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today I present you the recipe of a delicious milkshake, and very simple to do

Milkshake; is favorite drink during the warm summertime.Milkshakes are one of the most
famous American desserts. They’re refreshingly cool, slurp-ably sweet and come in pretty
much any flavor you can imagine.

Making a milkshake from scratch is simple.

You’ll need:

1/3 cup milk.

1-1/2 cups ice cream (vanilla makes a good base for most shakes, or you can use a flavor
like chocolate)

Delicious mix-ins! Think a chocolate syrup, a chopped banana or other fruit or a handful of

And blender, of course.

Step 1: Combine the ingredients

Send your ingredients straight to the blender. For best results, put in your milk first. Be sure
to let your ice cream soften . If it’s too hard, you might end up having to add more milk

We’re going to make a strawberry shake, so we’ll add 1/2 cup strawberries

Step 2: Blend ’til smooth. Use less milk for a thicker, spoonable shake; more for a thinner,
sippable one.

Step 3: Enjoy!

Pour in a glass and decorate according to your imagination. You can use chocolate or vanilla
syrup, coconut or even fresh strawberries

Great lust

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