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Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, model, and

singer. Famous for playing comic "blonde bombshell" characters,
she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s
and was emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality.
Although she was a top-billed actress for only a decade, her films
grossed $200 million by the time of her unexpected death in
1962. More than half a century later, she continues to be a
major popular culture icon.

The reason why I have chosen to write about Marilyn

Monroe is that I admire her for the fact that she managed to have
a brilliant career, despite the hard childhood she had to face when
she was younger. She was introduced to a photographer from the First Motion Picture Unit, while
working in a radioplane factory in 1944 as part of the war effort, and began a successful pin-up
modeling career.

I decided to write about her also because she is the most beautiful women of the fifties and I
think that she is the definition of the feminism.

For all the reasons state above I do consider Marilyn to be a role model for all women
because of Monroe’s seductive eyes, half-open lips and famous “quotes” clutter Twitter, Pinterest
and even people’s bodies. In today’s world of stick-thin models, Monroe is hailed as a “real”
woman with real curves.

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