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What is Wrong with Social Theory?

Author(s): Herbert Blumer

Reviewed work(s):
Source: American Sociological Review, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Feb., 1954), pp. 3-10
Published by: American Sociological Association
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Accessed: 05/12/2012 16:57

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February Volume 19
1954uReview Number 1

Official Journal of the American Sociological Society



University of California

M Y concernis limitedto that form of The aim of theory in empirical science is

social theory which stands or pre- to develop analytical schemes of the empiri-
sumes to stand as a part of empiri- cal world with which the given science is
cal science.1 concerned. This is done by conceiving the
world abstractly, that is in terms of classes
* Paper read at the annual meeting of the
of objects and of relations between such
American Sociological Society, August, 1953.
1 There are two other legitimate and im- classes. Theoretical schemes are essentially
portant kinds of social theory which I do not proposals as to the nature of such classes
propose to assess. One of them seeks to develop and of their relations where this nature is
a meaningful interpretation of the social world problematic or unknown. Such proposals be-
or of some significant part of it. Its aim is not come guides to investigation to see whether
to form scientific propositions but to outline and
define life situations so that people may have a they or their implications are true. Thus,
clearer understanding of their world, its possi- theory exercises compelling influence on re-
bilities of development, and the directions along search-setting problems, staking out ob-
which it may move. In every society, particularly jects and leading inquiry into asserted
in a changing society, there is a need for mean-
ingful clarification of basic social values, social
tions. In turn, findings of fact test theories,
institutions, modes of living and social relations. and in suggesting new problems invite the
This need cannot be met by empirical science, formulation of new proposals. Theory, in-
even though some help may be gained from quiry and empirical fact are interwoven in a
analysis made by empirical science. Its effective texture of operation
fulfillment requires a sensitivity to new dispo-
with theory guiding in-
sitions and an appreciation of new lines along quiry, inquiry seeking and isolating facts,
which social life may take shape. Most social and facts affecting theory. The fruitfulness
theory of the past and a great deal in the present of their interplay is the means by which an
is wittingly or unwittingly of this interpretative empirical science develops.
type. This type of social theory is important and
stands in its own right. Comparedwith this brief sketch of theory
A second type of theory might be termed in empirical science, social theory in general
"policy" theory. It is concerned with analyzing a shows grave shortcomings. Its divorcement
given social situation, or social structure, or from the empirical world is glaring. To a
social action as a basis for policy or action. It preponderant extent it is
might be an analysis of communist strategy and
tactics, or of the conditions that sustain racial
into a world of its own, inside of which it
segregation in an American city, or of the power feeds on itself. We usually localize it in
play in labor relations in mass production in- separate courses and separate fields. For the
dustry, or of the morale potential of an enemy most part it has its own
country. Such theoretical analysis is not made in
literature. Its life-
the interests of empirical science. Nor is it a mere line is primarily exegesis-a critical exami-
application of scientific knowledge. Nor is it re-
search inquiry in accordance with the canons of crete situation and not by the methods or ab-
empirical science. The elements of its analysis and stractions of empirical science. This form of
their relations have a nature given by the con- social theorizing is of obvious importance.

