important to talk to God in prayer about everything and to pray for others? Rend Philippians 4:6,7 and I John 5:14,15. Fellowship You communicate with other Christians through fellowship ~ encouraging and building up one another. Read Hebrews 10:24,25. Why is it important to spend time with other Christians? Why would this be important for you now? Read Acts 2:42-47. Where does God intend for us to find supportive Christian fellowship on a consistent basis? ‘The "body" of Christ is made up of all believers (I Corinthians 12:14-27). However, the Bible emphasizes the importance of a local church, a "family" of believers where God's truth is proclaimed and believers are encouraged and equipped for ministry. It is in this family of believers that we grow in our relationship with God and with others. Here are some of the ways we please God and stimulate one another to love and good deeds. ‘The Greek word for fellowship, koinonia, means "partnership, sharing in common.” As Christians we are to "share" our lives in many different ways and receive from others as well. Without the fellowship of a biblically sound church, we disobey God and forfeit the giving and receiving of blessings. Witnessing You communicate with non-Christians by witnessing-demonstrating love toward them and sharing verbally about your relationship with Christ and how they also can have a relationship with Him. Read Acts 1:8; 4:12; I Peter 3:13-15,18, What would motivate you to tell another person about Christ? Who would you like to tell about what Christ has done in your life? (List the names) Would you like to have help sharing this Good News with your friends? SUMMARY: — Read I Corinthians 3:6,7, God is the source of your growth. You cannot develop spiritual maturity just by "trying really hard." As you worship God, walk in the Spirit, read the Bible, pray, share Christ with people, and spend time with other believers, God will be at work in you, producing fruitfulness and maturity. ® What can you expect as you grow as a child of God? List some characteristics that you want God to produce in your life: Read II Peter 1:5-9 which gives us a picture of spiritual growth. According to these verses, what is the primary hindrance to spiritual growth? Remember: God loves you. His boundless love for you is not dependent upon the amount of your growth. However, because He loves you, He is committed to completing the good work He has begun in you. (Philippians 1:6) 4) What can you do now? ¢ Set aside time and a place for a daily Quiet Time with the Lord, As you read the Bible, underline meaningful verses. Pray and ask God to show you who He is and how you can respond to Him. Here is an example of what to do: I newer they sha er can ther are ei None nay - Read the book of Ephesians following the above example. ¢ Become involved in a local church: 1. Be committed to learning and growing in your relationship with God and with others, such as being involved in: further discipleship, evangelism training, Bible study group, regular worship, etc. 2. Be available for training and equipping in order to serve and minister to others, such as: disciple others, witness to others, teach a Sunday School class, be a greeter, etc. ¢ Share Christ with someone: Pray, asking God to reveal the person(s) with whom you are to share Christ. Copyright 1996 ‘Multiplication Ministries P.O. Box 1270, Vista, CA 92085

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