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Technical Seminar Report New Technology of Soil Erosion Control on Hill


1.1 General

The Erosion Control New Technology Report Consolidates information on technologies that
have been recently developed. Erosion control practices and products are one element in the
overall evaluation and development of new Best Management Practices (BMPs). Highway
construction and many retrofit projects have grading components that expose surface and
subsurface soils. Additionally, human activities and natural processes often result in the
generation of sediments topographically rights-of-way. The mountain ranges and hill areas
of India have a crucial role to play in determining the climate and physiographic of the
country and are prime determinants of socio-economic development of plain areas as the
rivers have their genesis here and the protection and climatic control they provide have
enabled India to sustain its position as an economic power. Gully erosion and surface erosion
especially promote serious land degradation.

Construction activities that are subject to high erosion risks include right
of way cleaning, earth work, ditch construction, haul roads, culvert installation and barrow pit
operation etc. For minimizing erosion of soil during the construction stage, there is a need to
provide temporary erosion control measures. These measures aim at reducing velocity flow
of water and to minimize accumulation of standing water. Option with bushes or stone
aggregates can be provided in temporary down drains to reduce velocity of flow. For
drainage of water pounding in an area, there is a need to make temporary slope drains at short
spacing to drain out water. Change in colour of rain water indicates that the eroded soil has
got dissolved in water, which is alarming for maintenance unit. Measures need to be taken
to check velocity of flow of rain water. For the Indian conditions there is a need to bring out a
report similar to “NCHRP-REPORT220, Erosion control during Highways Construction –
Manual on Principles and Practices”.

On two-lane single carriageway roads problem of erosion of soil is not that severe as rain
water on account of short length of flow (camber on both sides of road) do not attain that
velocity which may result in soil erosion. The water flowing on the road embankment
covered with grass are generally not affected by rain water.

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In recently completed and opened to traffic Yamuna Expressway, a

lined drain has provided at top edge of embankment. The area between drain and pavement is
turfed. The water collected in drains is brought down in chutes to natural ground level. The
system as adopted apparently looks to be a good approach.

The location where erosion of soil effects the traffic operation on highway, are high
embankments, approaches to bridges and hill slopes. For highways in rural areas, which are
on embankment, the traditional approach is to make longitudinal drain at top of embankment
to intercept the rain water before making its way to slopes of embankment. The water in
longitudinal drain is discharged into chutes and then into energy dissipation devices.
Drainage system consisting of catch pits, longitudinal drains, lined chutes ,energy dissipation
pits, and longitudinal drains at ground level in brick/stone masonry or concrete is necessary
as water is not able erode the brick/concrete surface of these units. The slope area of
embankment between these chutes can be protected by growing grass etc.

‘Vetiver Grass’ technology is a well-established system for protection of soil slopes from
erosion. It is reported to be used for this purpose in over 100 centuries throughout Asia,
Africa, and America where it has proved to be low cost, environmentally sustainable and
community friendly solution. A demonstration project is to stabilize hill slope in the north
East Indian state of Assam has shown very good results. A vulnerable slope on the northern
face of the Navagraha hill at Guwahati was chosen for the project. The success in
demonstration projects confirm that the Vetiver system can be used in high rainfall areas on
hill slopes bridge approaches/high embankment. The Vetiver system can be used alone or in
combination with traditional approaches currently used in the region. Erosion control in high
rainfall areas using Vetiver system is showing very encouraging results. Vetiver is a C-4
plant which absorbs about 30 percent more CO2 from the atmosphere. It is a great tool for
reduction of global warming aided for realizing the endeavour of road engineering fraternity
to go for green roads. Provision of drainage measures for transporting rain water from top of
embankment to natural ground level needs to be planned, designed and provided in an
established engineering way. Pavement with of six lane dual carriage way with paved
shoulders in nearly 12.5m (3*3.5+1.5+0.5). These roads have unidirectional chamber of
2.5%. In the view of resultant velocity of flow of rain water over the length, there is a need to
design drainage measures such as longitudinal drain/bituminous dyke to reduce speed at
which water approaches earthen shoulders.

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Sumith Chakravarthy S. K, Ghosh C. P, Suresh A. N. Dey and Gopal Shukla May 1999
were present technical paper entitled as “Deforestation: Causes, Effects and Control
strategies” have discussed about the This designation has generated momentum bringing
greater attention to the forests worldwide. Forests cover almost a third of the earth’s land
surface providing many environmental preservation of biodiversity (Sheram, 1993). Forest
resources can provide long term national economic benefits. For example, at least 145
countries of the world are currently involved in wood production (Anon., 1994a). Sufficient
evidence is available that the whole world is facing an environmental crisis on account of
heavy deforestation. For years remorseless destruction of forests has been going on and we
have not been able to comprehend the dimension until recently. Nobody knows exactly how
much of the world’s rain forests have already been destroyed and continue to be razed each
year. Data is often imprecise and subject to differing interpretation. However, it is obvious
that the area of tropical rain forest diminishing and the rate of tropical rain forest destruction
is escalating worldwide, despite increased environmental activism and awareness.