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nation of prior theoretical schemes, the com- instead test their theories. Above all, get
pounding of portions of them into new them to cast their theory into forms which
arrangements, the translation of old ideas are testable. Have them orient their theory
into a new vocabulary, and the occasional to the vast bodies of accumulated research
addition of a new notion as a result of reflec- findings and develop theory in the light of
tion on other theories. It is remarkably such findings.
susceptible to the importation of schemes These are nice injunctions to which all of
from outside its own empirical field, as in us would subscribe. They do have a limited
the case of the organic analogy, the evolu- order of merit. But they neither isolate the
tionary doctrine, physicalism, the instinct problem of what is basically wrong with
doctrine, behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and social theory nor do they provide means of
the doctrine of the conditioned reflex. Fur- correcting the difficulties. The problem con-
ther, when applied to the empirical world tinues to remain in the wake of studies made
social theory is primarily an interpretation with due respect to the injunctions. There
which orders the world into its mold, not a have been and there are many able and
studious cultivation of empirical facts to see conscientious people in our field, alone, who
if the theory fits. In terms of both origin and have sought and are seeking to develop social
use social theory seems in general not to be theory through careful, sometimes meticu-
geared into its empirical world. lous preoccupation with empirical data-
Next, social theory is conspicuously defec- Robert E. Park, WV.I. Thomas, Florian
tive in its guidance of research inquiry. It Znaniecki, Edwin Sutherland, Stuart Dodd,
is rarely couched in such form as to facili- E. W. Burgess, Samuel Stouffer, Paul Laz-
tate or allow directed investigation to see arsfeld, Robert Merton, Louis Wirth, Robin
whether it or its implications are true. Thus, Williams, Robert Bales and dozens of others
it is gravely restricted in setting research who equally merit mention. All of these peo-
problems, in suggesting kinds of empirical ple are empirically minded. All have sought
data to be sought, and in connecting these in their respective ways to guide research by
data to one another. Its divorcement from theory and to assess their theoretical propo-
research is as great as its divorcement from sitions in the light of empirical data. Prac-
its empirical world. tically all of them are familiar with the
Finally, it benefits little from the vast and textbook canons of empirical research. We
ever growing accumulation of "facts" that cannot correctly accuse such people of in-
come from empirical observation and re- difference to the empirical world, or of
search inquiry. While this may be due to an procedural naivete, or of professional in-
intrinsic uselessness of such facts for theo- competence. Yet their theories and their
retic purposes, it also may be due to de- work are held suspect and found wanting,
ficiency in theory. some theories by some, other theories by
These three lines of deficiency in social others. Indeed, the criticisms and counter-
theory suggest that all that is needed is to criticisms directed to their respective work
correct improper preoccupations and bad are severe and box the compass. It is obvious
working practices in theorizing. We hear that we have to probe deeper than the level
repeatedly recommendationsand injunctions of the above injunctions.
to this effect. Get social theorists to reduce In my judgment the appropriate line of
drastically their preoccupationwith the liter- probing is with regard to the concept. The-
ature of social theory and instead get in ory is of value in empirical science only to
touch with the empirical social world. Let the extent to which it connects fruitfully
them renounce their practice of taking in with the empirical world. Concepts are the
each other's washing and instead work with means, and the only means of establishing
empirical data. Let them develop their own such connection, for it is the concept that
conceptual capital through the cultivation points to the empirical instances about
of their own empirical field instead of im- which a theoretical proposal is made. If the
porting spurious currency from alien realms. concept is clear as to what it refers, then
Get them to abandon the practice of merely sure identification of the empirical instances
interpreting things to fit their theories and may be made. With their identification, they

