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The Journal of Evan Miller

June 10th, 1775

The weather has been great lately here in Massachusetts, except the British
have been going crazy. The tax on british goods is higher than it has ever been before
all because the British won the French and Indian war. All the colonies but one, which is
New York, are supporting the British Boycott. I agree with the boycott we can not keep
paying these ridiculous prices for goods we can grow and produce here in the United
States of America. All the members in the Parliament don’t give a crap about people
who live in the colonies, they do what they want, even if we get enough votes to vote it
down. Just like the virtual representation, none of us agree with this concept because
we like to vote and pick who we want to represent us. We want freedom, liberty, and

The stamp act has been going crazy, taxes are out of this world crazy, nobody can
pay for the british goods anymore, we are finally starting to boycott them and producing
and growing our own goods. The 12 colonies that left the British government are going
to succeed so well that everyone is going to want to join us.

On October 2, 1774, the First Continental Congrèss met, this marked the day 12 of
the 13 colonies became The United States of America, the one colony that did not leave
was Georgia, they felt that they needed the support from Britain and the British soldiers.
The colonies finally left the british government and finally had their own, they had
freedom, life, and liberty, and they got to pick their own representatives. King George
the third did not like this, he lost troops, countries, trade, and most of all money.

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