Smitha Asok, sobha Internationl Journal Of Enivornmental sciences Volume 1, NO 7,

2011 Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Associationwere present
technical paper entitled as “ Spatial Information Technology as a tool for soil erosion
assessment using USLE A study in the Shendurney Wild Life Sanctuary, South Kerala”
have discussed about the Spatial Information Technology coupled with Universal Soil Loss
Equation has proved to be an effective tool in the assessment of Soil erosion from an area.
Soil, which is the primary resource of any protected area, needs to be conserved for its
scientific management.ShendurneyWild Life Sanctuary, one of the most biodiversity rich
areas in the Western Ghats is endowed with a multitude of floral and faunal wealth. The
USLE comprising of the five factors viz. R, K, LS, C and P is employed for the
quantificationof the soil loss from the sanctuary. The result of the study helps to identify the
areas prone to soil erosion in four categories namely severe, high, moderate and low. The low
and medium category erosion class together comprises about 92.96% of the sanctuary area,
whereas the high and severe category erosion class constitutes about 4.8% of the sanctuary.
The erosion hotspots have been identified and demarcated where location specific soil

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conservation methods need to be implemented. The effectiveness of the application of such a

study can be further endorsed by its vital utility in formulating the action plan for the
conservation measures to be adopted in the sanctuary.

Haridas P.and Balasubramani S.1990 were present technical paper entitled as Vetiver
System for soil and water conversion of appropriating planting materials and
plantations”. have discussed about the Vetiver was introduced Under the hilly tracts of
South India, Vetiver nursery could b established by planting 25to30 cm long tillers separated
from well-grown clumps. The tillers were planted in 10cm deep pits at a spacing of 60 cm
Irrigation was carried out during the dry spell to enhance vigorous growth. A mixture of 1; 1
NP was used to give 40kg NP/ha. To enhance vigour of the plants .Cutting encourages
‘tillering’ and produced more planting material in a short period .An average of 50 to 60
tillers could be generated in 12 months period climatical conditions prevailed. The growth in
Anamallais was found to be superior to that of high range. Vetiver System could be
effectively used for soil and moisture conservation and a live edge of Vetiver could be
established in place of stone revetments, Twenty five to thirty cm long tillers separated from
well-grown clumps are to be planted at a spacing of 15-20 cm in order to from a thick hedge
in areas where it is desired. Only a single row of tillers, three per pit, need to be planted.

Dr.krishna S.P.S Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, 1992 were present technical
paper entitled as “Modling Soil Erosion Risk based on RUSLE -3D using GIS in a
Shivalik sub –watershed” have discussed about the The RUSLE-3D (Revised Universal
Soil Loss Equation -3D) model was implemented in geographic information system (GIS)
for predicting the soil loss and spatial patterns of soil erosion risk required for soil
conservation planning. High resolution remote sensing data (IKONOS And IRS LISS-4) were
used to prepare land use / land cover and soil maps to derive the vegetation cover and the soil
erodibility factors whereas Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to generate spatial
topographic factors. Soil erodibility (K) factor in the sub watershed generated ranged from
0.30 to 0.48.Average soil loss was predicted to be lowest in very dense forest and highest in
the open forest in the hilly land form. Agricultural land -1 and ariculture land-2 to have
moderately high and low soil erosion risk, respectively. The study predicted that 15% area
has moderate to moderate high and 26 % area has high to very high risk of siol erosion in the

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3.1 Definition

The “soil’s physical properties control the movement of water and air through the soil, and
the ease with which roots can penetrate the soil. Damage to the soil can change these
properties and reduce the plant growth, regardless of nutrient status”. Any land which is
compacted either in the surface layers or below plough depth will have additional
vulnerability to erosion because these layers will reduce water infiltration and so increase
run-off. Also, situations with increased erosion risk are where soil erosion risk are where siol
surfaces are left bare (such as under winter cereals) on easily eroded soils (sandy soils, silts,
and peats) and on sloping land.

Soils are most vulnerable to erosion when a fine seedbed has been prepared but a crop covers
has no yet developed. It is important to avoid cultivations which can produce an
unnecessarily fine seedbed, particularly when the crop will develop slowly. Rolling should be
avoided after autumn drilling on vulnerable land, especially if the soil is wet. As it will tend
to reduce water infiltration and increase surface run-off.

The transportation contributes all round development of a country and hence this plays
a vital rate towards its progress. India, being primarily rural in nature, road links are
found to have distinct advantages over other modes of transportation. While the
impact of highway location on the environment is a foremost concern of the highway
engineer and the public. If the highways are not appropriately located, planned and
designed then it will subject to erosion and may contribute sediments to streams.
However there should be control of soil and water as these are two basic amenities
towards protecting the road structure and therefore highway design, construction and
maintenance procedures must also be repeatedly evaluated to minimize erosion and
sedimentation problems.

