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Trust is not an easy thing for us humans. We don’t know how things will come out,
clearly, we are not fortune tellers and for some, it’s even harder to place their trust in God when
they face problems. Others even rely and put their trust on themselves when they think the whole
world is against them.
Life is filled with uncertainties and challenges. It may not be just a one or two time thing,
it can be a chain of “unfortunate events”. But even if we find ourselves stuck in the middle of an
adversity, God is there, waiting for us to put our trust and lay our burdens on Him.
It was early February, my brother & I are just casually doing after-school stuff – washing
dishes, preparing the rice for dinner, doing homework etc. My father just got off from work
when he told us “It’s time to save money, sell this and that, we can’t spend too much on
electricity and water,” Obviously, he’s hiding something from us and he refuse to reveal it but
my brother and I know exactly where he’s driving at. We were having our family dinner, seated
on the dining room when my dad finally told us that he got laid off from work and we have a
month before we bid our good bye to Oman. I didn’t know what to feel but somehow I felt
prepared for it and that’s when it hit me, there’s 3 months left of school and I still have a year to
finish my junior high. Days and weeks passed and my Father was given until June. Okay, this
school year is clear but what about next year? I still have tenth grade. It feels like I will be
leaving Oman with my farewell hanging. My VISA will get cancelled as soon as we fly back to
Manila. My parents know this and they were pretty determined to transfer my VISA to my mom
just so I can still be here until next year. It was a long process, my parents had to go to different
places. It took us several weeks and there even came a time when I snapped and told my parents
why can’t we just drop it? For me, I just have to accept it and it’s over but for my parents, they
can’t just drop it after all the effort and penny spent. I was already eager to go back to the
Philippines and every night, I just pray to God how I leave everything to Him. This is the part
when I’m fazed and confused but I didn’t doubt God and His plan for me and my family. During
my second vacation in the Philippines, we were still praying and hoping that my VISA will be
processed before my supposedly flight back to Oman and thank God, days before my brother and
father fly back to Manila, my VISA was processed.
Before I came back here in Muscat, I kept on ruminating about the major changes that I
have to adjust to. But those adjustments are nothing because indeed God is good, all the time and
I am grateful to Him for getting me through times and I give back all the praises and glory to
Him who made it possible for me to stand in front of you guys today. Sometimes, we think that
it’s impossible to get through a tough situation and it’s true, but when you cast away all your
worries and stand beside God, surely, he will get you through that situation. God is bigger than
any of our problems Just like what is written in Isaiah 43:2“When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.”

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