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W. D. Gann emer aston 50 BxoaD Srnexr are asarwess mavens Naw YoRK April Ist, 1928, Yrs John We Spohn, P.O, Box 95-98 Derr itr. Spohnz Your fevor of Verch 28th recaivad and I note thet you have srenréd q lst of mimes for which you expect to clair sce buse Anees for my Sorvioe. Iwill te rled to furnish vou any literature thet you need,or if you want to sond the list of nemes in I will circularize then and pay you commission Just the sane on anything you rot. Thore ere thousands of necrle petronizine fekers end elairvoyants who know nothinr ebout the mirket, and nayine out their money for edvico which causes thon to lose their money in the merket « Yany of these people would subscribe for @ cood merket edvice if they know about ite Ihave reed Professor Koore's boot: end the trouble with him was that he feiled to rot the right time factor and of couraé Aid not know tho cause behind market movenonts You will find Schuster and Fourier theories helpful im analyzing the market « Yours vory, truly, A LOL w00/Pe Ww. oD. GANN ce WALL STREET secu ‘avo Suamicn BtvonY NEw FORK Americas’ fecwoMie ABEN Jury 9, 1927 brs Js He Spohn, Post O:ftoe Box Ko, 95, Dear Ye. Spohn: You, ae an intelligent man, know that the way to succeed as ® speoulator or investor 1s to have @ successful plan and follow ity Livermore has certain fixed rules whioh he follows in his trading. He watches for certain eipna, then makoa his trades. You wil maw the greatest succe WHEW you KNOW the soienticio rules for rere - and commodities, beoause you can trade with gr fidenoe. You are eligible to enter ny Summer Class of Sock and Commodity Soientific Forecast ing which opens August 2nd. My lates? discovery = the Bas! Faotor - will pe taught you, Iwill instruet you in the seasonal trend of man which will enable you ro EN the tinea and seasons when you can eucosed best. This ie of great value, The prive of the Forecasting Method will be reduced Deca 3 easy to tench 12 at the sane tine as one. wWi1l be simited to 12 stu- dente. For those unable to come to New York for personal lessons, I have prepared a Speoial Course of Inatruations "a, plese £111 our yea Dlank and you will receive full Ir you are interes and return the ened: dete Youre very trusy, cu Bro sonur W. D. GANN 78 WALL STREET, NEW YORK Sept 6th 1927, Mr, John H. Spohn, P.O, Box 95, Dear sir: Larce surety. Your letter of September 2nd received with check for $10,00. Iam enclosing a copy of the horoscope of the Chicago Bosra of Trade for tte second incorporation of Feb- ruary 18th, 1859. I think that if you will use the opening time, 9:50 A.M., Chicago Time for the Ascendant, you will find it works out all right and also calculate’ the progress pos- ition according to this. Ian enclosing a copy of my Supplements on Cotton and Grain for the Month of September, however I don't seo how this can be of much value to you'as you do not have the Forecast and are not receiving the Tri-weekly Letters or Weekly Letters of any changes. I presume you simply want to watch it and that 1s why you have ordered it, Yours very truly, PIM Wos-2 enol W.D.GANN December 30, 1952 Dr. John De Jonge 30'Wast Eth Sep Molland, Michigan ® Dear Dr. De Jonge. ‘oF OF Bégeuiver 28rd“recetre thor with Soy Bean Charts which I ax returning heFewfth. Youvare quite-right im-your interpretation Soy Boans are gotting ready for s big decline and Ly believe they will decline eventually to $@ por bushel or lower. ” 5 Tho Tine Poriod from Deceaber 2th 1982 to December 26th 1952 vas 20 years and this 1s very teportant for a change. ‘The next luportant Tine Period will be February 15th which is 35 years from the bigh of 405 Pob. 15, 1920. Therefore Novamber 15, 1953 will be 408 monbas the square Of tise with price from ext jn the: st 3 a ans have boon in such a Harror range fOr #USE a Long pef lot of tie that thoy should now decline very fast. I am confident that General a Elsonnowor will bring about poace in Korea and also reach an egreenent® with Stalin which will prevent a third Worlé Wor, ‘This will bo very bearish on all cémoditibss em For foracasting 1955 you can use the past cycles on mheat using the years 1853,63,75,85,95,1603,15,23,35,1945. Consider the SO and 60 gens cyelea the ndet’ importants,’ Also’the 7 yoar cycles euch a2 14, 22, You will note that the last oxtreme low was Ped. 27, 1955 and 1953 will be the 21st year and the trend should start down in Bebruary if / Lt has not already stared. dows Por any yeara I have boon working on a Master Mechanica} Tine and Trend CalcUlator whioh wil not onty save ON of the work of Charts Dut give accumacy in detoraining tho trond, time periods, aod resLstance level. I'finishad this Caleukator in Sept, 1962 and have patonted tt aad have the charts made up. You do not bave to put of aay tise pericds Sr put eny anglos on. You ay the Master Oavoulator on over your ebare, Gatiz, woekly, of monthly ang it gives you the trend at a glance together with the wext price or resistaiice level. One an who nas used this chart and made $78,000 in the past fow months paid me $4000 in addition to payzonts for all ay courses. Ho saya im is the greatest {invention since the "wheel", If you wuld ike to havo it I'll nate you's special price on 1. ‘Ang human being daa make a mistake but this laster Caloulator prevents mistakes of any kind. Wiebing you a Happy New Year and gromt success, I am : oys ura) 2 YE “SS vena twos sce W.D.GANN January 12, 1983 Dr. John De Jonge 30 W. 8th Street Holland, uichigan Dear Dr. De Jonge: Your letter of Wanuary 7th received. Soy Beans are certainly acting right and the main trend 1a definitely down. I do not understand why you trade in September beans. They never work as good as the May, July and Novenber options. To make a success in trading you must stick to the tread and change when 1t changes. Bo neither a Bull or a Bear. Follow the rules strictly. Unless thero 1s a very sharp severe decline in Soy Beans tn the month of Fobruary I do not expect thom to make low for any important rally. Thay shold run down until April or days My new calculator helps you to see the trend easily and quickly and tf yon will follow what 1t indicates you will make a greater success When a change ts indicated you must got out of tne market aod take the other side. This now calculator 1s worth a fortame to any man who will follow it because 1t saves useing mistakes and saves time. It is mad on plastic and ts much cloarer than glaas. You simply lay tt over your charts and get the timo periods, resistance levels and angles without Going any work. You know that I’nover try to soll you or ang man something that they do not want but I do feel this will be of imaense value to you. T am charging other people $1,000 in addition to the regualr prices of the courses, If you want it I will make the price to you of $500. You can pay mo $250 cash in advance and pay tho balance at the rate of $50 per month. With kindest regards to you and the boys, T am, Sincerely yours, Noga

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