However the Erosion can be controlled to considerable degree by have proper

geometric design and with proper provision for drainage and fitting landscape
development programs. Though some standardization of methods for minimizing soil

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erosion is possible. While the erosion process is a natural phenomenon accelerated by

man’s activity, technical capability in evaluating the severity of erosion problem and
the appropriate planning and design of preventive and corrective measures are very
essential in obtaining economical and environmental satisfactory methods for erosion

3.2Mechanism of Surface Erosion

 When Rain drops hit the slope surface

 The impact of raindrop detaches the particle of soil

 The runoff water which flow on slope surface transports the detached particle
and this also help contribute to further detachment

3.3 Types of Erosion

 Wind Erosion

 Rain Erosion

Wind Erosion

 Uncovered slope of non-cohesive loose and dry soil

 Lack of shelter from wind

 Exposed surface without any shield

Factors Controlling Wind Erosion

 Wind velocity

 Particle size of the material exposed to wind

 Moisture content of soil

 Vegetative cover

Rain Erosion

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 Rain erosion is phenomenon of transporting of soil particle due to water action,

the influencing factors for rain water erosion are:

 Potential of flowing water for initiating particle detachment

 Physical features i.e. gradient, topography, embankment slope, etc.

 Soil erodibility governed by clay content, particle size distribution,

compaction, permeability, shear strength parameters etc of the soil.

3.4Objectives of Erosion Control:

 To prevent damage to land nearby to the road structure

 To decrease the soil loss from the land width of road, which silts up drainage
channel and pollute rivers

 To contribute towards the improvement of the aesthetics of the landscape

 To preserve and protect the earth work of fill or cut slope, ditches and drainage

3.5 Erosion Control System


 Agronomic Method

 Non-Agronomic Method

Agronomic Method

 Simple Vegetative Trufing

 Mulching of Slope

Non-Agronomic Method

 Proper road side drainage system

 Soil cement stabilization

 Provision of aprons

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However after the traditional methods, the engineers of today has discovered new
techniques like:

1. Reinforced Vegetation
2. Coir Geo-textiles

Reinforced Vegetation

 Reinforced vegetation by using geo-textiles and other materials improves slop


 Synthetic jute and Coir are used as Geo-textiles

 Geo-textiles are used for engineering applications due to their long life

 Disadvantage is that it causes air and water pollution while their non bio-
degradability is responsible for increasing soil pollution

 Coir Geo-textile

 Made from coconut fiber extracted from the husk of the coconut fruit

 It is a biodegradable organic fiber material containing cellulose and lignin

 This gives max protection to the Soil

Here are some more new trends:

1. Silt Fence
2. Curlex Quick Grass
3. Steel Ground Staples
4. De Witt Prospun Landscape Fabric
5. Polypropylene Sand Bags

Silt Fence: Silt fence is a linear fence which is installed at the edge of earth
disturbances. The purpose of silt fence is to protect down slope surface waters and
properties by removing suspended solids from runoff prior to leaving the site. While
slit fence is very durable and it is of very light weight and you can use it easily. More
to it, it is very inexpensive and readily available.

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Green Curlex Grass: Green color gives the appearance of natural turf instantly and it
protects for slopes up to 2H: 1V and expedites germination by holding and releasing
moisture. This grass helps control soil surface temperature fluctuations.

It protects against high winds and sun burnout. The Curlex Quick Grass breaks up rain
impact to reduce erosion. While the Curlex's barbed fibres inter-lock to the soil for
sure adhesion.

Steel Ground Staples: These staples are U-shaped metal anchor fixing pegs for weed
landscape fabric. Made from galvanized steel and designed for used with all types of
landscape fabric and polythene sheeting. Ideal for use in hard ground.

 Has capability to stop weed growth

 Easy-to-use, and environmentally safe fabric which controls weeds before they

 Forming a powerful 3-ply layer of weed protection

 The fabric's higher carbon black content provides superior light-blocking

capabilities to protect against the toughest perennial weeds

 It measures about 4-feet width by 300-feet length

 Excellent for Long-Term Landscapes

Polypropylene Sand Bags

 These bags are reusable and weigh light but they are strong

 They resistant to tearing

 don’t degrade when wet

 dust proof and water resistant, won’t be affected by soil bacteria or attract any

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Fig (a) Slit Fence

Fig (b) Curlex Quick Grass

Fig (c) Steel Ground Staples

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Fig (d) Polypropylene Sand Bags

Fig 3.5 New Trending Techniques Of Soil Erosion Control On Hill Roads


1. Velocity of runoff
2. Intensity of rainfall
3. Duration of rainfall
4. Type of soil
5. Slope of terrain
6. Vegetation cover
7. Depth of runoff etc....


Soil erosion can have detrimental effects such as follows;

1. Erosion decreases the amount of water, air, and nutrients available to plants
nutrients and sediments removed by water erosion cause water quality problems
and fish kills
2. Saves money to farmers. The major productivity costs to the farm associated
with soil erosion come from the replacement of lost nutrients and reduced water
holding ability
3. Erosion remove to soil, reduces soil organic matter, and destroys soil structure
4. Erosion reduces crop yield
5. Erosion decreases rooting depth
6. Blowing dust from wind erosion can effect human health and create public
safety hazards

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7. Long term soil erosion results in exposure of lighter coloured sub soil at the
surface, poorer plant growth.


