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O. Reihany1, N. Reza-zadeh2
Chemical Engineering Group, Faculty of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering,
University of Hakim Sabzevari, Sabzevar 9617976487, Iran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Hakim
Sabzevari, Sabzevar 9617976487, Iran
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In this paper, particle trajectory and flow streamlines which are influenced by EHD
(electrohydrodynamic) flow and primary flow have been investigated in an electrostatic
precipitation mechanism. This system consists of a grounded oval cylinder that is between
two parallel collecting grounded plates. The research consists of numerical simulations for
the prediction of ions, gas and particles motion in the channel. The simultaneous interaction
of gas flow, particle motion and electrostatic field on electrostatic precipitator has been
studied by applying the Finite Element Method to the system of partial differential
equations. The electrostatic field and ionic space charge density have been solved by
Poisson and current continuity equations. Effects of ion wind induced secondary
electrohydrodynamic flow of air resolved by Navier-stokes equations. Particle trajectory
has been predicted by calculating the forces applied to a particle. Numerical results are: (a)
the gas flow field (velocity, pressure), and (b) the particle history (trajectories,deposition).
The provided detail shows that EHD secondary flow increases the turbulence intensity of
the ESP system. Moreover, EHD flow not only does increase the positive pressure on
grounded electrodes, but it also diverts more particle towards parallel grounded plates.
Keywords: Particle tracing , Electrohydrodynamics , Ion wind

1 Introduction
In order to control particles produced in industry, electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are widely used. Most
of the phenomena occurring in ESPs are well-known. However, further studies are ongoing to identify
more detailed aspects of ESPs. Electrostatic field, fluid dynamics and particle trajectory are the aspects
more often addressed. Because of the electric field and its impact on the measurement of laser Doppler
anemometers and hot-wire probes, empirical research has been difficult, thus, in recent decades,
researches have tended towards numerical simulation. Yamamoto and Velkoff [1] experimentally and
theoretically studied the impact of secondary flow on two models of ESPs. They showed that the speed
of particles doesn't only depend on primary flow speed and electrostatic force, but also on secondary flow
that is produced by corona wind. Soldati [2] showed that the simultaneous effect of EHD and turbulent
flow, intensely improved the turbulent structure of wall region and caused drag reduction. This changed
the typical behavior of particles separated by ESP. He also pointed out that EHD flow not only causes re-
entrance of particles to the central region of the channel, but it also sweeps particles on the ground
electrodes. The impact of turbulent flow on the motion of the particles was examined by a large numbers
of authors [3,4]. They have used different computational techniques. The most famous of them includes
particle tracking (Lagrangian) and Eulerian approach. Some believed that using the Eulerian approach for
single stage ESP have some inefficiencies; in spite of that, some researchers used this method for
simulation. In the latter paper Soldati simulated the trajectory of particles in plate-plate precipitator
system with the help of DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) algorithm. Schmid and Vogel [5] provided a
model that compared Lagrangian continuous random walk model with Eulerian approach. Schmid [6]
noted that although Lagrangian particle tracking is a good method, Eulerian approach in some cases
shows reasonable results with less calculation. Farnoosh et al [7] simulated wire-plate ESP and
investigated the impact of EHD flow into particle deposition. Skodras et al [8] compared both Eulerian
and Lagrangian approach and pointed out that Lagrangian approach is better. They considered the
trajectory of particles in different configurations, such as different particle diameters, channel inlet
velocities, and corona wire electrode voltages that were done by commercial FLUENT software.Goo and
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Lee [9] used Lagrangian particle tracking method coupled with an algorithm method to predict the
trajectory of particles in 2D model. Lei et al [10] used the same method as [9] while, in their
investigation, they considered several different forces effects on particles and has been resulted the
electric field and drag are dominant forces in ESP.
To investigate how particle precipitate a simple one-stage system is investigated. This system includes
grounded oval cylinder that is between two parallel collecting grounded plates. Two positive, high DC
wire electrodes are mounted beside the oval cylinder.
In order to optimize precipitation process, an accurate simulation is needed. This goal will be achieved if
fluid dynamic and electrohydrodynamic effects on suspended particles are considered.
EHD flow is generated by ions produced on electrodes. Based on the electric field characteristics, EHD
flow distribution will change. In this research the effect of secondary flow on particle trajectory is
studied. Since particles are assumed to be made up of plastic, the effect of particle charging is negligible.
In this investigation 2-D simulation is used to predict electrostatic field, EHD flow and particle trajectory.
All the simulations were performed by COMSOL Multiphysics.

2 Model Description
2.1 Electric corona governing equations
Electrohydrodynamic flow that is generated by corona discharge, will be defined by following equations.
The electric potential V is governed by Poisson’s equation.
∇ଶ ܸ = (1)
During this investigation, the electric field equals ( E= -∇V)
Based on electric current continuity equation:
∇.(J)=0 (2)
Electric current in the drifting zone is a combination of three effects: conduction (motion of ions under
electric field relative to entire airflow), convection (transport of charges with airflow), and diffusion.
Therefore, current density J is given by:[11]
ࡶ = ߤࡱ ࡱߩ + ࢁߩ − ‫ߩ∇ܦ‬ (3)
In this simulation ion diffusion is not considered since the velocity of ion diffusion is much smaller than
diffusion caused by the electric field and air flow, consequently ion mobility is considered constant.

