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Name:_____________________ Date:_______

Unit Test: Yamim Noraim and Succos

Test Instructions: First- take a deep breath! This test is for both you and I to know how
well you understood what we have been learning in class. Now, please be sure to read
all the instructions carefully! You have the entire 45 minute period to work on the test.
Pace yourself.
Hatzlacha Rabah!

I. Complete the following: Oh no! My calendar just arrived in the mail and I do not know
when the holidays are! Please complete the calendar by indicating when we celebrate
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Succos. Please also indicate when the Aseres
Yimei Teshuva occur. (8 points- 2 points per holiday)

**PLEASE NOTE: Do not get confused between the Hebrew and secular dates! Below (on the
next page) is your typical secular calendar, and the Hebrew dates are indicated!!
‫!‪II. Let’s make a match‬‬
‫‪Please match the Yehi Ratzon bracha to its proper siman. note- there is an extra siman‬‬
‫)‪here! (15 points- 3 points per correct match‬‬

‫תַמּו ּשׂוֹנְאֵינו ּ‬
‫אלֹקינו ּו ֵאלֵֹקי אֲבוֹתֵינוּ‪ ,‬שֶׁי ִ ּ ּ‬
‫יְהִי ר ָצוֹן מִל ְ ּפָנ ֶיך ָ ה' ֱ‬

‫שוֹנְאֵינו ּ‬
‫אלֹקינו ּו ֵאלֵֹקי אֲבוֹתֵינו ּשֶׁי ִ ּכ ָ ּר ְתו ּ ׂ‬
‫יְהִי ר ָצוֹן מִל ְ ּפָנ ֶיך ָ ה' ֱ‬

‫קּר ְאו ּ לְפָנ ֶיך ָ זָכ ִיוֹ ּתֵינו ּ‬

‫קר ַע רוֹעַ ג ְּז ַר ד ִּינ ֵנוּ‪ ,‬וְִי ָ‬ ‫אלֹקינו ּו ֵאלֵֹקי אֲבוֹתֵינו ּשֶׁ ּ‬
‫תִ ְ‬ ‫יְהִי ר ָצוֹן מִל ְ ּפָנ ֶיך ָ ה' ֱ‬

‫אלֹקינו ּו ֵאלֵֹקי אֲבוֹתֵינו ּשנרבה זכויות כרימון‬

‫יְהִי ר ָצוֹן מִל ְ ּפָנ ֶיך ָ ה' ֱ‬

‫אלֹקינו ּו ֵאלֵֹקי אֲבוֹתֵינו ּהנהיה לראש ולא לזנב‬
‫יְהִי ר ָצוֹן מִל ְ ּפָנ ֶיך ָ ה' ֱ‬



!?‫אסור או מותר‬
III. Please indicate if the following are ‫ אסור או מותר‬on the chaggim. (18 points- 3 points each)
1. Turing on the stove on Yom Tov _____________
2. Baking brownies (the oven is already on) ___________
3. Brushing teeth on Yom Kippur ___________
4. Two brothers getting aliyot to the Torah consecutively __________
5. Prepare for a meal for 2nd day of Yom Tov on the first day _________
6. Use an Etrog that lost its Pitom _____________

IV. Fill in the blank: Below I have 4 different lines from Tefillah. A word is missing from
each! Please help complete the line by writing in the missing word. Then translate each line
on the blue line below! (12 points- 3 points each)
:‫זכרנו לחיים מלך חפץ בחיים וכתבנו ______ החיים‬ .1

:________ ‫בראש השנה יכתבון וביום צום כיפור‬ .2

:‫אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים ________ אותנו ורצית בנו ורוממתנו מכל הלשונות‬ .3
:‫אחת שאלתי מאת ה אותה אבקש שבתי ______ ה כל ימי חיי‬ .4

V. Short Answers: Please answer these questions in about 2-3 sentences. If you feel you
have more to say try to write down what you feel is most important. These are NOT
intended to be paragraphs. (20 points- 4 points each)
1. What is one reason why we perform Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah?
2. We learned that the ‫ ארבעה מינים‬can represent different parts of the body. Please write the
‫ ארבעה מינים‬and its corresponding “body part”.
3. Please give at least 2 reasons why Yom Kippur is different than other fasts.
4. Which tefillah or line from tefillah (can be from Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, or Succos) do you
personally find most impactful/meaningful and why?
5. What does it mean to do Teshuva (according to the Rambam)?
VI. Essay Question: Please answer to the best of your ability and answer the question
COMPLETELY. (27 points- please see below for further point breakdown)

You are sitting on an EL AL flight on the way to Israel for Succos. The passenger sitting next to you is
Jewish but not so affiliated with Judaism. You begin to chat about why you are on the way to Israel. You
tell him that you are going for the holiday of Succos! He then asks you the following- “Why do you folks sit
in those huts for 7 (or eight) days?! What is going on?! It seems a bit strange!”. You now must answer him.
Please explain to the passenger as clearly as possible why we sit in a sukkah, you must provide one source
we learned for each as a proof! (hint- there are 2 main reasons we learned in class, but feel free to add in
anything else!)

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