Structural erosion control practices where necessary. This section presents different
present’s different practices that farmers can implement to adhere to the principles
stated above and to control of erosion caused by wind, water or tillage. Some practices
to avoid water erosion include reducing the erosive impact of rainfall and maintaining
soil infiltration rates so that surface flow is prevented. This can be achieved by

 Avoiding tram lines, wheeling’s or cultivation features can that can be channel
surface flow.
 Improving the stability of the soil in the longer term by actively seeking to
increase the organic matter content.
 Protecting the soil from rain impact, either with permanent vegetation cover or, in
arable rotations, by timely crop establishment and by surface retention of crop
 Avoiding smooth, flat finishes to bare field surfaces, so that good water
infiltration rates are maintained.

Soil erosion controlling can possess the following functions;

 Reduce soil erosion.
 Help to improve water quality.
 Provide finest soil block reinforced mat, use geo grid mat protection.
 Constructing of pre cast retaining walls, provide check dams at outlet of gully from
landslides areas.
 Reduce hazards when working on eroding soil.
 Reduce drainage costs.
 Use of erosion control blankets (CECB).


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Figure 1 Geo Grid Protection

Figure 2 Constructing of precast retaining walls

Fig 3 Finest soil block reinforced

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Fig 4 Check dam at outlet of gully from landslide area


In Western Ghats development programme, drinking water and irrigation facilities

have been given highest priority. However, the measures for rain water harvesting and
water conservation in western hats are suggested to be taken up as under:

1. To collect rain water for drinking and other purpose by adopting roof top rain
water harvesting on all public, private buildings in town and cities.
2. To construct storage tanks in the hill areas of villages.
3. To improve impounding of water in existing structure through measures such as
desilting and deepening of tanks/wells, check dams etc.

At present the following schemes are being implemented under Western Ghats
development on watershed basis by forest department:

1. A forestation for Soil and Moisture Conservation engineering

2. Forest Research.
3. A forestation for Eco- development and Eco-preservation
4. Nature Conservation
5. Schemes for Biodiversity conservation.
1. A forestation for Soil & Moisture conservation by Engineering method:

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To arrest the pernicious effects of soil erosion, degraded areas are tackled by
taking up suitable a forestation and soil and moisture conservation measures.
With the appearance of vegetation cover, soil erosion gets reduced. Similarly
velocity of water flow in the streams, rivulets, nallas etc. There by limiting soil
2. Forest Research:
Western Ghats area constitutes a typical eco-system, the vegetation in this tract
is also typical and certain species are on the verge of extinction. It is, therefore,
essential to increase the scope of forestry research so as to determine which
particulars species would be congenial for the area on the basis exhaustive
trials in the field. It would also be ensured that the productivity improves
through improved cultural practices based on field trials.
3. A forestation for Eco- development and Eco-preservation:
To restore and maintain the ecological balance in the area, concentrated efforts
are being made to tackle degraded forest areas by taking up a forestation

4. Nature Conservation.
The particular activity has been included under Western Ghats development
programme with a specific objective of improving the habitat conditions for
variety of fauna that is found in the area. For an eco-system, wild life also
constitutes an important element and if at all the eco-system is to be held in
equilibrium, it is necessary to look after the preservation of wild life. Habitat
development works are being proposed under the programme.

5 .Schemes for Biodiversity conservation.

To promote biodiversity in the forest areas, medicinal and local natural plants have
been planted.


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The Visual, chemical, physical and biological indicators can be used to determine soil
surface stability or loss as shown in figure

To assess the susceptibility to wind and water erosion the soil management intiative
recommends to:

 Assess, based on knowledge of the area or visual observations during the season,
whether the amount of wind erosion during and after cultivation has become a
 Take into account the size of the dust plume or clouds raised during or after
cultivation, and whether the materials stays within the field, within the farm, or is
blown into surrounding area.
 Determine the severity of water erosion by auguring or digging holes to compare
the difference in topsoil depths between the crest and the bottom of slope, and by
observing the amount of sheet and rill erosion, as well as sedimentation into
surrounding drains and streams.


The New Technology of soil erosion control on hill roads are consolidates information on
technologies that have been recently developed and that have potential applicability as part of
the “Caltrans Statewide Storm water Management Plan(SWMP)”. Caltrans collects
information on new types of products and methods for review by “Caltrans Storm water
Advisory Teams (SWATs)”. Erosion control practices and products are one element in the
overall evaluation and development of “new Best Management Practices (BMPs)”. This
report summarizes available information regarding design, specifications, application,
effectiveness, relative cost, as well as issues of concern relevant to ‘Caltrans’ facilities. Fact
sheets were developed for each practice and product to facilitate comparison and evaluation
of new technologies.
4.1 Effectiveness of Soil Erosion control on Hill Roads
Erosion control effectiveness is the ability of a Best Management Practice(BMP) to reduce
soil erosion relative to the amount of erosion measured from bare soil. For example, typically

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can reduce soil loss by 50-60%. Practice effectiveness is expressed as high, medium, or low
using the following criteria:
 High: average erosion control percentage was equal to or greater than 70%.
 Medium: average erosion control percentage was between 50% and 69%.
 Low: average erosion control percentage was below 50%.

