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Name of Teacher : Mariani
Name of School : MA Al-Azhar
Grade :X
Subject : English
Topic : Which one is the best get away? (Chapter 4)
Skill : Speaking
Time Allocation : 1 x 10 minutes

A. Core Competence:
1. To appreciate and practice the teaching of their religion
2. To demonstrate the honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring (cooperation, teamwork, tolerance,
peace), politeness, responsiveness, and pro-active and to show attitude as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and positioning ourselves
as a reflection of the nation in world association.
3. To understand, to apply, to analyze factual, conceptual, technology, art, culture, and humanities with
humanity, nationality, state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and events,
and to apply procedural knowledge to specific field of study according to their talents and interests to
solve problems.
4. To process, to make reasoning, and to present in concrete and abstract domains related to the
development of what they learned in school independently, and being able to use methods according
to scientific rules.
B. Basic Competence
4.10 Arranging simple oral and written descriptive text, involve destination place, and famous historic
building taking into account the purpose, structure of the text, and linguistic elements, correctly and
in context.
C. Learning Objective
1. The students will be able to describe their destination.
2. The students have social care, love peace, and responsible in learning activity which they have been
prepared and they will do.
3. The students will be able perform role play as tour guide and tourist.
D. Indicators
1. The students are able to demonstrate conversation with their friend by using gesture about the best
destination according to them.
2. The students are able to explain the best destination according to them.
3. The students are able to present social care, love peace, and responsible about anything which relate
with learning activity.
4. The students are able to implement social care, love peace, and responsible in their life.
5. The students are able to ask to students who as tour guide by using gesture in role play as tour guide
and tourist
6. The students are able to respond from students who as tourist by using gesture in role play as tour
guide and tourist
E. Learning Materials

Lok Baintan Floating Market

This one of the highlights and the most destination in Banjarmasin. Located at the Sungai Pinang
Village, Sungai Tabuk subdistrict. Here you can see a convoy of colorful boats floating, where most of
the traders, who are mostly women wear traditional head covers, called tanggui, -ply all sorts of goofs
from groceries, household equipment, hot meals to aromatic hot coffee in the morning.
Conversation between tour guide and tourist
TG: Hello miss. I am Caroline as your tour guide. Let’s begin!
T: oh hi caroline. You are very beautiful.. heehe
TG: Thank you, miss. Oh ya if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
T: sure
TG: Good. If so, we’re ready now. We will take Delman to go sightening around this place. This way
T: I have a question actually.
TG: yes, what is that?
T: what’s Delman? I see a horse with a wagon here.
TG: yes, it is called Delman or Andonng. It is a traditional transportation in this place. The man is called
Kusir. Let’get in!
T: Yeah.. I have another question.
TG: sure
T: This is a nice place, I love it. But where’s the best place to take pictures around here?
TG: oh.. there are many nice places with beautiful scenery. My personal favorite is Spartan Castle. It is a
nice one to take pictures there.
T: Okay.. let’s go to take picture there.
TG: sure..
F. Learning Method: Total Physical Response
G. Media: Whiteboard, board marker, and PPT.
H. Teaching and Learning Activity
1. Opening Activity ( 0,5 minute)
- Greeting the students
- Telling the students about what will study today
2. Main Activity (9 minutes)
Students Teacher
The students observe what they have Teacher gives the pictures
Questioning: Teacher gives the text of the destination.
The students ask how to make
explanation about destination
Association: Teacher guides to the students to make the best
The students talk about destination in destinations and says what the destinations are in the
the world. world.

Experiment: Create reinforcement

The students practice conversation Lead the students to convey what their result of the
about the best destination according to text
them. Give the score of the result of students in advance
Communicating: Give the feedback and reinforcement in answering.
The students display role play as the Give the score of the result of students in advance
tour guide and tourist by using gesture
3. Closing Activity (0,5 minute)
- Teacher and students conclude the lesson about destination.
- Give the score for the result
- Say motivation to students
I. Sources :
- Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2017, Bahasa Inggris
J. Assessment
1. Cognitive
The knowledge from the students that can explain what the teacher wants from her learners. (The
subjective assessment of the teacher)
2. Affective
The students’ attitude and affective of lesson that the teacher gives to them.
The observation result of students’ characters:
No Name Characters Need Showing a Satisfactory Excellent
Caring development
1. Aulia Social Care
love peace
2. Dina Social Care
love peace
3. Eka Social Care
love peace
3. Psychomotor
From this learning process, the students are able to describe place in speaking
a. Students’ Speaking Rubric:
No Aspect Score
1 Fluency 1 2 3 4
2 Language
a. Pronunciation and intonation
b. Grammar
c. Vocabulary and content
3 Performance (eye contact, facial expression, gesture)

Banjarmasin, November 29th, 2019

The Principle Teacher

(Sovia Rahmaniah M.Pd) (Mariani)

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