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“I am not sure this service suits me”

In case the customer wants to save money: Yes, I thank you. I fully understand
your concerns. When you want to save money, then interest rates are certainly a
very important factor that needs careful consideration. But you feel assured,
many customers who use the services of my company, feel very satisfied. I am
sure you will find that the money you have sent is completely worth the benefits
it brings. ”

2. “ I will talk about it with my husband/wife”

Are you wondering about a service or for some other reason?Are you wondering
about a service or for some other reason? Please give us your opinion, I will
advise you to feel best and comfortable using our service. They have great deals
for customers who open savings accounts today, so would you like to open it

3. Give me a leaflef

Here, (give the flyer) can you tell me why you need it? If you have time, I would
be happy to advise you mount and do not spend much time. I help you
understand our services, our benefits and promotions to customers are the best
and suitable for your conditions.

4. I have a betters offer from your companititos

In case customers want to borrow money to do business:

Agree, your ideas are not wrong because that is the desire of most customers, but
let me help you with a little calculation. With this product, you only need to spend
less than 10 million but the use time is up to 5 years. It means that in 5 years,
every year you only need to spend nearly 2 million, every day just spend 6,000.
6000 dong, only half the price of a bowl of pho, you can use this wonderful
product. Do you feel right?Rest assured, we have higher interest rates than them
Những câu hỏi khi gặp clients:

Can you give me your personal information? Are you married? Do you have
children? What is your average monthly spending? How much is your income?
can I help you? What are your needs?What do you want to trade? What interests
you with our service?

- Customers want to open a savings account: Which account do you want to

open? How much money do you want to deposit? How long do you want to
use it? Have you ever deposited savings with me? Would you like to try
more of our new savings products? Would you like to open an account in
Vietnam? VND or USD, ... Do you want to use internet banking? Do you
want to open? Do prepaid and postpaid credit cards?
- Customers want to borrow: do you have mortage loan? How long do you
want to borrow money?Do you have a bad debt? Have you borrowed
money from any bank before? Do you have any questions? Would you like
to see some more of our new offers?

Welcome: Good morning Mr and Mrs. Welcome to our bank, it’s nice to meet
you. Please sit (stand up, greet and smile) My name is Louisa. I work in the
customer service depart ment. Please give me your personal information and
what do you need? Today, we have deals for customers trading on the same day
and rest assured, you do not have to worry about any loss or inconvenience.Can i
help you? Please tell me my honest thoughts. I am very pleased to answer any
questions you may have. Now, shall we start? Do you want to use anything else in
the country?

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