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can be studied carefully, used to test theo- experience in explaining concepts to our stu-
retical proposals and exploited for sugges- dents or outsiders. Formal definitions are of
tions as to new proposals. Thus, with little use. Instead, if we are good teachers we
clear concepts theoretical statements can be seek to give the sense of the concept by
brought into close and self-correcting rela- the use of a few apt illustrations. This initial
tions with the empirical world. Contrariwise, sense, in time, becomes entrenched through
vague concepts deter the identification of the sheer experience of sharing in a common
appropriateempirical instances, and obscure universe of discourse. Our concepts come to
the detection of what is relevant in the em- be taken for granted on the basis of such a
pirical instances that are chosen. Thus, they sense. It is such a sense and not precise
block connection between theory and its specifications that guides us in our discipline
empirical world and prevent their effective in transactions with our empirical world.
interplay. This ambiguous nature of concepts is the
A recognition of the crucial position of basic deficiency in social theory. It hinders
concepts in theory in empirical science does us in coming to close grips with our em-
not mean that other matters are of no im- pirical world, for we are not sure what to
portance. Obviously, the significance of in- grip. Our uncertainty as to what we are
tellectual abilities in theorizing, such as referring obstructs us from asking pertinent
originality and disciplined imagination, re- questions and setting relevant problems for
quires no highlighting. Similarly, techniques research. The vague sense dulls our percep-
of study are of clear importance.Also, bodies tion and thus vitiates directed empirical ob-
of fact are necessary. Yet, profound and servation. It subjects our reflection on pos-
brilliant thought, an arsenal of the most sible relations between concepts to wide
precise and ingenious instruments, and an bands of error. It encourages our theorizing
extensive array of facts are meaningless in to revolve in a separate world of its own
empirical science without the empirical rele- with only a tenuous connection with the
vance, guidance and analytical order that empirical world. It limits severely the clari-
can come only through concepts. Since in fication and growth that concepts may de-
empirical science everything depends on how rive from the findings of research. It leads to
fruitfully and faithfully thinking intertwines the undisciplined theorizing that is bad
with the empirical world of study, and since theorizing.
concepts are the gateway to that world, the If the crucial deficiency of social theory,
effective functioning of concepts is a matter and for that matter of our discipline, is the
of decisive importance. ambiguous nature of our concepts, why not
Now, it should be evident that concepts proceed to make our concepts clear and
in social theory are distressingly vague. definite? This is the nub of the problem.
Representative terms like mores, social in- The question is how to do this. The possible
stitutions, attitudes, social class, value, cul- lines of answer can be reduced a lot by
tural norm, personality, reference group, recognizing that a great deal of endeavor,
social structure, primary group, social proc- otherwise conscientiousand zealous, does not
ess, social system, urbanization,accommoda- touch the problem. The clarification of con-
tion, differential discrimination and social cepts is not achieved by introducing a new
control do not discriminate cleanly their vocabulary of terms or substituting new
empirical instances. At best they allow only terms-the task is not one of lexicography.
rough identification, and in what is so It is not achieved by extensive reflection on
roughly identified they do not permit a theories to show their logical weaknesses and
determination of what is covered by the pitfalls. It is not accomplished by forming
concept and what is not. Definitions which or importing new theories. It is not achieved
are provided to such terms are usually no by inventing new technical instruments or
clearer than the concepts which they seek to by improving the reliability of old tech-
define. Careful scrutinizing of our concepts niques-such instruments and techniques
forces one to recognize that they rest on are neutral to the concepts on behalf of
vague sense and not on precise specification which they may be used. The clarification of
of attributes. We see this in our common concepts does not come from piling up

