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Good morning ma’am.

Today, I will explain the phosphorus cycle based on the

illustration material you gave in our google classroom. One step in the cycle as is it shown in the
picture is rain or weathering. These will distribute phosphate from rocks into the soil and water.
The phosphate in soil will be taken up by the plants. When animals such as herbivores eat these
plants, the phosphate will be incorporated to the body nutrients of the animal. Once these
animals or plants died, their decomposed body will return the phosphate into the soil and from
the soil it will be taken up by plants or will be drawn to the water. Then in water, when
phosphate components reach the bottom, it will form a sedimentary layer. This process is called
sedimentation. Sedimentation produce new rocks. New rocks from aquatic environment moves
to the terrestrial environment through geological uplift and the cycle will be repeated from rain
or weathering.

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