4.2 Systems of new technology

The following are the new technology systems are used for controlling the soil erosion
on hill roads:
 Geosynthetics Systems
 Vetiver Plant Systems
 Jute and Jute Geotextiles
 Biostimulates
 Biotechnical Head Cut Repair
 Brush Barrier
 Brush Check dam
 Brush Layering
 Brush Mattress
 Compost Soil Amendment and Mulch
 Contour Furrows
 Fiber Roll Anchoring with Rope Restraint
 Fiber Soil Reinforcement
 Filter wedge
 FREF Fiber Reinforced Earth Fill with Brush Layers
 FREF Head cut Repair with Brush Layers
 Furrow Planting
 Land Imprinting
 Live Fascines (Wattles)
 Live Staking
 Loose Rock Head cut Repair
 Micro soil Nailing
 Mycorrhizal soil Inoculant

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 Pole Drains(Fascine Drains) , Pole Planting Rock Roll Revetment ( Vegetated Rock
 Rock with Interstitial Fill
 Serrated Slope
 Slope Granting
 Stepped Slope with Top soiling
 Terraced Slope with soiling
 Top soiling
 Top soiling with Cellular Confinement
 Turf Reinforcement Mat with Perennial Vegetation
 Vegetated Filter Strip
 Vegetated Rock Revetment ( Joint Planting)

4.2.1 Geosynthetics Systems:

Geosynthetics are now being used the world over for every conceivable application in civil
engineering namely, construction of dam embankments, canals, approach roads, runways,
railways embankment, retaining walls, slope protection works, drainage works, ricer training
works, seepage control, etc. Its use in India thoughis picking up is not anywhere close to
recognitions. This is due to limited awareness of the utilities of this material and
developments having take place in its use.
Methodology for geosynthetic-reinforced earth using equivalent thickness concept,
The reinforced earth or reinforced granular fill is placed on soft soil. The granular fill and the
soft soil have idealized by the Pasternak shear layer and a layer of Winkler springs,
respectively. Stretched rough elastic membranes represent the geosynthetic reinforcement
layers. Plane strain conditions are considered for the loading and reinforced foundation soil
system. An iterative finite difference scheme is applied for obtaining the solution.
The use of geosnthetic reinforcement effectively reduces the settlement and increases the
bearing capacity of the soft soil. Granular fills containing multi layers of geosynthetic
reinforcement are placed on the soft soil in many practical situations in the field. The
granular-fill soft soil systems can be used for construction of roadways, railways, storage
tanks, industrial structure etc.

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Figure 4.1: Geosynthetic reinforcement plate wall construction for controlling the
According to this concept, the thickness of the granular fill for three-geosynthetic layer
system is considered as unit and to achieve identical maximum settlement, the thickness of
granular fill is obtained for other number of geosynthetic layer as well as unreinforced fill.
This thickness of granular layer for the identical maximum settlement response, with other
parameters remaining same, is referred to as equivalent thickness. Thus, using an equivalent
thickness of the granular fill, the same maximum settlement can be achieved for less number
of geosynthetic layers or for unreinforced soil and vice versa. In this paper, by using this
concept s design methodology is presented to design the reinforced earth resting on soft soil.
4.2.2 Vetiver Plant Systems
During 1990s Vetiver was introduced in tea plantations of Tata Tea Limited in High
Range (Keral) in South India for preventing soil erosion and moisture conservation. Under
the hilly tracts South India, Vetiver nursery could be established by planting 25 to 30 cm long
tillers seperated from well-grown clumps. The tillers were planted in 10 cm deep pits at a
spacing of 60 cm. Irrigation was carried out during the dry spell to enhance vigorous growth.
Cutting encourages ‘tillering’ and produced more planting material in a short period. An
average of 50 to 60 tillers could be generated in 12 months period under climatical conditions
prevailed. The growth in Anamallais was found to be superior to that of high range.
Vetiver Systems could be effectively used in tea plantations for soil and moisture
conservation and a live edge of Vetiver could be established in place of stone revetments. 25
to 30 cm long tillers separated from well-grown clumps are to be planted at a spacing of 15-
20 cm in order to form thick hedge in areas where it is desired. Only a single row of tillers,
three per pit, need to be planted. Once the hedges are established the only care needed is
trimming 2 or 3 times per annum to height of about 30 cm. The biomass generated from these
plants serves as an excellent mulching and thatching material in tea plantations. The cut
leaves when used mulch in new clearings, it prevented weed growth for 5 months and

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retained sufficient moisture for young tea plants. The live hedge of Vetiver enhanced
moisture retention capacity in the site of planting and served as a live barrier for soil
conservation. Vetiver grows so densely that it can block the spread of other grasses including
some of the world’s worst creeping grasses. Vetiver is highly sensitive to Glyphosate and
utmost care should be taken while using thus herbicide. Wild animals such as elephants, deer
and gaur do not relish mature foliage of Vetiver. However, animals relish tender leaves
vetiver grass technology is used in high rain fall areas. Ithas showing below fig.4.2 the
encouraging results.

Figure 4.2: vetiver grass constructed for controlling the erosion

The reasons for using vetiver technology for infrastructure protection and erosion
 Deep root system (more than 2 meter deep), dense and rigid stems and leaves that
solidly fix the soil in place.
 Very rapid vegetative growth.
 Stem and leaf biomass provides good soil coverage and slows the speed of water
runoff due to rainfall.