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mountains of research findings. As just one genuine concepts related to our empirical
illustration I would point to the hundreds world.
of studies of attitudes and the thousands of First, insofar as the definitive empirical
items they have yielded; these thousands of content that is isolated is regarded as con-
items of finding have not contributed one stituting by itself the concept (as in the
iota of clarification to the concept of atti- statement that, "X is the intelligence quo-
tudes. By the same token, the mere exten- tient") it is lacking in theoretic possibilities
sion of research in scope and direction does and cannot be regardedas yielding a genuine
not offer in itself assurance of leading to concept. It does not have the abstract char-
clarification of concepts. These various lines acter of a class with specifiable attributes.
of endeavor, as the results themselves seem What is "intelligence quotient" as a class
abundantly to testify, do not meet the prob- and what are its properties? While one can
lem of the ambiguous concept. say that "intelligence quotient" is a class
The most serious attempts to grapple with made up of a series of specific intelligence
this problem in our field take the form of quotients, can one or does one point out
developing fixed and specific procedures de- common features of this series-features
signed to isolate a stable and definitive em- which, of course, would characterize the
pirical content, with this content constituting class? Until the specific instances of empiri-
the definition or the reference of the con- cal content isolated by a given procedure
cept. The better known of these attempts are brought together in a class with common
are the formation of operational definitions, distinguishing features of content, no con-
the experimental construction of concepts, cept with theoretic character is formed. One
factoral analysis, the formation of deductive cannot make proposals about the class or
mathematical systems and, although slightly abstraction or relate it to other abstractions.
different, the construction of reliable quan- Second, insofar as the definitive empirical
titative indexes. Although these attempts content that is isolated is regarded as quali-
vary as to the kind of specific procedure fying something beyond itself (as in the
that is used, they are alike in that the pro- statement that, "Intelligence is the intelli-
cedure is designed to yield through repeated gence quotient" wherein intelligence would
performancesa stable and definitive finding. now be conceived as including a variety of
A definition of intelligence as being the in- common sense references such as ability to
telligence quotient is a convenient illustra- solve business problems, plan campaigns, in-
tion of what is common to these approaches. vent, exercise diplomatic ingenuity, etc.),
The intelligence quotient is a stable and the concept is constituted by this something
discriminating finding that can be checked which is beyond the definitive empirical con-
through a repetition of clearly specified pro- tent. But since this "something beyond" is
cedures. Ignoring questions as to the differ- not dealt with by the procedure yielding the
ential merit and the differential level of definitive empirical content, the concept re-
penetration between these approaches, it mains in the ambiguous position that origi-
would seem that in yielding a specific and nally set the problem. In other words, the
discriminating content they are the answer concept continues to be constituted by gen-
to the problem of the ambiguous concept in eral sense or understanding and not by
social theory. Many hold that resolute em- specification.
ployment of one or the other of these Third, a pertinent question has to be faced
methods will yield definitive concepts with as to the relation of the definitive empirical
the consequence that theory can be applied content that is isolated, to the empirical
world that is the concern of the discipline.
decisively to the empirical world and tested
One has to have the possibilities of estab-
effectively in research inquiry.
lishing the place and role of the specific
So far, the suitability of these precision content, in the empirical world in order for
endeavors to solving the problem of the am- the empirical content to enter into theory
biguous concept remains in the realm of about the world. A specific procedure may
claim and promise. They encounter three yield a stable finding, sometimes necessarily
pronounced difficultiesin striving to produce so by the internal mechanics of the pro-

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cedure. Unless this finding is shown to have concepts such as I have been referring to
a relevant place in the empiricalworld under in the foregoing discussion. A definitive
study, it has no value for theory. The show- concept refers precisely to what is common
ing of such relevancy is a critical difficulty to a class of objects, by the aid of a clear
confronting efforts to establish definitive definition in terms of attributes or fixed
concepts by isolating stable empirical con- bench marks. This definition, or the bench
tents through precise procedures. Inciden- marks, serve as a means of clearly identify-
tally, the establishment of such relevancy is ing the individual instance of the class and
not accomplished by making correlations. the make-up of that instance that is covered
While classes of objects or items covered by by the concept. A sensitizing concept lacks
concepts may be correlated, the mere estab- such specification of attributes or bench
lishment of correlations between items does marks and consequently it does not enable
not form concepts or, in other words, does the user to move directly to the instance and
not give an item as an instance of a class, a its relevant content. Instead, it gives the
place or a function. Further, the relevance user a general sense of reference and guid-
of an isolated empirical content to the em- ance in approaching empirical instances.
pirical world is not established merely by Whereas definitive concepts provide pre-
using the concept to label given occurrences scriptions of what to see, sensitizing con-
in that empirical world. This is a semantic cepts merely suggest directions along which
pit into which scores of workers fall, par- to look. The hundreds of our concepts-like
ticularly those working with operational culture, institutions, social structure, mores,
definitions of concepts or with experimental and personality-are not definitive concepts
construction of concepts. For example, a but are sensitizing in nature. They lack pre-
careful study of "morale" made in a re- cise reference and have no bench marks
stricted experiment may yield a stable which allow a clean-cut identification of a
finding; however, the mere fact that we specific instance and of its content. Instead,
customarily label many instances in our em- they rest on a general sense of what is rele-
pirical world with the term, "morale," gives vant. There can scarcely be any dispute over
no assurance, whatsoever, that such an ex- this characterization.
perimental construct of "morale" fits them. Now, we should not assume too readily
Such a relation has to be established and that our concepts are sensitizing and not
not presumed. definitive merely because of immaturity and
Perhaps these three difficulties I have lack of scientific sophistication. WVeshould
mentioned may be successfully solved so consider whether there are other reasons for
that genuine definitive concepts of theoretic this condition and ask particularly whether
use can be formed out of the type of efforts it is due to the nature of the empirical
I have been considering. There still remains world which we are seeking to study and
what I am forced to recognize as the most analyze.
important question of all, namely whether I take it that the empirical world of our
definitive concepts are suited to the study discipline is the natural social world of
of our empirical social world. To pose such every-day experience. In this natural world
a question at this point seems to move in a every object of our consideration-whether
reverse direction, to contradict all that I a person, group, institution, practice or what
have said above about the logical need for not-has a distinctive, particular or unique
definitive concepts to overcome the basic character and lies in a context of a similar
source of deficiency in social theory. Even distinctive character. I think that it is this
though the question be heretical I do not see distinctive character of the empirical in-
how it can be avoided. I wish to explain stance and of its setting which explains why
why the question is very much in order. our concepts are sensitizing and not defini-
I think that thoughtful study shows con- tive. In handling an empirical instance of a
clusively that the concepts of our discipline concept for purposes of study or analysis we
are fundamentally sensitizing instruments. do not, and apparently cannot meaningfully,
Hence, I call them "sensitizing concepts" confine our consideration of it strictly to
and put them in contrast with definitive what is covered by the abstract reference

