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Hi, how are you?

Sorry it took so long to answer you, it’s just that I’ve been busy. I’ve
been running a lot, but I’m okay. I know it seems that everything will be
strange like this forever, but it won’t. I understand that tightness in your chest.
It will show up other times, many times, but you’ll learn how to deal with it. I
mean it.
A lot has happened since your letter. It isn’t, or it wasn’t, so different
here, you don’t need to be so worried. I learned a lot of things since I came, a
lot more than we could imagine.
The beginning can make you feel butterflies in your stomach. But
remember all those new things you wanted to feel? They’ll show, lots of them.
Everywhere. Trust me. You’ll feel and you’ll know when they show up. But you
know what? It’ll be strong, and you will be strong. You are strong.
I’m not going to lie to you and say everything is going great. Actually,
this last days have been sad. Even scary.
Yes, I’m scared, and you’ll be too. Because we already expected
difficulties, right? What wasn’t expected was to see so many people we like
under threat. It wasn’t expected to see our future threatened, our future in
check. None of that was expected.
Yes, I’m scared, and you’ll be too. It’s impossible not to be seeing so
much selfishness, so much lack of empathy. I keep thinking about you, always
trying to see the best in everyone. It’ll be hard.
Yes, I’m scared, and you’ll be too. But I ask you not to let it stop you.
Don’t let fear dominate you. We need you here. The world needs you. Since
you asked, you have changed since I met you. You have grown, and will keep
growing and, whenever you need, you can send me a letter, I swear I’ll
answer, even if it takes a while.
If that letter was to someone that cares, I care. A lot. And I just want to
ask you one more thing: fear might be big, but don’t lose hope. Please.

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