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Technologist in International Negotiation

EVIDENCIA 1: Summary “Approach to Diagnostics of Marketing complex of

Industrial Enterprise”


Geraldine Gonzalez Tijo

Margarita María Valencia Osorio
Rubén Darío Gil Correa
Francisco José Gómez Echeverri

Virtual Technologist

International negotiation

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Technologist in International Negotiation


In her article Tatiana maksimova and Elena Shapran Volodymyr Dal East of
Ukrainian National University speak to us about the necessity of assignation of tasks
to activity of diagnostic of enterprises marketing with the purpose or exposition of
problems and one perspective of their decision. One small team of national scientific
who work with dedication to give answer to this problem. This question is confirming
in the current status of economy activity that depending of work plan,
recommendations and process; to the improvement of this status or warning of
unfortunate events specially this concern of complex marketing enterprises and this
team search the change of the consistence objective of “sentinel of measuring”
stablishing one change in the basic facts the development of the recommendation in
the relationship of this status.
Technologist in International Negotiation

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