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English III

Homework #1

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: English III Código: INE 206
Unidades valorativas: 4 Duración del Modulo:

I. Specific Objectives:
- Use possessive adjectives to show ownership.
- Understand the proper use of apostrophes with contractions and
- To use the simple present in sentences.
- Recognize the different occupations and professions.
- To use the simple present to make questions.
- Recognize connectors and use them to make compound subjects and

II. Goals to achieve:

-Talk about your own or other people’s possessions.
-Asking for and giving personal information.
-To talk about their job.
-To make and answer questions.

III. Development

Exercise 1 Describe your job activities. What´s your occupation? What

kind of work do you have? What kind of activities you do everyday?
What do you like the most and what do you hate about it? Use the
vocabulary you learned in the lessons.
English III

I work as a salesman, my job it is basically visit clients show see how can I help
them with our products and take the orders of them, but to do this I need to
travel throughout the country because my clients are far away from each other.

What I like the most and hate the most it is to travel, because you can watch a
lot of places and meet a lot of people, but sometimes it is exhausting because
all the meetings and that means that I don’t really have a routine and I need to
wake up very early sometimes and not get to sleep very well because I
oversleep last night, so it is kind of tired.
English III

Exercise 2 Write ten questions about a job interview in your actual job
position. Write the answers to those questions. Try to use the tenses
of verbs you learned in lessons.

Example: Im a teacher at Uth. The questions in a job interview for my

position could be. 1. Where did you work before? I worked at 3
different schools.

2. What do you like about your job? I like the interaction with people.

1. Where did you work before? This is my first work.

2. How did you hear about us? Someone refer me.
3. How much do you want to earn? At least the minimum salary.
4. How do you see yourself in five years from now? I see growing up along the company.
(And it was true)
5. What do you know about us? I heard that you are beginning in the industry and need
people that are committed to the company
6. Tell something about yourself. I’m a hard worker and person willing to learn and give
everything to help the company
7. Why do you want the job? First of all, I need to job to help my family and second I want to
start my career with you.
8. What is your biggest flaw? I believe that could be that I’m impatient sometimes, but
generally I manage it with breathing exercises.
9. Do you have relatives working with us? No, as far as I know
10. When can you start? Whenever you want.

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