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Journal Entry 2:

To finally have an attempt at a real government is absolutely splendid! With the help of

the Second Continental Congress, the colonies will have an actual government and we can

represent ourselves! I am especially excited to have a word in the State Government and with

what we all decide. I may just forge metal, but I have little say in the National Government

compared to the State. I am forever grateful for the signing of the Declaration of Independence

which was signed on August 2nd, 1776. Since we are free from Britain, we shall be called the

United States. A little over a year later, we formed a State Constitution. This constitution will give

rules, and laws for us and the government to follow.

Later today I must travel to New Hampshire on my horse to craft some furniture for some

friends. They are very kind farmers who are in debt to me, but I know they are good for the

money and will pay me when they harvest their crops. I would hate to craft so much for my

friends and not receive any payment. I really need the money to support myself and pay my

share of taxes to the State who will then hopefully pay some to the National Government. The

National Government may only request taxes, not force us to pay.

Today it is May 14th, 1787 and I will be riding my horse all the way to Philidelphia,

Pennsylvania for the Constitutional Convention. The plan is to decide how the United States will

be controlled and governed by going over the Articles of Confederation. I personally think that

everything needs change. What I mean is that we are not properly governed. I believe that more

people should be involved and more people should decide our constitution with votes. We must

unite and work together to show Britain that we will NEVER come back! They shall see us as a

very strong and independent nation!

- John Lockmore

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