2.2 Wind flow governing equations

Air flow inside the channel can be considered as incompressible viscous flow due to velocity of inlet air
flow which is less than 1m⁄s . Navier-Stokes equation is applied in order to describe the continuity and
momentum conservation. It should be noted that in order to simulate electric corona, the Coulomb force
(ρE) is added to momentum equations source term.
ρ୥ୟୱ ሺU. ∇ሻU = ∇. ൣ-pI + μሺ∇U + ሺ∇Uሻ୘ ሻ൧ + F (4)
ߩ௚௔௦ ∇. ሺࢁሻ = 0 (5)

2.3 Particle trajectory governing equations

Two main forces induced on each particle, included:
A) Electrostatic force: It is proportional to the electric field and is calculated by the following
ࡲࡱ = ‫ݍ‬௠௔௫ ࡱ (6)
Here, qmax is the maximum number of charges per particle.
B) Drag force: Particle trajectory also affected by drag force which is modeled by Khan and
Richardson force:
ࡲௗ = ߨܽଶ ߩ௚௔௦ ൫ࢁ − ࢁ௣ ൯[1.84൫ܴ݁௣ ൯ + 0293ሺܴ݁௣ ሻି଴.଴଺ ]ଷ.ସହ (7)
ଶ௔ఘ೒ೌೞ ൫ࢁିࢁ೛ ൯
ܴ݁௣ = ஜ
Where Rep is the particle Reynolds number, U is the velocity field of the gas and Up is the
particle velocity, a is the particle radius, ρgas is the air density[12].
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3 Simulation Methodology
Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the systems. These geometries consist of two wires-electrodes located in
two different states beside grounded oval cylinder. Two parallel grounded electrodes are employed to
study the trajectory and deposition of particles along the channel. The induced voltage on each wire-
electrode is 25kV with a charge density of 1 µC/m^3 on the corona electrode surface. The inlet air flow
is fully developed and the inlet velocity is 0.017m/s. 40 mono-dispersed particles, with interval distance
0.01m entered the channel.The radius of each particle is 25µm. The initial particle velocity is equal to the
inlet air flow velocity. In this article it is assumed that the particles are deposited after collision to
grounded electrodes.
The dimensions of the domain are: B = 0.06 m
C = 0.120 m
R = 0.098 m
Wire diameter 0.001 m
ϴ = 24°

Figure 1: The geometry of the systems: (a) geometry 1, (b) geometry 2

4 Simulation Results
4.1 The air flow
Electric corona wind created by the electrodes has a significant impact on primary flows. Fig. 2 is a
comparison between the flow field in the presence or absence of the EHD secondary flow. In this
investigation flow field has been changed by changing the position of the wire-electrodes beside constant
electric current and voltage. As observed, in the presence of EHD secondary flow, velocity streamlines
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have been deformed.The EHD flow creates pairs of vortices in the downstream region of wires. In
geometry 1 vortices are symmetrical.

Figure 2: The flow field in the presence or absence of the EHD secondary flow

4.2 Particle transport and collection

Fig.3 is an example of the simulated trajectory of particles. The impact of EHD flow on deviation and
precipitation of particle has been represented. As shown in the Fig.3, it can be concluded that corona wind
increases the particles deviation. Particles deviation continues as they moved farther away from the
corona electrodes. It is clear that deviation in geometry 2 is more than the others. To understand the effect
of EHD on deposition of particles , the study of pressure on the oval cylinder and the grounded plates has
been presented.
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Figure 3 Particle trajectories in EHD and non-EHD actuation

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The three curves that are represented in Fig.4 show the pressure changes in the upper and lower half of
oval cylinder. Since the oval cylinder is grounded, it has the potential of particle deposition. In the region
that pressure on the wall is greater, deposition occurs much. Figure 4 represent that pressure in EHD cases
is much more than non-EHD case. By comparing EHD cases it can be observed that geometry 2 treated
more pressure on the wall than geometry 1 and the maximum relative pressure of geometry 2 is 4
however relative pressures in geometry 1 is in the range of 5-7. This indicates that chance of precipitation
in oval cylinder will be increased by EHD secondary flow.Among EHD cases, geometry 2 is more
appropriate for particle deviation.
Fig.5 shows the pressure integrations in different boundaries of ESP that is represented rate of deposition
in the wall. For non-EHD case it can be seen that parts of the grounded electrode experienced low or
negative relative pressure due to the highest acceleration of gas molecules, thus the chance of
precipitation is less in these surfaces. The EHD case 2 presented the best performance in deviating the
particles so deposition of the particles on grounded surfaces is greater.

Figure 4 The pressure changes in the upper and lower half of oval cylinder
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2,00E-04 EHD-Geo. 1
1,50E-04 EHD-Geo. 2

1,00E-04 Non-EHD

Channel Top of the Bottom of Channel
upper plate oval cylinder the oval bottom plate

Figure 5 Deposition rate (pressure integration) on different surfaces of ESP

5 Conclusions
To determine the effect of EHD secondary flow on particle trajectory and precipitation, the system
consists of a grounded oval cylinder that is between the two parallel collecting grounded plates is
simulated. Particle precipitation in the presence or absence of the EHD secondary flow is analyzed and
compare with each other. The results show, not only EHD flow, but also the electrode location influenced
the particle trajectory and its precipitation. Since EHD secondary flow creates vortices in primary flow
particles will be diverted to the ground plate.

D diffusivity coefficient of ions
E electric field intensity
ࡲࡱ electrostatic force
J electric current
T operating temperature
U velocity vector of airflow
V electric potential
t time
ߩ space charge density
ߝ଴ air dielectric constant
ߤ dynamic viscosity
ߤࡱ the air ions mobility in an electric field

Special thanks to my dear friend Ebrahim Narimani for his help in editing this paper.
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