4.2.3 jute and jute geotextiles

Jute plants are grown mostly in the gang tic delta in the eastern part of the Indian
subcontinent. People used to consume its leaves as a vegetable and also as a household herbal
remedy. Its potential as an important natural fibre-source was a subsequent find. Jute plant
has an erect stalk with leaves. It thrives in hot and humid climate, especially in areas where
rainfall is in plenty. It grows up to about three meters in height and matures within four to six
months. In china, taller jute plants are being cultivated resulting in higher fiber production.

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Jute has coarse natural bast fibers lying in the peripheral layer of its stem. Its belongs
to the genus coechorus. There are over 30 species of this genus out of which C.Capsularies
(known as white jute) and C.Olitorius (Known as Tossa Jute) are utilized for production
offibers. The fibers are extracted from the stem of the plant by a special process known as
retting. Retting usually consists of tying the plants in bundles and immersing them in slowly
flowing or stagnant water for about 2 to 3 weeks. The process of wetting makes fiber
extraction easy from jute stem as it softens and dissolves the sticky substances, especially
pectin. Extraction is done manually followed by washing and drying, to makethe fibers
suitable for commercial use. Jute research outfits are persistently endeavoringto improve
retting methods. Field Application of Geotextiles
The main functions of Geotextiles make them suitable for application to many
practical problems( In gold & Miller, 1988). Some of these applications are:
 Temporary roads and yards
 Permanent roads
 Repair of permanent roads
 Railway tracks
 Embankment in soft ground
 Drainage applications
 Retaining walls
 Erosion control.

4.2.4 Biostimulants system

Organic soil amendments with humic acids are incorporated into the soil enhance
plant growth. Also referred to as “natural organic-based fertilizer’. Liquid or dry formulations
build soil structures and soil biota to improve plant growth without high nitrogen or
phosphorous inputs. Erosion Control Fuctions:
Improved cover and soil structure will develop with a corresponding reduction in
runoff volume or velocity and sediment transport. Ancillary Facilites:
In newly seeded areas, straw mulch, hydromulch, erosion control blanket or other
cover may be required during plant establishment period. Compatible with other practices,
including wattles, slope-stepping and biotechnical solutions. Benefits of this system
1. The geotextiles is made from natural fibers and is therefore eco-friendly.

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2. The geotextiles yams themselves retain moisture and thus help in speedy
establishment of vegetation.
3. It decays after 1 to 5 years decomposing to form humus and adding organic matter to
the soil causing soil to form larger aggreagates.
4. It decays to form a natural fertilizer for the growing plants.
5. It prevents the seed from being blown away by the winds.
6. The perpendicular portion of the net provides shade for the growing plants.
7. The perpendicular portion of the net traps salting soil particles and controls soil
erosion due to wind.
8. It acts as a wind barrier by slowing the wind and helps slow down erosion
immediately on installation.
9. It allows some wind to pass through slowly and therefore is not damaged by storms
10. Installation is fast, easy and economical.
11. It speeds up wind erosion control and sand dune stabilization process considerably
bringing immediate benefits.
12. In coastal application it bears the saline sea spray and helps vegetation growth.
13. On sea beaches the netting absorbs moistures gets wet and therefore is not suitable for
14. Simple process helps develop vigorous vegetation, increase cover and enhances soil
anchoring can be applied with irrigation water or hydromulch.

Fig 4.5: Contour Furrows System Fig 4.6: Contour Furrows

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4.2.5 Contour Furrows system

A surface roughening technique used to interrupt continuous slope surfaces by
creating small furrows 150mm deep and up to 15 m apart on cut or fill slopes up to 1v:3h.
furrows break up the slope length, reduce runoff velocity and provide niches for plant
establishment. Erosion Control Function:
Surface roughening is intended to aid the establishment of vegetative cover from seed,
reduce runoff velocity, increase infiltration, reduce erosion and trap sediments. Design Elements:
Slopes must be 1v:3h or less. Surface of finished grade must be loose and
uncompacted to a minimum depth of 100mm. Furrow locations must be placed on contour.
Vertical cut distance should be less than the horizontal distances and the horizontal surface of
the furrow should slope slightly down towards the cut face. Advantages
Relatively simple technique for use on suitable sites. Breaks up slopes distance and
provides niches for plant establishment.

4.2.6 Fiber Soil Reinforcement

Engineered 2.5mm to 5mm long polypropylene fibers are mixed into the soil to
increase the strength of the soil mass. Polypropylene fibers consist of fibrillose, UV-
stabilized strands that open or filamentize into net, grid and fiber configuration when mixed
with soil. Erosion Control Fuction:
Fiber soil Reinforcement functions as an artificial root mass. Once plants are
established, improved cover and soil structure reduce runoff and sediment transport. Design Elements:
Issues including steepness of slope, hydrology distance for blowing fibers need to be
considered. The manufacturer prescribes a dosage of 0.1% to 0.3% of the soil’s dry unit
weight. Typical application is to blend the fibers into the soil matrix with a rototiller at a rate
of 3.2kg fibers per meter of soil. Maintenance
Inspect weekly in winter for slope instability. Typically redirect water from rills, fill
rills with soil, compact and secure with erosion control blanket. Advantages

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An invisible way to increase fibre content in soils on fill slopes. When combined with
revegetation and surface protection using mulch and erosion control blankets practice helps
stabilize slopes. Fibres readily blend into the landscape




 Environmentally sustainable and community of friendly solutions.

