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leadership is the map that shows people the right road. leadership plays a
pivotal role in making change around the world, where the leaders can motivate
and inspire members to achieve goals, they tell the followers to do the right
things in order to make positive change, and they have the power to translate the
vision into reality. In addition, there are several leaders around the world with
different leadership styles, but all of them can inspire their followers in some
way. As a famous example that demonstrates the power of a leader that inspires
his members, our leader Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, he is one of the leaders
that always can motivate and inspire the people to achieve UAE vision, he is
always making the right decisions, and work to make a positive change in our
country. During this course, I realized that leaders can have some benefits and
disadvantages in their leadership style, and I found the leader it's not necessary
to be a leader for the country, it could be a principal, teacher, and individual.

This E-portfolio present what I've done, it includes different sections. The first
section presents the class discussion and BBL tasks that I've done.

The second section presents the Mini presentation about leadership styles, the
meaning of each style and the benefits and disadvantages of it.

The third section presents a presentation about the role model that I'm interested
in, which is Nelson Mandela, one of the famous leaders around the world.

The fourth section presents assessment one, the first part it’s include the
interview with school principle, and the second part include presentation about
the school structure and the leader style.

In other sections they are some reading articles, poster, videos, and photos .

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