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Personal Branding

2018 / @JoanTubau
Marketing 01. Audience & Positioning
Remember: You don't need 1M followers / subscribers
Just industry reputation, getting known by top people
'I am creative' / 'I am your guy'
‘What’s the job?’
‘Living in the not knowing’

Sell your product to the right customer, the right way
Once found out: Proper channel + Tailored message
'I do not know who he / she is' (I don't know either)
2 internships before finishing college. Different roles
2 Erasmus (if you can get the $). Different continents
Good Strategy
1. Strengths, not weaknesses. Outwork the competition
2. Clear corporate position in mind. Excel, tracking list
3. Human Resources or CEO? Someone in the middle
4. SM, blogging. How am I showing up on their radar?
5. Easy to digest mails. Interesting, compelling website
6. What I will remember [about you] when I get home
7. Idea behind your words. Advertising: Conceptualize
8. Problem solver. But first, don't create new ones
9. Clarify your objective. 20-week plan, evaluate results
Bad Strategy
1. Undefined positioning. No shining eyes, no offer
2. All eggs in one basket. It is about being flexible too
3. Wait for people to come to see how amazing you are
4. Not taking action to avoid rejection, disappointment
5. Go to the open market. Get no response and give up
6. What can you offer to me? / What I can offer to you!
7. Homogeneous network, limited growth combination
8. Poor content. CEOs have to write it, not the trainees
9. Never engage with audience. Personal / Professional
3 landings from gurus that have mastered the game
And the differentiation strategy for this Age of Noise
Stages (Philip Kotler)

1.  Awareness. The consumer becomes aware of the new product / service

2.  Interest. The consumer seeks information about the new product / service

3.  Evaluation. The consumer thinks.

4.  Trial. The consumer tries the product / service on a small scale, estimate value

5.  Adoption. The consumer decides to buy the product / service

6.  Retention. The consumer decides to make regular use (+ brand ambassador?)
Describe what you sell in a language I can understand
Exposure. Inbound
Make it easy. Consumers progress from stage to stage
Goal: To identify the stage where my brand drops out
Web design. A lesson from e-commerce
Simplify, minimize the number of decisions / stages
Choice architecture. A lesson from behavioral econ.
You don't know what you want. Comparison, default
You go first

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