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MORIEN Fleet of Foot: Dash as bonus action

Level 11 Male Ardenvale Elf Hide in Plain Sight: +10 to stealth (hide) if no movement.
Ranger (Revised) – Chaotic Good Volley: Make ranged weapon attack against all targets within a 10'
---------------------------------------------------------------------- radius Morien can see.
Armor Class: 18 (Studded Leather, Ring of -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protection, +1 Fight Style) [22 vs FEATS
multiattacks] Mobile: +10 to movement, Dash across difficult terrain, when making
Hit Points: 81 | Hit Die: d10 Ht Dice: 11 | a melee attack against a creature, do not provoke AoO from target
Speed: 45 (9) [ignore non magical difficult for rest of turn, hit or miss.
terrain] Sharpshooter: ignore less than total cover, no disadvantage on long
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- range, -5 to hit for +10 damage
STR 10+0 DEX 18 +4 CON 12 +1 INT 13 +1 WIS 15 +2 CHA8-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPELLCASTING: Attack: +5 | Save: 12 | Slots: 4 3 3
Saves: +2 Strength, +6 Dexterity Hunter's Mark (1) – 90' Conc. 1 hour – Bonus Action
Senses: perception 12, darkvision 60 • + 1d6 damage to a creature you can see whenever you hit it
Immunities: Magical Sleep with a weapon attack, advantage on Perception and
Languages: Common, Elf, Orc, Gnoll, Dwarf Survival checks to find it. Bonus action on a subsequent
Proficiency Bonus: +4 turn to mark a new creature.
Skills Athletics +8, Nature +6, Perception +6, Survival +6, Stealth +8 Cure Wounds (1) – Touch – Instant
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • A creature Morien touches regains 1d8 + 1 hit points. This
TRAITS spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
Fey Ancestry: Advantage vs. charm-based saves Animal Messenger (2) – 1 action – 24 hours
Mask of the Wild: Can attempt to hide in light obscurement or dim • A tiny beast will send a message for you, but you must be
light. able to see it within range of you, and you must have
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- already been to the location (no more than 25 miles away,
ACTIONS or 50 if the messenger flies, per 24 hours of travel) you will
Talon (+1 Scimitar): +9 melee, 1d6+5 slashing send it. The animal messenger will speak up to 25 words to
Shortsword: +8 melee, 1d6 piercing only the creature matching a description you give.
Longbow: +8 ranged (150/300), 1d8+6 piercing Pass With Trace (2) – 1 action, Conc. 1 Hour
• Colossus Slayer: +1d8 (5) damage by weapon to wounded • For the duration, each creature you choose within 30 feet
creature, once per turn of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked except by magical
BACKGROUND means. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind
Outlander: Always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, no tracks or other traces of its passage.
and other features around him. Find food and fresh water for himself Protection from Energy (3) – 1 action, Conc. 1 Hour
and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers it. • For the duration, the willing creature you touch has
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resistance to one damage type of your choice: acid, cold,
CLASS FEATURES fire, lightning, or thunder
Favoured Enemy: Humanoids, Giants Conjure Animal (3) – 1 action, Conc. 1 Hour
• +4 to weapon attack damage rolls vs. humanoids & giants • Conjure Eight 1/4 CR, or Four 1/2 CR, or Two 1 CR or One 2
• Advantage on tracking and INT checks to recall info about CR Beast (Fey).
them), Plant Growth (3) – 1 Action, Instantaneous
Natural Explorer: • Plants within 100' radius become thick. 20' of movement to
• Ignore difficult terrain move 5'.
• Advantage on initiative rolls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• On first turn of encounter, advantage vs. targets that have GEAR & EQUIPMENT
not acted Studded Leather
• Difficult terrain doesn't slow group travel Longknife
• Cant become lost except by magical means Longbow + 20 arrows
• When engaged in other activity, still alert to danger Panther Claw Clasp (background trophy)
• Forage = foodx2 Platinum Cloak Clasp (Waybridge)
• Tracking = exact number, sizes and time Traveller's Clothes
Fight Style: Defence (+1 to AC when armored) Pouch
Primeval Awareness: Musical Instrument: Lyre
• Innate ability to communicate with beasts Explorer's Pack (Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, 10 torches,
• Concentrate for 1 minute to discern presence of favoured 10 rations, 50' Hempen Rope
enemy within 6 miles +1 Scimitar (Talon)
Ranger Archetype: Hunter Gloves of Archery +2 damage
• Colossus Slayer: +d8 damage to damaged opponents Cape of the Mounteback
• Multiattack Defense: When a creature hits you with an Ring of Protection
attack, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against all subsequent
attacks made by that creature for the rest of the turn.
Extra Attack: 5th Level

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