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I'm a student and I have also an extra working, so I don't have too much time.

I like cooking dishes that

easy and quick to make but healthy. One time ago I came to a Chinese restaurant and ate a rice type like
Vietnamese fried rice but it softer and has a special taste. Then I searched on the internet how to make
this dish, very easy to make in everywhere and every time you want. The main ingredients include rice
and vegetables like carrots, white onions, green peas , corn, mushrooms. I prepare ingredients first
while I cooking the rice put all the vegetables to cook them together. And then I stir the sauce has mixed
from cooking oil, garlic, shallots, water, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, white vinegar, red chili, a little bit
salt, pepper in a medium heat. After the rice already put the sauce into and mixed. The rice looks so
colorful, it's savory and so yummy. Every time I don't know what to eat this is the best choice for me.

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