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of the concept. We do not cleave aside what tive and unique happenings or situations
gives each instance its peculiar characterand and if we seek through the direct study of
restrict ourselves to what it has in common this world to establish classes of objects and
with the other instances in the class covered relations between classes, we are, I think,
by the concept. To the contrary, we seem forced to work with sensitizing concepts.
forced to reach what is common by accepting The point that I am considering may be
and using what is distinctive to the given put in another way, by stating that seem-
empirical instance. In other words, what is ingly we have to infer that any given in-
common (i.e. what the concept refers to) is stance in our natural empirical world and
expressed in a distinctive manner in each its content are covered by one of our con-
empirical instance and can be got at only cepts. We have to make the inference from
by accepting and working through the dis- the concrete expression of the instance. Be-
tinctive expression. All of us recognize this cause of the varying nature of the concrete
when we commonly ask, for instance, what expression from instance to instance we have
form does social structure take in a Chinese to rely, apparently, on general guides and
peasant community or in an American labor not on fixed objective traits or modes of
union, or how does assimilation take place expression. To invert the matter, since what
in a Jewish rabbi from Poland or a peasant we infer does not express itself in the same
from Mexico. I believe that you will find fixed way, we are not able to rely on fixed
that this is true in applying any of our objective expressions to make the inference.
concepts to our natural empirical world, Given current fashions of thought, a con-
whether it be social structure, assimilation, clusion that concepts of social theory are
custom, institution, anomie, value, role, intrinsically sensitizing and not definitive
stratification or any of the other hundreds will be summarily dismissed as sheer non-
of our concepts. We recognize that what we sense by most people in our field. Others
are referringto by any given concept shapes who are led to pause and give consideration
up in a different way in each empirical in- to such a conclusion may be appropriately
stance. We have to accept, develop and disquieted by what it implies. Does it mean
use the distinctive expression in order to that our field is to remain forever in its
detect and study the common. present state of vagueness and to forego the
This apparent need of having to make possibilities of improving its concepts, its
one's study of what the concept refers to, propositions, its theory and its knowledge?
by working with and through the distinctive This is not implied. Sensitizing concepts can
or unique nature of the empirical instance, be tested, improved and refined. Their valid-
instead of casting this unique nature aside ity can be assayed through careful study of
calls, seemingly by necessity, for a sensi- empirical instances which they are presumed
tizing concept. Since the immediate data of to cover. Relevant features of such instances,
observation in the form of the distinctive which one finds not to be covered adequately
expression in the separate instances of study by what the concept asserts and implies,
are different, in approaching the empirical become the means of revising the concept.
instances one cannot rely on bench marks or To be true, this is more difficult with sensi-
fixed, objective traits of expression. Instead, tizing concepts than with definitive concepts
the concept must guide one in developing a precisely because one must work with vari-
picture of the distinctive expression, as in able instead of fixed forms of expression.
studying the assimilation of the Jewish Such greater difficulty does not preclude
rabbi. One moves out from the concept to progressive refinement of sensitizing con-
the concrete distinctiveness of the instance cepts through careful and imaginative study
instead of embracing the instance in the of the stubborn world to which such con-
abstract frameworkof the concept. This is a cepts are addressed. The concepts of assim-
matter of filling out a new situation or of ilation and social disorganization, for in-
picking one's way in an unknown terrain. stance, have gained more fitting abstraction
The concept sensitizes one to this task, pro- and keener discriminationthrough insightful
viding clues and suggestions. If our empirical and realistic studies, such as those of W. I.
world presents itself in the form of distinc- Thomas and Robert E. Park. Actually, all

