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Naming Conventions:

To name Apps:
1. App names should be in lowercase.
2. It shouldn’t contain any special characters.

To name Files (Views, Models & Serializers) :

1. Filenames should be in lowercase.
2. It shouldn’t contain any special characters except “_” ex:”” .
3. Should not contain any prefix or suffix of app name or folder name,type of
file(serializer or model or view).

To name Classes:
1. Class names should be in camelcase starts with capital.
2. It shouldn’t contain any special characters.
3. It should contain prefix as app name and suffix as type of file(serializer or view or

To name Dependent View Classes:

1. Prefixes can be customized according to model names.

To name Listview Classes:

1. Prefixes can be customized according to module names.

To name Methods:
1. Method names should be in lowercase.
2. It shouldn’t contain any special characters except underscore ( _ ).
3. Words should be separated with underscore( _ ).

To name Variables:
1. Variable names should be in lowercase.
2. It shouldn’t contain any special characters except underscore ( _ ).
3. Words should be separated with underscore( _ ).

To name URLs :
1. Url name should be in lowercase.
2. It should categorise module wise using slash ( / ).
3. Words should be separated by ( - ) .


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