 It has proved to be as the economical hence vetiver grass technology is used for
controlling the soil erosion on slopes roads.
 Protecting the soil from rain impact, either with permanent vegetation cover or in
arable rotations, by timely crop establishment and by surface retention of crop
 Avoiding smooth, flat finishes to bare field surfaces, so that good water infiltration
rates are maintained.
 Avoiding tramlines, wheeling’s or cultivation features that can channel surfaces flow.

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 Improving the stability of the soil in the longer term by actively seeking to increase
the organic matter content.
 The use of geosynthetic reinforcement effectively reduces the settlement and
increases the bearing capacity of the soft soil.




A high altitude cricket stadium was planned by the District Cricket Association of Wayanad
District in Kerala. The land proposed consists of highly undulating ground surface with
hillocks and deep valleys. The required ground area has been developed by cutting the
hillocks in the northern area and filling the valley in southern side. To achieve a level ground,
a gravity retaining wall of 9 m height was constructed with rubble masonry. Above the
retaining wall, a further filling of 5 m is needed. The exposed slope of the filled soil has to be
protected against erosion, and at the same time it should not hamper the aesthetic appearance

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of the stadium, since the exposed surface of the fill is facing one of the main entrances to the
stadium [1].

Slope protection against surface runoff and rainwater splash is done with Erosion Control
Blanket made of coir fiber in conjunction with Bermuda grass [2, 3]. This paper details the
methodology adopted for laying the geotextiles and the performance of the system since


Wayanad district of Kerala is situated in an elevated picturesque mountainous plateau in

Western Ghats. It lies between north latitude 11º 26' 28'' and 11º 48' 22'' and east longitude
75º 46' 38'' and 76º 26' 11''. Placed on the southern tip of the Deccan Plateau, its prime glory
is the majestic Western Ghats with lofty ridges interspersed with magnificent forests, tangled
jungles and deep valleys. In the centre of the district, hills are of lower in height, while the
northern area has high hills.

Wayanad is situated at a height of 700 to 2100 m above sea level. Temperature varies from
12 to 25 degrees centigrade. The mean average rainfall in this district is 2322 mm. High
velocity winds are common during the south west monsoon and dry winds blow in March -
April. The nearest area to the proposed ground, Ambalavayal, the maximum and minimum
temperature for the last five years was 29º C and 18º C respectively. This place experiences a
high relative humidity which goes even up to 95 percent during the south west monsoon


The southern side of the proposed stadium has a retaining wall to retain the filled up soil. The
height of the retaining wall is 9 m. Above the retaining wall; a further filling of 5 m is
needed. The problem was referred to the Authors at this stage. Further filling was made with
the locally available soil of silty sand with clay. The slope of the filled embankment was
1:1.2. In the natural condition, the soil at the site is very intact, but the excavated soil will
become more slushy as the water content increases. Hence proper drainage of the surface of
the ground is required.

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The finished surface of the stadium will have a marginal slope to all the sides from the centre
potion, so that rain water will not be stagnated in the stadium. Concrete edge drain to collect
the rain water from the surface of the play area is constructed all around the stadium. The
slope of the drain has been made in such a way that the storm water is disposed off safely, on
either side of high retaining wall, without coming on the top of the sloping face of the filled
up soil. Edge drains are to be constructed at about 2 m away from the top edge of the filled up
slope. Protective nettings will be provided at about 1.50 m from the top edge of the slope, i.e.,
0.50 m away from the outer edge of the drain.

Owing to the above procedure, the filled up slope will experience only the direct downpour of
the rain on the slope surface during rainy season. In order to protect the loosening of the
surface soil along the slope during direct impact of rain water and also to prevent the
subsequent downward movement of soil particles, it has been decided to use Erosion Control
Blankets (ECB’s) made of coir fibers. Coir Erosion Control Blankets will protect the soil
along the slope surface against splash and surface erosion till well rooted and thick canopied
vegetation establishes along the slope.


Ground filling above the retaining wall was made with proper quality control. The edge of the
filled up soil was trimmed off, removing the uncompacted portion along the slope. A
schematic diagram of the proposed slope protection is shown in Figure 1. Construction of the
slope above the retaining wall is shown in Figure

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Fig 6.1 Construction of fill over the retaining wall is in progress.

Since the slope is to be protected against the rain water splash erosion, conventional woven or
mesh coir mattings are not effective and hence it has been decided to use CCM Coir Blankets
(Non woven) of 450 gram per square meter. The same blanket has been used as a filter media
along the trench at the base of the slope, i.e., at the top of the retaining wall. The prepared
slope surface is shown in Figure 3. Laying of Coir ECB along the slope is shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 6.2 Prepared slope surface above retaining wall.