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that I am saying here is that careful and touched them only lightly. I have sought to
probing study of occurrencesin our natural pin-point the basic source of deficiency. This
social world provide the means of bringing consists in the difficulty of bringing social
sensitizing concepts more and more in line theory into a close and self-correcting rela-
with what such study reveals. In short, there tion with its empirical world so that its
is nothing esoteric or basically unusual in proposals about that world can be tested,
correcting and refining sensitizing concepts refined and enriched by the data of that
in the light of stubborn empirical findings. world. This difficulty, in turn, centers in
It should be pointed out, also, that sen- the concepts of theory, since the concept is
sitizing concepts, even though they are the pivot of reference, or the gateway, to
grounded on sense instead of on explicit ob- that world. Ambiguity in concepts blocks or
jective traits, can be formulated and com- frustrates contact with the empirical world
municated. This is done little by formal and keeps theory apart in a corresponding
definition and certainly not by setting bench unrealistic realm. Such a condition of am-
marks. It is accomplished instead by exposi- biguity seems in general to be true of con-
tion which yields a meaningful picture, abet- cepts of social theory.
ted by apt illustrations which enable one to How to correct this condition is the most
grasp the reference in terms of one's own important problem of our discipline insofar
experience. This is how we come to see as we seek to develop it into an empirical
meaning and sense in our concepts. Such science. A great part, if not most, of what
exposition, it should be added, may be good we do these days does not touch the prob-
or poor-and by the same token it may be lem. Reflective cogitation on existing theory,
improved. the formulation of new theory, the execution
Deficiency in sensitizing concepts, then, of research without conceptual guidance or
is not inevitable nor irremediable. Indeed, of research in which concepts are accepted
the admitted deficiency in our concepts, uncritically, the amassing of quantities of
which certainly are used these days as sensi- disparate findings, and the devising and use
tizing concepts, is to be ascribed to inade- of new technical instruments-all these de-
quacy of study of the empirical instances to tour around the problem.
which they refer, and to inadequacy of their It seems clear that there are two funda-
exposition. Inadequate study and poor ex- mental lines of attack on the problem. The
position usually go together. The great vice, first seeks to develop precise and fixed pro-
and the enormously widespread vice, in the cedures that will yield a stable and definitive
use of sensitizing concepts is to take them empirical content. It relies on neat and
for granted-to rest content with whatever standardized techniques, on experimental ar-
element of plausibility they possess. Under rangements, on mathematical categories. Its
such circumstances, the concept takes the immediate world of data is not the natural
form of a vague stereotype and it becomes social world of our experience but special-
only a device for ordering or arranging em- ized abstractions out of it or substitutes for
pirical instances. As such it is not tested and it. The aim is to return to the natural social
assayed against the empirical instances and world with definitive concepts based on pre-
thus forfeits the only means of its improve- cisely specified procedures. While such pro-
ment as an analytical tool. But this merely cedures may be useful and valuable in many
indicates inadequate, slovenly or lazy work ways, their ability to establish genuine con-
and need not be. If varied empirical in- cepts related to the natural world is con-
stances are chosen for study, and if that fronted by three serious difficulties which so
study is careful, probing and imaginative, far have not been met successfully.
with an ever alert eye on whether, or how The other line of attack accepts our con-
far, the concept fits, full means are provided cepts as being intrinsically sensitizing and
for the progressive refinement of sensitizing not definitive. It is spared the logical diffi-
concepts. culties confronting the first line of attack
Enough has been said to set the problem but at the expense of forfeiting the achieve-
of what is wrong with social theory. I have ment of definitive concepts with specific, ob-
ignored a host of minor deficiencies or jective bench marks. It seeks to improve

