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What is it?
In your home learning kit, there are 45 different Math
and Language Arts activities and games. Throughout the
summer, you will complete the different activities. Please
only do one activity each day!

What is it for?
You’re home learning kit is for you to practice some
Language Arts and Math skills, as well as prepare for the
5th grade before you go back to school in the fall.

Don’t forget the prizes!

In the drawstring bag in your kit, there are different
prizes for you as you complete your activities. At the end
of each week, you may choose a prize (unless your task
card gives you one), to reward yourself for working so
hard that week!

Have Fun!
The purpose of this kit is to have fun and practice
your skills outside of the classroom! Enjoy the activities
and treats! Have a WONDER-ful summer!

-Miss Cantley

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