Coir ECB used at the site consists of non woven coir stitched with HDPE monofilaments, UV
stabilized and supported on the top and bottom with thin PP netting. The properties of the
coir ECB used are given in Table 1. Non-woven coir geotextile erosion control blankets (Coir
ECB) are fixed at the top of the slope, by the side of the concrete edge drains of the stadium.
It is anchored properly in a trench of 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm using iron “J” clips made from
8mm diameter tore steel and refilled with soil. Coir geotextiles are rolled down along the
slope and properly anchored using iron “J” clips [4]. CCM coir blankets are having a width of
2.40 m. Hence overlapping of the geotextiles is required for extension of the work along the
length direction of the slope. An overlap of 30 cm is provided and these junctions are
properly anchored (Fig. 5).

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Fig. 6.3 Laying and fixing of the coir erosion control blanket

Table 1 Properties of Coir Erosion Control Blanket

Description Values

Fiber 100% coir

Width & length 2.4 m x 42 m

Unit weight 450 gsm

Top and bottom netting 14 x 14 mm; 4.8 gsm

Stitching thread HDPE monofilament, UV stabilized

Tensile Strength ISO - 1031 104 N/m

Maximum permissible shear stress 1.10 gsm

A trench, similar to the one provided at the top is provided at the base of the slope, i.e., just at
the top level of the retaining wall. Coir geotextiles are extended to these trenches, properly
anchored and usually back filled with soil. However, in order to avoid the overflow of surface
water coming from the slope surface over the retaining wall, the bottom trench has been filled
with aggregate of size ranging from 20 mm to 40 mm, to act as drain covered with coir
geotextiles. Good quality stones from the cutting area graded to the above size are used for
this purpose. The slope coming over the retaining wall area was treated with coir erosion
control blankets. Area where the slope length is comparatively less and which is directly
starting from the natural ground, surface of the slope has not been treated with coir erosion
control blanket and vegetation alone has been done in these area.

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Fig. 6.4 Slope above the retaining wall is treated with coir erosion control blanket.


Slope treated with coir erosion control blanket has been further treated with planting of
Bermuda grass. Since the slope is visible from the entry road itself, it was decided to have
ornamental grass rather than thickly growing bush type plants. The work was executed during
September 2010 and during execution rain also started in Wayanad District. The grass
planted over the geotextile developed fully within short time and helped in preventing the
surface erosion. The site experienced the monsoon rain of 2011 and is performing well, with
more vigorous growth of the grass over the slope. Figure 6 shows the fully vegetated slope
during February 2011. A comparison of the vegetation growth along the slope where coir
erosion control blankets was used and that where vegetation alone was executed after 5
months of the trial is shown in Figure 7.

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Fig. 6.5 Vegetation is in full along the slope after 5 months.

Fig. 6.6 Comparison of the growth of vegetation in areas with or without the use of


The slope protection works against surface runoff and rain splash erosion has been done
using CCM Coir Erosion Control Blankets of 450 gsm. The work was completed in
September 2010 and the erosion control blankets assisted in the speedy growth of vegetation
on the treated area. Slopes which are not treated with coir geotextile and only vegetation has
been done, the growth of vegetation was found to be very less even after 5 months of the
completion of the project. The protection work has by now undergone two rainy seasons and
performing well.

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 Geogrid reinforced soil walls were selected over conventional concrete retaining
walls. Reinforced soil walls are more flexible and are less susceptible to bearing and
settlement issues over a soft foundation soil when compared to traditional rigid
concrete walls.
 Jute geotextiles are ideally suited for drainage related applications in geotechnical
engineering. Applications in the form of prefabricated vertical and horizontal
drainages as well as for slope and bank protection purpose using jute/jute composite
geotextiles have proven to be dependable success.
 Vetiver has made significant inroads in the minds of professionals around the world
sho several years back India could be used to replace mechanical engineering works
could have multiple environment applications and could offer inexpensive and
reliable solutions to soil degradation, loss of soil fertility, ground water recharging,
water quality enhancement and site rehabilitation in relation to industry and intensive
commercial agriculture.
 Gully erosion is not a process limited to badlands, mountainous and hilly regions but
a global and serious cause of land degradation affecting a wide variety of soils prone
to crusting and piping.
 Sustainable countermeasures should be planned not only for erosion control but also
for direct benefit to the local people such as income generation.

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1. Haridas p and Balasubramanian S,Coordinator, India Vetiver Network, “Vetiver
system for soil and water conservation in hilly areas including section of appropriate
palnting aterials and other applications”.
2. Kanjali VK and Gupta A C, Member Secretary Indian Chapter of IGS and
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4. David Pimentel, College of agriculture and life sciences, comell university, “soil
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5. Government of India planning April. 2008 “Hill areas development programme
(HADP)/ Western Ghats Development Programme( WGDP)”.
6. Higak D, Karki K K, Gautam C S, Hirosaki University, Japan “Soil erosion control
measures on degraded sloping lands- A case study in Mindlands of Nepal”.
7. Valentin C, Poesen J, Yong Li,Institute of Agro-Environment and sustainable
Development, “Gully erosion: Impacts, factors and controls”.
8. Landslide hazard zonation Atlas of India, Building Materials Technology
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9. Sumit Chakravarty, S K Ghosh, C P Suresh, A N Dey and Gopal Shukla,may
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