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concepts by naturalistic research,2that is by imaginative life study, not on quick short-
direct study of our natural social world cuts or technical instruments. While its
wherein empirical instances are accepted in progress may be slow and tedious, it has the
their concrete and distinctive form. It de- virtue of remaining in close and continuing
pends on faithful reportorial depiction of relations with the natural social world.
the instances and on analytical probing into The opposition which I have sketched be-
their character. As such its procedure is tween these two modes of attack sets, I
markedly different from that employed in believe, the problem of how the basic de-
the effort to develop definitive concepts. Its ficiency of social theory is to be addressed.
success depends on patient, careful and It also poses, I suspect, the primary line
of issue in our discipline with regard to
2I have not sought in this paper to deal with becoming an empirical science of our natural
the logic of naturalistic research. social world.




Indiana University

T HE sociological study of pairings lead- to attitudes concerning marriage would be

ing to marriage has been neglected due to selection-rejectionand to association.
until recently. In so far as there has There is great doubt, however, as to the
been study of attitudinal agreement and dis- relative importance of these two mechanisms
agreement between membersof pairs in vari- producing attitudinal similarity.
ous intimacy groups, stress has been laid
upon subjective reports of disagreement. NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE PRESENT
Rarely has there been a design such that INVESTIGATION
pair member "A" reports for himself and
The research to be here reported is ex-
imputes responses to his specific partner
ploratory and admittedly lacking in a design
"B," subject to check against "B" 's actual
response. Objective measures of disagree- which would give a definite answer to ques-
tions concerning attitudinal disagreement,
ments of prediction of the particular part-
ner's independent response and of disagree- estimates of disagreement, and non-empa-
thetic imputation of attitude to the other
ment estimates are needed.
party to a relationship. While not venturing
Theories concerning relative disagreement
specific hypotheses we are concerned with
between courtship partners at various stages the following topics:
of intimacy are not well developed. The folk
belief in a sudden romantic involvement (1) The degree of disagreementbetween
which sweeps a couple blindly toward mar- parties to courtshippairingsin progres-
riage would imply little emergent consensus sive intimacycategoriesas comparedwith
concerning issues pertaining to marriage. On randompairingsof attitudes of persons
the other hand, if the advice of professional of oppositesex within correspondingin-
marriage counselors were generally followed, timacy categories.
(2) A possible trend to more accuratepre-
the stages (1) "favorite date," (2) "going diction of partnerattitude in more inti-
steady," (3) "engaged," (4) "married," mate categories,again with referenceto
would be marked by discussion and growing randomlypairedresponses.
consensus concerning issues involved in the (3) The trend of disagreementexpectations
marriage relationship. It is generally agreed of pairsin variousintimacycategoriesas
that increasing homogamy with reference comparedwith randomlypairedresponses.

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